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Personal Narrative: My Sport

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Have have you ever stepped in a room and was frezzen and scared;have you ever seen the eyes of the other people eating your brain out so when they say hi you are speechless for words.while thats excatly how i felt when i was about 9 and i was into sports.i was this shy girl i didnt really talked i started to myself and always under my mother.i was playing this sport called sleact volleyball;you get to travel all over and play your favortive sport against other volleyball teams.Back then i was good at volleyball exapssl at serving which means hitting the ball on the other side.My mom had me involed in mustly everything dance,soccor, ,and etc.she was that type of mom who puts you in everything i think its just because she didnt …show more content…
I went to join them and i set behind because i felt unwanted and i didnt wanted to make them feel like they had to talk to me. You know when you go somewhere with your mom and she bring you to her friends kid birthday party and you just sit behind all under your mom and she go tell u make friends so you have to go and hang with them other kids and act like your having fun but your not ,yeah thats how i felt.the break was over and it was time to get back to work we was just doing something simple since it was the first day of pratice and it was somewhat fun.later ont hat day our mothers started to come in andit was time to go i was looking for my mother and like always she was late so i just sit there and waited and then this lady came up to me and was like hi are you amanda daughter and i was like yes and she was like i work with your mom and she was this is my daughter so i turned and i told her daughter hey and her daughter was like yeah ik her we met lready mom so my mom pulled up and she talked for hours and hours with the girl mother and we was just like we tired and ready to go so they finally stopped talking and the girl said bye see u tommow and i said the same

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