...Teary-eyed, I sat alone in the white coated room. I struggled to breathe, my throat swollen shut from all of the screams I produced. No one could hear me, no one could help me. I wanted this to stop, I just wanted to be freed again. As I stepped out of the car, the harsh fall wind struck me abruptly. As I looked up at the pale blue house, its paint floating away like the fall leaves, I somehow felt comforted.I walked back to my car and began grabbing boxes. A cold hand grabbed my shoulder causing me to jump back. “Woah, calm down. I just wanted to see if you needed any help.” I looked back to see an older man looking down on me. He couldn‘t be older than 25, built to be an athlete. About 6’4, and had the palest blonde hair I’ve ever seen. He wore an old band shirt, but it was so worn out I could barely understand what it said. “Oh, thank you.” I couldn't stop staring into his eyes, they almost looked clear they were so blue. The way he positioned himself, very proper. “So you must be the new roommate, come along. It’s just you and me living here now, Chris moved out a few days ago. You can have his old room, upstairs to the left.” He barely looked at me, though while I was walking into the house. I could feel his eyes shooting darts at me. The house was very bright, everything had a blue tint to it. There were many plants sitting in the windows, basking in the warm autumn sun. “You like it, huh?” He chuckled, leading me to my room. My stomach dropped when I walked into the...
Words: 2219 - Pages: 9
... 3-2-1 The loud buzzer sounded,all of us were in shock both teams too!Us the “Underdogs” of Burdick Blue had won,we couldn’t believe it as we hold the big bright yellow trophy and hand it to our coach Mr. Akin as he hands us all small yellow trophies individually and shakes our sweaty hands giving us compliments on our performance on that saturday afternoon.Then our other coach Mr. B asks us to come over to our bench to sign and write compliments on the poster for Mr. Akin as he greets Ms.Wilde (Burdick Blue coach) on a good game with a handshake. Okay let's back up a little from the game.After a exhausting last period math class and a exhausting day overall,It's time for tryouts as I see all kinds of players from 5th-6th grade.As I think to myself there’s gotta be at least 50 people that are trying out,and little 6th grader me thinking to myself will I make it?So we went through about 4-5 basketball exercises,before we even got to the games.The games weren't the toughest for me but I wasn’t having the best game,yet I did have good teammates that knew how to play,were my friends,and at the most part wouldn’t hog the ball. So it was a tuesday morning when on the announcements they said that the 5th-6th grade boys basketball team roster was up 15 people made it and there was at least 50+ people,so inside I had the feeling where I was nervous in the inside,but exciting at the same time too!So what better way to start a gym class then to look if I made it.I got down...
Words: 608 - Pages: 3
...The clock flashed 1:00 am. The moonlight twinkled into the hospital window. My eyes had fought to stay open, I wanted to wait though. I wanted to keep wishing it was going to be alright, for everything to just go back to the way it was. I stroked Penny’s hair and said a prayer. That was it. To keep hope and faith were the only things I could do. Except maybe I could’ve noticed the signs earlier. When we had arrived at the hospital they said that we brought him in right on time. That we got here right...on...time. But was it? How’d they know we couldn’t have come sooner? Penny noticed the look on my face, I had felt guilty. Since I was the first one awake, maybe I did something wrong. Penny had said to me that no matter what happens it wasn’t my fault. She had tried to reassure me, and say how we will get through this. It’s gonna suck but we could do it. I had a hard time managing to look at her but in doing so, I did feel a little better. After all the efforts to stay awake, Penny and I dozed off. I tried to force myself to dream off something else, but I failed. I only dreamt of my dad, and the slow motion moments right before we arrived at the hospital. “Help me! Help me!” My dad was screaming. “I can’t see!” His breath was quicker. I saw the fear in his eyes. He didn’t know what was happening to himself. I didn’t know what was happening. I reach towards the phone to call 911. I wake up my mom and Penny. With tears streaming down my face, I explain to them what was happening...
