...6Week/Date | Topic/Activity | Homework | Week 69/10 | - Introduction to Argumentation- Writing a letter of complaint | - Complete your letter of complaint- Familiarize yourself with APA style by reading pgs. 200-216 and 220-222 in Essay Essentials- Read “Making the Argument” from the Essay Essentials website: click here. | Week 716/10 | - Open book quiz: APA Style- Good Arguments VS Bad Arguments- Organizing an argument; making a reverse outline- Selecting debate groups and begin debate prep | - Complete your assigned role for the debate (researching or speech writing) | INTERSESSION WEEK: NO CLASS 23/10 | Week 830/10 | - Debate Day - time allocated for final debate prep - hold debate | - Complete your Persuasive Essay | END OF UNIT TWO: PERSUASIVE ESSAY DUE 6/11 | Week 96/11 | - Defining the research essay- Evaluating research sources- Summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting | - Watch the GBC Plagiarism tutorial: click here. | Week 1013/11 | - How to Research: Field trip to GBC Library | - Complete the “Refine Your Thesis” annotated bibliography template and an essay outline- Submit your grammar questions | Week 1120/11 | - Plagiarism Quiz- GrammarOnDemand! - Instructor-student meetings: bring annotated bibliography template and your essay outline | | Week 1227/11 | - Instructor-student meetings: bring your annotated bibliography template and your essay outline | - Complete your Research Essay | COMM 1007 FALL 2012: SCHEDULE 2.0 FOR UNITS...
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...in order to create a business letter. Students will need to use persuasive language in order to convince the local council why the theme park should be built here. Your letter needs to cover the following points - An introduction to who you are and your park building company ( you can make up fake awards that you have won. - Outline what the park is going to be and some of the potential attractions you would like to build - Outline the advantages of building your park in this area - Outline the potential problems and how you intend to overcome them You need to make sure that your letter follows the correct outline of a business letter How long will you need? This will be due at the end of week 9 What you need to do |Tasks |Due dates | |Collect teacher notes | | |Create Brainstorm the potential advantages and disadvantages to the park |Week 8 | |Create a persuasive business letter |Week 9 | CAT 3 Marking grid |Business letter template ...
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...ENGL510 – Foundations of Professional Communication Writing Assignment 2 – Persuasive Message Below you will find four documents: 1. The assignment itself – pages 2-3 2. A template to follow in writing the message called for in the assignment – page 4 3. A sample message that you can use as a model – page 5 4. The criteria that will be used in grading the message – page 6 Please read all of these carefully and let me know if you have questions about any of them. Please also see the model persuasive message on page 139 (Chapter 8) of the textbook, as well as the Week 2 discussion of two possible versions of a persuasive message. In Week 3, please save your assignment draft, as a Word document, using the file name “2yourlastname1,” and post it in the Week 3 Writing Assignment 2 Draft Dropbox by midnight Sunday. In Week 4, please re-save your assignment revision using the file name “2yourlastname2,” and post it in the Week 4 Writing Assignment 2 Revision Dropbox by midnight Sunday. Please use the following basic formatting: • Memo heading (see page 87 of the textbook) • One-inch margins all around • Left-only justification • 12-point regular Times New Roman font. (Although 11-point Calibri is Word’s default font, serif fonts like Times New Roman are more reader friendly for longer texts because the serifs draw the eye forward, while sans-serif fonts like Calibri are more effective for very brief texts in which you want to hold...
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...after you perform a bid/no-bid analysis, and after the decision to send a letter of intent (LOI). Writing the company profile is part of the offer you submit to respond to the call for tender. The content of the offer (and the content of the company profile) usually depend on the call for tender and on the buyer's needs/requirements. The content of the offer is sometimes organized beforehand by the buyer. The buyer may give bidders an official document with all the required criteria and documents. Here are examples of possible criteria for the company profile: official criteria company name head office address company status quantitative criteria number of employees sales figures other financial figures qualitative criteria references success stories certifications Writing a bid and particularly a company profile requires preliminary work: Acquaint yourself with the documents. Try to analyze your business from a strategic point of view. Think about all the components and ask yourself if you're the right applicant. If the answer is "yes," you're ready! Why Write a Company Profile for a Bid? Writing a business profile for a bid is useful for introducing your company to the buyer and creating a positive impression. The buyer must know who you are, whether you're the company that best fits to its call for tenders, and if it can trust you. So you've got to be very persuasive and differentiate yourself from the others. Responding to a request for proposal...
