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Personal Narrative: Hip Hop Music And Culture

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Hip Hop Music and Culture interested me for a variety of reasons, most of which because I was excited to learn about how I, a white woman, fit in to the hip hop industry and culture. I have always loved hip hop music, and have written several songs for my friends to perform. I’ve always felt guilty about this though, feeling that I was using an art form from a culture that I don’t belong to for my own enjoyment-appropriating it, which is not ok.

Since this is only my first quarter at Fairhaven, I wrote some goals before classes began in September. I have a very clear vision of what I want to do when I graduate college which I have had for several years, however I have found that in some of the classes I took in previous years in high school, and at Running Start, that I would try to angle whatever class I was taking at the time to fit the needs of what I would like to be learning. This kept the cap screwed pretty tight on the bottle of things I could have been learning instead, and as a freshman it’s important for me to remember that there are many roads I could take to get to my someday goal, and that by having tunnel vision I miss a lot of really interesting things. …show more content…
Instead I said I was just very excited to learn more about the history of hip hop and how it evolved into what it is today. A broad statement, but I wanted to keep my options open so that I would have a wider array of things to

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