Words: 1821 - Pages: 8
...I zigzagged through the slums of Detroit, my pursuer on my heels. He was trained in tracking and catching his prize(victims), and he was fast, but I was faster. Years of running and training myself had made me experienced in quick escapes. Clutching the files closer to my side, I made a sharp right, heading towards an abandoned warehouse. I sped through the door, using the wall and my momentum to leap to the ceiling, clinging to the rafters. The pursuer burst into the warehouse, trying to spot me. My black ski mask covered my head, and I blended into the shadows. If the man looked up, all he would spot was the dusty ceiling. "Hmmmggh..." The man grunted, and turned around, running out the door to try and catch up to his other men. I dropped down from the ceiling, slowly making my way back outside. The city was hazy, and a cold breeze swept through. I walked down the street, the smell of garbage filling my nose. Turning onto 78th street, I was met with a black bag being shoved over my head. I went to kick the one who smothered me, but was quickly thrown onto the ground. " stop it!" A voice hissed in my ear. Not a chance was I about to let this guy kidnap me, I thought. Struggling to free myself, I was met with a sharp pain on my head. Stars floated into my vision, and suddenly, unconsciousness overcame me. I pried my eyes open, and a searing pain spiked through my head. When the pain subsided to a dull throbbing, I opened my eyes, taking in my...
Words: 594 - Pages: 3
... It all got shattered that day. It was hot with a cold breeze about 3:00 I had just gotten off of work. You know I had just got paid. So I had to go shopping I told my mom To go to Walmart and she said ok. So we got to Walmart it was so busy there was like huge mobs going everywhere everybody screaming and yelling it was too much. But I kept right along going I went to the electronic section just as I do and found a nice tripod for my new camera. as I was walking to go to the register it seemed to be that all the lines were too long. But there was one that only had 2 people so obviously i went into that line. So I had finally made it up to the register person and she was not very nice. She just threw the tripod in a bag and I grabbed it. As I was walking out the person standing at the door asked to check for my receipt and I showed him it. My mom had been waiting outside so we walked to go to the car. She asked me to grab some stuff as if it was too heavy for her to carry. Then my phone started to ring in my Pocket as I reached over to my Pocket to grab it I pulled it out halfway. Then BAM! Faced down on the screen on the concrete road was my phone. I picked it up it had been shattered. Just like The way my day was going. Then we were leaving to go home when my mom asked me what I had bought. and I replied, a tripod and she said, “How much did that cost you and I said”, “$20” and she said, “well did you waste all your money” and I said, “no” and she said, “well show me the...
Words: 512 - Pages: 3
...It was a chilling 55° in southern California along Interstate 10, and the wind only made it feel colder. Elon, a strange man, was driving his Tesla Roadster 4 down the highway towards the big city. To his right sat a young engineer; she had been an intern just a week ago yet today she sat with the man himself. “Mr. Musk, I’ve checked everything four times already, are you sure you want me to check it again?” “Yes, if even one thing goes wrong this entire thing will be ruined, just check it one more time, then I’ll be done.” “I can’t believe it’s been sixteen years since you introduced this idea, and we already have the capacity to go at hundreds of miles per hour.” “Actually, I had come up with the idea long before then, but whatever you can find on the internet will work.” They had arrived at the SpaceX facility in Los Angeles, where Elon dropped the engineer off to run yet another set of diagnostics. Wanting to calm his nerves, he set out for another drive, this time along the lonely California Route 1. Despite the miles of sand and ocean to his left, dark green mountains to his right, and the empty road ahead of him, he felt anything but lonely as “Life on Mars” blasted out of the Roadster’s speakers. The entire world was watching him tonight, more than they ever had before. More than his divorces, more than when he made that terrible April fool’s joke ten years ago in 2018, even more than when he himself had actually put life on Mars a few years ago. None of that mattered...
Words: 1556 - Pages: 7
...fucked up, but most of these artist haven't experience half of the things this world can dig out. Travis came back handing me a tea and a donut and took a seat. We look at each other munching and drinking our food. "How has my father go you under his wing," I sigh and and he does too. "He has my mom and little brother, I have to work for him until I am 50 before he lets them go," and I touch his hand. "I have to keep working for him until I pay off everything he spent while raising me," and he smiles. I didn't know what was wrong me but I did it. "Say If I wanted to kill him, would you support me?" and took a quick sip of tea to hid my shock that I did that. "Say if you did, I would get my family back?" and I nodded and gave me a short smile. Then the door open with Ana and Levi. Ana was wrapped on Levi's arm and she was all giddy. Levi like I did had a stunned look on his face, but he didn't seem to notice me. I couldn't stop staring at him, watching him move on and I was stuck. Travis slid back making me return to reality, he had a sarcastic look on his face. "Yeah you can totally take down your dad, cause you are completely focused enough to do so. Don't waste my hopes like that". I got a spark of anger from his doubt and Levi's speed to rebound, I straddled his lap making him gasp a bit. "Listen" I whisper in his ear " I am more than capable to do this with or without . I just thought you would want to join me, get your revenge. Mind you let not forget what I can...
