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Personal Narrative: A Space Traveler

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I wake up, my lungs racked for air. The small capsule that holds my shaking body seems to be pressing in on me. Suddenly, I hear the hiss of oxygen entering the small space. I breathe greedily, but this air is sweet. Gas! I start to lose consciousness. Just before the blackness engulfs my vision, the capsule opens.
I wake up again, except this time my cheeks feel the small sting of grass and my nostrils inhale the beautiful, pure oxygen. So, we have finally been deployed, I think. I have been on a space shuttle for twenty years with fourteen other people. Our mission: destroy Mega.
Everyone must still be on the shuttle, I think. I immediately kick in to action. I slip the bomb that was in my pack off my back, pull the safety off, and click

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