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Personal Narrative: Shooting A Gun

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Shooting a Gun for the first time
It's the day one of my favorites we are going shooting. We are just waking up, and we are eating. We had just got dressed when we came downstairs and they told us that we need to go back up and get jeans and a T-shirt on. So we ran upstairs and got dressed into our clothes. We were all ready when to get in the truck. Everybody had left except for my uncle, his boy's and I. We went and got the guns and the clay pigeons. While my mom and my aunt Becky went to go and get things for lunch from Costco. My Grandpa while he was waiting for us setup the clay pigeon shooter. We all took our first shoot. It was all ok until my sister shoot and the 22 and she flew onto her butt. We were all stuck what could she shoot

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