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Police Discretion Research Paper

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In the modern police world the ideas of discretion and decision making are crucial. Discretion in police terms refers to the actions taking by an officer or any member of the justice system based on their judgements about what the best action is. Police discretion is crucial as no two situations are the same. Police work is often a grey area balancing between a control and support type of work. In this grey zone is where police work must be done and discretion is vital. As most police activity occurs in private, away from the public's view, there is a lack of immediate help or reference from a supervisor or peers. Meaning that most officers need to be able to form their own actions quickly based on the current situation. Most times an officer will his discretion in either stopping or detaining someone. …show more content…
In this situation an officer would have to use his own discretion as to pull over the car or not. Another example might be an officer at a scene of a crime, if he sees suspicious activity and an individual who may have committed the crime it's up to his immediate action on how to react. Discretion here is about following what is believed to be right and what kind of evidence can be used to make a decision. In most cases discretion is needed. If an officer is alone and unable to get an answer its more beneficial to use discretion and deal with the situation then to wait and do nothing. Police officers operate in an environment where they are frequently alone in their contacts with citizens. Because of this decisions must be made very quickly. Another key point is that most laws are open to interpretation and its up the officer on how to interpret them and how to apply them. Another feature is that most times communities cannot agree on what constitutes criminal behavior or the level to which criminal behavior should be punished or

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