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...Objective(s): *Students will describe Cisneros’ voice and style, listing some of her creative uses of language as characteristic of this author’s craft*Students will explore the physical and emotional prisons in which people live. *Students will discover and evaluate different methods of escape from these prisons. *Students will practice writing in the persuasive mode, using evidence from the text and from their own lives to construct effective arguments proposing the best way to escape the troubles of life*Students will peer edit and revise for content, for sentence structure, and for use of figurative language. *Language Objective(s): *Students will continue to build vocabulary resources for discussing emotions. *Students will identify fragmentary sentence structure, voice, and effective use of figurative language in Cisneros’ style and use knowledge of style to develop originality in their own writing style. *Student will be able to participate in and contribute to collaborative learning, such as “think, pair, share” and “expert groups.” Key Vocabulary: prison, escape, safe haven, voice, style, figurative language, persuasive mode, context, concept map, anticipatory set, peer editing, rubric, tapping prior knowledge, description, sensory detail, quotation, five senses, , sentence fragments, “unacceptable in academic writing,” punctuation, prejudice, graphic organizer, Venn diagram, fluent, non-fluent, cycle of abuse, helpline, counselor, “think-pair-share,” editing, revising...
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...legal writing, the writer must back up assertions and statements with citations to authority. This is accomplished by a unique and complicated citation system, unlike that used in any other genre of writing. Legal writing values precedent, as distinct from authority. Precedent means the way things have been done before. For example, a lawyer who must prepare a contract and who has prepared a similar contract before will often re-use, with limited changes, the old contract for the new occasion. Or a lawyer who has filed a successful motion to dismiss a lawsuit may use the same or a very similar form of motion again in another case, and so on. Many lawyers use and re-use written documents in this way and call these re-usable documents templates or, less commonly, forms. Legal writing extensively uses technical terminology that can be categorized in four categories: a. Specialized words and phrases unique to law, e.g., tort, fee simple, and novation. b. Quotidian words having different meanings in law, e.g., action (lawsuit), consideration (support for a promise), execute (to sign to effect), and party (a principal in a lawsuit). c. Archaic vocabulary: legal writing...
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...Client Letter John Roth University of Phoenix ACC546 Auditing Mr. Bradford December 06, 2011 Client Letter Memorandum To: Larry Lancaster, CEO, Apollo Shoes From: Anderson, Olds, and Watershed Date: 12/12/11 Re: Audit Services Available Business nature dictates that companies must have yearly audit services provided when publicly traded. Additionally, companies not traded publicly benefit from audit services when obtaining loan or financial capital for the business. Apollo Shoes based in Shoeville, Maine and incorporated in Delaware has requisitioned Anderson, Olds, and Watershed to complete the audit for the current year. As an audit company, Anderson, Olds, and Watershed offers different types of auditing services for clients. Professionals define auditing as “the accumulation and evaluation of evidence about information to determine and report on the degree of correspondence between the information and established criteria. Auditing should be done by a competent, independent person” (Arens, Elder, and Beasley, p. 4, 2006). Where the accounting department of Apollo Shoes records and summarizes the economic events during a given period, auditing examines the information given to determine whether the data is properly recorded. The audit process will determine that the company is reasonably free of financial misstatements. Additionally, the audit will contain management report on internal controls. The next...
