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Personal Narrative: I Want To Box

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He shouts, “one-two-one-one-two” “two-three-two” “keep your hands up” “two-three-two” “good, thirty second rest”
One reason my mom moved closer to Charlotte, North Carolina was for better opportunities for me and my little brothers. My little brothers enjoyed sports and stay active but not so much me. I was had a more artistic mind so I’d rather do art projects or write poetry. In the previous years, I tried cheerleading and basketball but I wanted to do something different. I went to my mom and said, “I want to box”. The first thing she responded was “what if you get hurt? Boxers commonly receive head trauma from so many blows to the head?”. I immediately thought that you can get hurt in any sport you play so why was boxing any different?
Nonetheless, a couple weeks later …show more content…
I would start by running a mile on the treadmill then start the workout for the day. I knew I was not physically fit and It didn’t help that I was always the last person to finish the workout. I knew that if I kept working, I would get to where the few other girls were. I would go to school and tell my friends about me going to the gym. They would make remarks like, “you box?!” like it was impossible or family members would say “boxing is a guy’s sport and you should not box”. I’m 5’5, a petite female, and I barely made it over one hundred pounds but that doesn’t mean I can’t box. Boxing would be something I kept to myself to avoid critics or until I could prove I was good. Furthermore, the summer was slowly approaching hence I could spend more time in the gym. I would wake up in the morning and head to the gym. I knew I was gaining muscle when I was gaining weight. My abs were coming in and my arm muscles were showing. Watching my muscles grow and my boxing skills getting better only motivated me to keep going. Regardless of what anyone had to say about me boxing, I was not going to let it stop

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