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Podiatrist Research Paper

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Pain in the feet is something that everyone experiences at one point in his or her lifetime. Most of the time, the aches and pain go away by itself. However, sometimes the pain may continue or worsen. So how do you know the difference between needing rest and needing a podiatrist? Here are four telltale signs:
1. Pain In Your Heel
Heel pain can be blamed on a lot of things: shoes, improper gait, and exercise to name a few. While your shoes or gait may cause mild pain, severe pain usually warrants the attention of a podiatrist. If the pain persists for several days, it may be indicative of something more severe, like plantar fasciitis. Other times heel pain needs attention include worsening pain and pain that is more severe during specific parts …show more content…
While nail polish can leave behind a trace of its color, it will usually go away. It will also be a mild discoloration. If you notice severe discoloration or extremely yellow toenails, it is possible you have contracted a toenail fungus. A podiatrist should be seen in these cases, as you may need a prescription antibiotic or topical cream to eliminate it.
3. Swollen Feet
Another common foot ailment is swelling. While swollen feet do occasionally happen due to shoes or socks, swelling can be a cause for concern—especially if you haven't changed anything recently. Swelling can cut of blood circulation, which can lead to even bigger issues. If you have swelling, visit a podiatrist instead of your general physician. A podiatrist can prescribe the right medications or offer massage techniques to relieve the inflammation and swelling.
4. Numbness or Tingling
Numbness or tingling in the feet may be a sign of poor circulation; if you have been sitting on them, they may be "asleep." However, if you experience these sensations out of nowhere it may be a sign of neuropathy or diabetes. If left untreated, neuropathy can cause severe issues in your legs and feet—and other extremities—so visit a podiatrist immediately for testing and

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