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Peter Frontera Essay

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Peter Frontera has a lot of risk factors for developing heart disease. First, both of his parents take medication for high cholesterol, which can put him at a higher risk of inheriting high cholesterol and/or heart disease. He is currently cutting out all red meat, which can help lower cholesterol levels because of the less saturated fats. Next, Peter’s father has Type 2 diabetes, which can make him have a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. He tends to have a slightly unhealthy diet because he has a sweet tooth quite a bit and he has the history of heaving smoking. Having an unhealthy diet and smoking can increase the risk of diabetes, which can eventually lead to heart disease. In the past, Peter has experience artery clogging, where he had an …show more content…
Peter also drinks a few beers after work everyday, which can raise blood sugar and affect the body’s blood sugar control. This puts him at an increased risk of high blood pressure, which can lead to diabetes and/or heart disease. Peter’s bloodwork results show that he has high blood pressure at 150/100, where the normal range is between 120/80 and 140/90. He is in the hypertension stage 1 area of high blood pressure and this can eventually lead to heart disease or diabetes. Also, Peter’s total cholesterol and LDL levels are both a little high. His total cholesterol levels are at 200 mg/dL, where it should be below 200 mg/dL, so it’s just in the desirable category, meaning it should be watched. His LDL levels are at 110 mg/dL, and they should be between 20 and 100, so he is in the near or above optimal category, where he should try lowering it. Lastly, Peter has a high amount of high triglycerides in his blood, at 160 mg/dL and it should be less than 149. He is in the borderline high category, where he can make lifestyle changes to lower his triglycerides

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