Words: 1713 - Pages: 7
...There has to be another way out. How do I get through this night? It's so frustrating. I fish my cell phone out of my pocket and look through the contact list. Who could help me at this time? Someone. Please someone. My wife would be asleep; she would get so worried if I tell her. If only there was a car service nearby. I scan the area to find anything. Any sign of the human habitat. Breathing and walking in the dark cold night. My footsteps fall silent as I gaze at the night sky. It freckles with luminous stars. The low rumble with a faint whistle of distant winds. It's so cold. My eyes focus on a board high above me. The light flickers over it. I can't understand what's written on it. As I walk further, I can view it much clearly. Ten-story building. The flickering board reads Hotel Canniber. A hotel?! Oh my God, how much happier can I be? I can stay here for the night and deal with my car in the morning. I hope the hotel staff is awake. It could be so dark and silent at this time of the night. The main door to the hotel looks rustic and old. I pull open the door and enter a new environment. My nostrils detect a strange scent. The view in front of me: two women and a man in the lobby. On the right a modest woman in a blue dress sits on the couch, reading a book. A hat covers her blond hair. On the right is an older woman wearing a red dress, a coat and a hat. A man stands next to her, facing forward; he's wearing a suit and an overcoat is draped over his right arm. A clerk...
Words: 2088 - Pages: 9
...I had stepped up to the line. My stomach was rumbling with fear louder than when rocks roll off a cliff. I looked over at the hundreds of dedicated and successful people who chose to do this sport. Then I think, “How could I be this good?” Then the fear hit me like a garbage truck. At that minute I hear a dude on a microphone. He is talking about the same old boring rules that we hear every race. I zone out and then I hear the gunfire and I’m off. The sprinting was the hardest for me. Going against the wind was like trying to run underwater. Then it started to sprinkle. I had been lucky to get in the middle of the pack because they blocked off the cold and stinging rain. We had gotten to our usual pace now. Which that wasn’t as slow as you may think. I saw it out of the corner of my eye. We had reached one of the many many hills. I had certainly killed that hill but it had gotten harder to stay with the pack. They had even started to speed up. I look down and make sure my stride is long and consistent. I look up and they start to move. I am using everything I have left to go with them. It’s like driving a car with no fuel. I felt so empty but I knew I needed to. It was the end for me. All I could think about was quitting. That is all is wanted to do. I said to myself, “I can’t do it, there is no way I can finish this.” That was the worst mistake of my life. I felt my stride get shorter and I just fell behind. Everybody was screaming, “Go, Go!” Then I hear a voice. The voice...
Words: 605 - Pages: 3
...event results were average, doing well in some and not as well in others. Finally came the 800 meter run, the race that made me feel like five cups of espresso was inside of me. I warmed up as I talked to my competitors like we were friends. We were all girls who want the same thing. We were then called over to the starting line. My body shook from the adrenaline sprinting through my veins. “Runners on your mark.” The starter commanded. Then an eternity long pause; would this race ever begin, or better, be over? Bang! The starting gun rang out through the stadium. My mind was jerked back to the race as my body began to move and the race began. My body was already exhausted from being so anxious beforehand. However, the pain would be short only as long as this race would take plus five minutes. One lap went by quick and my body was already exhausted. Halfway through the next lap, the last lap, I increased my speed to a sprint. I found myself sprinting at top speed in a group of about five girls. I looked over my right to see the girl next to me, then back at the finish line, which was less than fifty meters...
Words: 1050 - Pages: 5
...Personal Narrative I think we were all nervous. So nervous, we were pacing around. Back and forth, back and forth. Walking around the cement edges of the landscaping, Sidney and I didnt know what to do. We were scared just like everyone else. We didn’t know what to do or what to think. We were all just impatiently waiting in the outside courtyard, eyes glued to the door inside the window. We were waiting for the door to open. Everyone in the family was scared how much it would change things and if she would even be able to support her own decisions. Finally, the door opened. A nurse walked out with a blob. We were to far away to see, but it was a wet bloody, squirmy little blob. The nurse set the blob in the scale as it continued to squirm. We were to far away to tell how it went. The nurse picked the wigilling blob back up and walked back in the room. We were plastered to the window, fogging up the glass with our breath, so eager to see as much as we could. Realizing we would have to wait, we walked back inside and sat anxiously on the couch. The dad came out into the waiting room with the biggest smile and tears running down his face. Happy to hear all went well, my younger sister and I were officially aunts. Chelsea is my...
