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Personal Narrative: My German-Peruvian Family

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I am from Peru which is the most diverse country in the world. I became aware of it since, I, myself come from a German-Peruvian family. I noticed the difference between my dad's culture which was German and my mom’s who was Peruvian. Even though my dad was already the 4th generation living in Peru, he still had a different mindset. I remember being enrolled in a German Peruvian school which was called Alexander von Humboldt, I did not like. Since everyone will only be your friend if you came from a family that had a high social status. My family was well known around the German-Peruvian community since my grand grand father was very wealthy businessman he inherited a lot of money from his parents. My Peruvian culture was very happy and they did not mind giving …show more content…
I experienced culture shock not even going out of Peru, a group of friends of mine which were mixed as well, had an idea to go out and explore the “poor cities” as they call them. I remember walking with my friends silently thru the streets of “San Martin de Flores” and seeing people stare at us. The people there had different lifestyles, they did not had nannies, the way they dressed was different, the streets were dirty, no one owned a car, etc. As we were returning I was meditating on how could have been my life if I was not born into a good social class. Another experience of culture shock was coming for the first time to America, seeing people feel uncomfortable to greet with a kiss in both cheeks and a hug. Seeing things in big proportions like food, toys, and clothes. Gender Roles differed between my German and Peruvian side since from my dad’s perspective women should be around helping in the house all the time. However, in my Peruvian side of the family women are permitted to do anything. They can study and work in whatever they

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