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Personal Narrative: Loss Of Education

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Loss of Education
Despite my Mother constantly telling her children to attend school and graduate, none of them, not even I, managed to properly go to school. Out of eleven children, not one earned a diploma. The unfortunate reason behind this failure was our poverty. From a very young age my siblings and I made the decision to work under the sun and neglect school. We did not put our education to the side because we didn’t value it, we put it aside because there was a huge necessity for basics items like food, shelter, and clothing. School became more of a burden when there was nothing to eat and no money to survive on. I had to start working at the age of seven to provide some money for our household. Unfortunately, my job often conflicted …show more content…
Over there, by the grace of God, I managed to continue my studies for 8th and 9th grade in the Tercer Ciclo de Ensenanza Basica Nocturno General and Tercer Ciclo Nocturno Salvador Mugdan. These two academies worked over night, meaning I had to go to school during sleeping hours and work when the sun came up. I managed to study for two full years, earning horrible grades, but having enough knowledge to survive on the streets. Unfortunately, I couldn’t continue after ninth grade. I was alone with no family or friends. I had to work hard to at least get something in my stomach. Nocturnal school became a burden after two years. I rarely slept because of my night classes and in the mornings, I heavily had to work. The sleep deprivation became unbearable and I made the decision to quit school. From there, I never went to school and to this day, I don’t know if I made the right decision. I don’t have a degree and I never managed to go to high school. Now that I’m older, I realize how important receiving an education was. It’s almost impossible to find a decent job as an undocumented immigrant with no educational background. Although I tried to go to ESOL classes offered in libraries, I never attended all the classes consistently. At that time, I cleaned houses and worked in construction. These jobs made it difficult for me attend my classes on time or at all. In the end, I never managed to learn how to speak

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