Words: 1424 - Pages: 6
...It loomed in the distance, illuminated in a way that was warm and inviting in the cold of winter. As the car came to a stop before the front door, a heavily garbed man stepped forth, opening the door for Catherine. Though she tried to thank the man in the howling wind, his response, even mumbled, died away on the wind as he led her up the small set of steps to the front door, and the warmth that awaited her... The vestibule was warm, it's floors marbled. A man in a plain white livery offered to take her coat, that she declined, as she proceeded into the great hall. Hans Berger, Attorney A man waited for her at a small table, standing proud in his short stature with a kindly smile upon his face. “Ah.” He said in a polite, cheerful way. “Our first guest has arrived. Your name, Miss?” “Catherine.” She said. “Catherine Grant.” “Ah, yes.” The man said, nodding his head. “Miss Grant. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I am Mr. Hans Berger, Mr. Schmidt's attorney.” His hand was offered. “Did you have a pleasant journey?” Catherine looked to the hand for a moment before giving it a polite shake. “It's been interesting to say the...
Words: 767 - Pages: 4
...I could read the sign in the distance, Louisburg and Ottawa Next Exit. I thought to myself “Just a little bit and we’ll be there in no time”, knowing I was already a third of the way there. Still my emotions ran high as sweat began to gather on my hands as I gripped the steering wheel while my other hand stood ready to shift into a lower gear. My eyes darted up and down, frantically checking to make sure I wasn’t speeding. As I looked down to check my speed again, I could’ve sworn my heart stopped beating as I looked back up to see two navy blue cars sitting on the side of the highway. All I could say at that moment was “Ah Sh*it, that’s Not good, not good at all”. It seemed to be just my luck that of all the places in Miami County the state troopers decided to sit along the highway I was driving on. Now my brain was being bombarded with a million questions of what might happen if I get stopped. “Would I get arrested”? “What would my dad do”? “My Mom”? Would I really lose my license for the rest of my life? My whole life would be ruined if my license was taken away. How would I get around on my own? I quickly dismissed the thought and told myself to stay focused on getting passed the cops without any problems. Time seemed to slow as the truck drew closer to the cop cars so I quickly began to come up with ways to make it less likely for them to pull me over. I was wearing my sunglasses on my hat so I decided to put them on to hide my face from the cops. If they couldn’t see...
Words: 751 - Pages: 4
...Jack didn’t know why the fish just weren’t biting. He had sat by the pond for hours and hours of boredom, and he had his stick used for a pole and his jeans pulled up, waiting patiently for some action. Not a single bite. “What a waste of his day!” he thought to himself. The day was still and it was a warm summer afternoon in the middle of June. He sat by the water where the sun reflected off and made a warm reflection. He was happy and peaceful. Fishing was one of his favorite activities, so today when the sun came out, that was how he ended up sitting here. He suddenly felt a tug at the end of his pole, and after what felt like years of waiting a fish had finally bit! He sat up with excitement and pulled back hard. Beads of sweat started to form upon his small forehead and he was feeling excited and astonished. But, little did he know, what was on the other end of the pole was more than just your average salmon. Underneath the murky, mysterious water was something that Jack would not believe with his young eyes. A giant, ferocious shark was in that little, local town pond. No one knew about the shark, but little Jack was about to find out. He knew whatever was on the other end was something more than he had ever caught before. A feeling of anxious excitement and mystery tingled through his seven year old body. He pulled and pulled, but whatever was on the other end, was putting up a fight. He let out a grunt and pictured himself holding a fifteen pound catfish. Oh, how dad...
Words: 528 - Pages: 3
...that of the author’s experiences, environment, culture or just a pure imagination. 2. State the classification of prose. Prose is a continual narration and written in common sentence trend. It is the most typical form of written language that uses basic and ordinary grammatical structure with natural flow of sentences or speech. There are different classifications of a prose. Myth is a story or narrative about the origin of the universe, beliefs about the gods and goddesses, stories about man and mystical and mysterious beings. Legend is a narrative or tale of human actions that orally resurfaced version of ordinary source of things. An anecdote is a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. Essay is written piece that often come from author’s personal point of view. Biography is a narrative about the life of a person. Fable is a story about talking animals that leaves a good moral to readers. Parable is a narrative about the holy bible that intends to uplift moral and spiritual insights. Drama is a narrative story performed in the stage. Usually a short story focuses on one incident; has a single plot, a single setting, and a...
Words: 548 - Pages: 3