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Personal Narrative: My Interview With A Teacher

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On October 3rd, I had the privilege to interview Mr Gibson who was more than just a teacher throughout his working career. Mr. Gibson was a lawyer for twenty years and taught in the Bronx for three years as well. He had the opportunity to teach a variety of different grade levels such as elementary school, middle school, high school as well as special education classes. Currently, he is teaching biology to autistic students in Eastchester High School.

Although I learned a lot through the first interview of Mr. Cole, I was able to compare the ideas of both of these completely different teachers in order to gather advice in which I believe is important to look at and think towards in order to move further into the career itself. While Mr Cole answered questions more to the point and direct, Mr Gibson went around the general idea and became more involved with the idea of motivation within the classroom. I connected and learned well from both teachers but Mr Gibson, due to his experience in the field, really helped me understand what is needed in order to take part in the field of education.

Being …show more content…
The five senses are the basics that everyone uses daily. It is necessary to use the five senses in a classroom to understand and get to know each student as an in who they are individually and what they are capable of accomplishing. Also, not just using these senses to understand a student, it is important to use the senses to interact with the students as well. Listening for example, in order to communicate with students, you need to be able to give them the chance to speak their own opinions and collaborate with them in order to reach a goal of success. It is like looking at the glass half full rather than half empty. You as a teacher take up half of the glass but, in order to fill the glass, you need the input of students because in the end, although you are “in charge”, you are not the only one in the

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