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Personal Narrative: I Hate Biology

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I hate Biology, as previously stated. There is just something about it that puts me right to sleep faster than sleeping pills. It turns out, the class got worse after my wall injury. During the entire class Mr. Brik, (like the one I could throw at his head) sounded like he was speaking another language. I don't even know what I just learned. Which means nothing. That should reflect beautifully on my grade. I scowl and I knit my eyebrows thinking about it. Now you'll go home and have to reread everything in the book.

I'm packing up my things from my desk and slowly walk out of that mental hazard area, trying to process anything I was just told. Nope nothing, just a blur of non-stop Mr. Brik babbling. Then I was thrown back into reality by being grabbed by one of my other best friends who is in that class, Shea Monroe.

There is Me (Mackenzie Sholt), Alice Springs, Shea Monroe, and Kya Heigh. The Blonde, the Scholar, the Rebel, and the Sexual innuendo comedian. You get to know us more as our friendship progresses. You know who to run to in any situation, who will help the most, what to tell who.

"Ok did you get any of the shit that he just spewed?!" Shea whisper screams, earning more stares by our peers. I smile apologetically and the …show more content…
Just some small talk as I keep walking, keeping up with them but not wanting to stay long. Except certain people, I don't acknowledge. These people I am forced to deal with because of our school's policies, not by choice. Yay. This includes: Ross Kent, who needs to learn to shut up. He feels the need to scream his words for emphasis, making his victim deaf for the rest of the day. Along with Kasey Bedrock, who has so much makeup on it looks like freaking paper mache. How does she find that attractive?! Whatever, you do you. Hopefully she does it somewhere else though, because her personality doesn't help her

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