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Personal Narrative: The Black Lives Matter Movement

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It’s Not a Moment, It’s a Movement
I will always remember the racism. I was only about eight years old, but I will always remember running home from the bus crying. My peers would yell racial slurs in my face, attacking not only me but my family as well and make fun of me because my hair texture was “too black” for their liking. When I was younger I did not understand why. Why was there so much hate towards me? Towards my mom? Towards Black people in general? All because of our complexion. As I got older I became proud to be black. Despite all the racism that I have experienced in my life and what is to come, I will always be proud of who I am and what I am. I am very much pro-black. I have a huge desire to see the black race succeed even when society tries to hold it back. I want the oppression to stop. I want the justice system to …show more content…
I just want my people to be viewed as people. This is why I believe in the Black Lives Matter Movement.
The Black Lives Matter Movement is not something that was created to say that White lives, Mexican lives, Chinese lives or any life is less important than a Black life. It is solely a movement that broadens the conversation around state violence to include all of the ways in which Black people are intentionally left powerless at the hands of the state. To point out and to do something about how Black lives are deprived of our basic human rights and dignity. Anyone who tries to say, “All lives matter, not just Black lives!” is correct and has every right to think that. However, in my opinion they have no respect. People who say things like that are simply trying to take the attention away from where it is

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