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...Business This collection contains materials that inform, instruct, and support those who wish to develop or improve a set of writing skills that will have practical applications in the business environment. Included are annotated examples, online templates and step-by-step guides for writing common business documents such as letters, memos, email, and press releases. Category: Business Documents Hide Descriptions Writing Guides Business Letters: When you write business letters in industry or for a class, knowing your purpose and audience will help determine what information to include. Generally, business letters follow a particular format, although your instructor or company may require you to use alternative formats. This guide provides writers with an introduction to writing business letters. Case Studies: This guide examines case studies, a form of qualitative descriptive research that is used to look at individuals, a small group of participants, or a group as a whole. Researchers collect data about participants using participant and direct observations, interviews, protocols, tests, examinations of records, and collections of writing samples. Starting with a definition of the case study, the guide moves to a brief history of this research method. Using several well documented case studies, the guide then looks at applications and methods including data collection and analysis. A discussion of ways to handle validity, reliability, and generalizability follows, with...
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...Persuasive Paper Part 3: Possible Disadvantages, Answers, with Visuals ENG215 Research and Writing Strayer University March 13, 2015 Persuasive Paper Part 3: Possible Disadvantages, Answers, with Visuals Paying students to pass standardized tests has been in the works for a while now. The idea of paying students a financial incentive to pass standardized tests came from families who would give money to their kids if they brought home a report card with good grades. Offering students some type of financial incentive to pass standardized tests would get the students attention. Most students don’t care whether they pass or fail school, offering them money in exchange for scoring high on standardized tests would give students a reason to pay attention and pass standardized tests (Flannery, 2015). Motivating students with a financial incentive is a good way to get them to pass standardized tests (Bettinger, 2008). Problems with Standardized Testing Standardized testing ramped up in 2002 from the No Child Left behind Act. This act was going to hold public schools to a high standard of education, by measuring the students’ scores on statewide standardized tests. The reasons that standardized tests are a problem is from the following reasons: 1. Test scores can’t accurately measure learning: Standardized tests does not allow students to express themselves because they are multiple-choice. Open-ended tests would allow students to express themselves. 2. Standardized...
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...Business Writing Business writing is similar to technical writing; the concerns and strategies are the same. You start by collecting information—whether you're writing a letter, an email, a press release, or preparing a presentation, you start by gathering your thoughts and doing research. The research might involve reading relevant research papers, clinical trials, and review articles. You may want to talk with researchers, colleagues, or peruse your notes you made at relevant meetings.... It's a good idea to begin by asking yourself "What am I trying to achieve?" If you can't answer that question. the chances of writing a good piece are slim. If you can identify your global intentions, then you can evaluate your information, arguments, and recommendations against those intentions. Start immediately to identify the main issues, think about how to organize them, make some notes, brainstorm, and so on. By focusing your thoughts, you've started to think about what your readers might want or need to know. ------------------------------------------------- Some Things To Keep In Mind This is the same list of strategies used for technical writing: 1. Understand the type of report/memo/synopsis you are writing—find examples and notice the structure and organization other authors have used 2. Write down your global intentions—a phrase or two that captures the gist of your potential writing 3. Tentatively identify possible sections and subsections—this is a brainstorming...
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...Traditional On Campus Class Welcome to the Traditional On Campus version of Speech 103 Oral Communication! I look forward to getting to know each of you. Over the years, I have learned that many of you dread taking this class (don’t worry I felt the same way when I had to take this class) but I hope that you will find your worries to be unfounded. I work very hard to try to create a comfortable learning environment, primarily because I need you to participate in order for this class to work. This is a participatory-based class where we will all work together to help each other improve our communication skills. Consequently, you will play an active role in your own learning as well as active role in the learning of the other students in this class. Research has shown that when you are an active participant in a class you increase how much you remember as well as how much you can recall after the semester has ended. However, I have found that when you are an active participant in my class you will look forward to coming to each class session and your fears of public speaking will soon decrease. Since this class is participatory, you will find that you will put a lot of thought and effort into this class. Much learning will occur both in class and out side of class. However, while this class is demanding, I hope that you will both enjoy this experience and learn a great deal about communication, how you communicate, and how to be a better...
