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Personal Narrative: My Life In Venezuela

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I lived my whole life in Venezuela, and let me tell you, it was amazing. We bought a nice apartment and stayed there for two years. Then one day, things started to get real ugly in the country, mostly in my city, the country was completely paralyzed, nobody could go to the street and everything was closed, including my school. I lost around 3 months of classes, that is the moment in which my dad decides that we must move right away. 9 months later, my family is in the United States, more specifically in Miami, Florida.

Miami is beautiful city, I felt in love with it in the moment I arrived, I spend Christmas with my family, and I started my freshmen year in a very big high school. At first, it was horrible, I did not speak English at all, I was missing Venezuela …show more content…
that was the place where I moved, I hated it, it was like my life was ripped away from me, and I could not do anything about it, my parents had been telling me that it was for the best, that the school was private and bilingual. But, even when I did not want to be there I tried my best as never in my life. The school was hard, even harder that my school in Venezuela, but I did my best ang I got great grades. I finished my junior and started my senior year in Puerto Rico, this last year my grades improved again, and my English got as good as it is possible. Right when I started to like everything over there, the hurricane season arrived, then Maria passed by the island, and destroyed everything, there was not a tree that had a leaf. 100% of the island was without electricity and phone signal, just imagine it, we couldn’t even call to our family to let them know that we were alive. And guess what? We moved, again, for the 2nd time in one year. We came back to Miami, and my life was different, I started school here and rapidly adapted, I arrived two weeks before the first quarter ended, and I was so concentrated that I finished it with one B and A’s. That’s how I got where I am

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