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...Guidelines for Project Proposals* A technical proposal, often called a "Statement of Work,” is a persuasive document. Its objectives are to 1. Identify what work is to be done 2. Explain why this work needs to be done 3. Persuade the reader that the proposers (you) are qualified for the work, have a plausible management plan and technical approach, and have the resources needed to complete the task within the stated time and cost constraints. What makes a good proposal? One attribute is appearance. A strong proposal has an attractive, professional, inviting appearance. In addition, the information should easy to access. A second attribute is substance. A strong proposal has a well-organized plan of attack. A strong proposal also has technical details because technical depth is needed to sell your project. Remember: A proposal is a persuasive document. Required Format Format consists of the layout and typography of a document. In formatting your proposal, use the guidelines in Table 1. A template to produce your proposal exists at the following web page: http://www.writing.eng.vt.edu/design/proposal_template.doc One aspect of layout is the incorporation of illustrations. In your proposal, each illustration should have a name and be formally introduced in the text. Illustrations consist of figures and tables. Figures include photographs, drawings, diagrams, and graphs. Each figure should have a stand-alone caption, and the key points and features should be labeled. Tables are...
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...Guidelines for Project Proposals* A technical proposal, often called a "Statement of Work,” is a persuasive document. Its objectives are to 1. Identify what work is to be done 2. Explain why this work needs to be done 3. Persuade the reader that the proposers (you) are qualified for the work, have a plausible management plan and technical approach, and have the resources needed to complete the task within the stated time and cost constraints. What makes a good proposal? One attribute is appearance. A strong proposal has an attractive, professional, inviting appearance. In addition, the information should easy to access. A second attribute is substance. A strong proposal has a well-organized plan of attack. A strong proposal also has technical details because technical depth is needed to sell your project. Remember: A proposal is a persuasive document. Required Format Format consists of the layout and typography of a document. In formatting your proposal, use the guidelines in Table 1. A template to produce your proposal exists at the following web page: http://www.writing.eng.vt.edu/design/proposal_template.doc One aspect of layout is the incorporation of illustrations. In your proposal, each illustration should have a name and be formally introduced in the text. Illustrations consist of figures and tables. Figures include photographs, drawings, diagrams, and graphs. Each figure should have a stand-alone caption, and the key points and features should be labeled. Tables are...
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...Doan Ms. Valtinson ENGL 1113-08 May 1, 2015 Individuality through Transferability Writing is something that everyone does. Whether one likes it or not, they end up using their words. People tend to write about subjects that interest or relate to them. Everyone has their own way of writing, but their way was influenced by another source whether they know it or not. Individuality in writing is influenced through transferability. Technical writing is something that is learned. In school everyone was taught how to format an essay or different types of writing like poems or stories. Anything that I did in class I was always given a template of how the instructor wanted the paper to be written. This would have word count, the format, and what the paper should be about. All throughout school we learned the fundamentals of writing starting with letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, to structures of writing like essays and poems. The thing that is learned from writing is technical. As my English education grows the technical side is less focused on while the content is the most important thing. Content is the writing that I am doing now. The content portion of writing is not learned but influenced by others. My writing becomes influenced through examples like essays. In this English class, I believe that that’s how these three previous essays worked out. The Scholarly Discourse Unit paper was a paper that had us synthesize how we thought the writers Gee, Swales, and Porter connected...
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...Geneva Business School Geneva Business School Master of Business Administration HRM 601 Human Resource Management Study Materials Video Cases Video Case 1: The future of HR According to the U.S. Labor Department (fill in the blank): 1._____ and 4 workers have been with there current employer less than one year? 2. Today's learners will have between 10 to _____ jobs by age 38? Video Case 2: The Workforce Is Changing Rapidly - How Will You Manage? Based on the video presented in class, answer the following questions related to HR. Be prepared to discuss in class. 1. Unplanned absences account for _____________% of net lost productivity per day. 2. 1 in _________ employee is chronically overworked. 3. There are four generations working side-by-side today. Name one of the four presented here _______________________________. 4. From now until 2016, 93% of the growth in the labor force will come from workers age____ _ and older? 5. More than 1/2 of the world has this technological device. ____________ 6. What will be the main challenges you will be facing in the future while managing your employees? Group Discussion Questions Question 1 Identify the three levels of strategic planning and describe the function of each level. What is the relationship between human resource strategy and a firm's strategic plans? Question 2 Sometimes managers need to reinforce positive behavior but cannot turn to a cash incentive to do so. Identify some...
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