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Political Campaign Presentation


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Political Campaign Presentation

Political Campaign Presentation


Good afternoon everyone! I’d like to start off by addressing your concerns of the state of our economy, particularly the main problem in your community, and communities all over the country – Unemployment. Most of you probably have a lot of unanswered questions like – why is our unemployment still so high? Why is our economy not improving? Why is the government not doing anything about it? Why are American jobs being lost to overseas competition? Why are American workers being overlooked, and our economy continues to get worse day by day? These are questions that we hope to answer for you, and tell you what we plan to do to help the unemployment rates in your community.

While there are many factors that contribute to unemployment, many of them cannot be controlled by anyone. Some of the contributing factors are rapid changes in technology, our recent recessions in the stock market and real estate, inflation, undulating business cycles, climate conditions, attitudes towards employers, employee values, and a person’s ability to look for employment. We have thoroughly researched these causes and issues, and we promise to provide answers to you, and solutions that will help solve the unemployment problem.

One solution we would implement involves unemployment benefits, which are meant to help those citizens who have been laid off. Unfortunately, there are people who have been receiving unemployment benefits who are not complying with the requirements for receiving unemployment benefits. These benefits are meant to help citizens while they search for and hopefully obtain a new job, but some are abusing this and taking advantage of the system and ruining it for others. We promise to revamp the system with the Labor Department to ensure that those in need are getting the benefits they deserve, and those taking advantage of the system are required to show proof of job search so that they aren’t taking away someone else’s benefits.

Another resolution you may have been wondering about is tax breaks for companies to entice them to hire American workers and not outsource to other countries. Currently, companies are offered tax breaks by the Federal Government of $1,000 for hiring a new employee and retaining that employee for a year. However, a better solution would be to offer companies tax breaks only if they hire a certain amount of employees and retain them for a certain amount of time. This would ensure that the companies are not just hiring the minimum amount of employees and laying them off after they have received their tax break. Furthermore, let’s allow foreign professionals to come here for work rather than letting the jobs go overseas and stimulating another country’s economy by lessening the current restrictions on H1-B visas could be another solution to cutting the unemployment rate. Does that make sense to you? It does to us too, so let’s do it and keep American jobs in America!

Now I hear you say, what about those companies who will oppose our plans? What do we do then? There may be some opposition from small companies that do not have any jobs that are going overseas. Our proposal may seem to only benefit large corporations that already have the revenue to stay in business. Small businesses may see this as a door slamming in their face by the government saying that they are too small to be important. Large corporations may also oppose this plan because they want to be able to conduct their business without the government telling them how and whom to conduct their business with. Other objections that companies may have are that they will not be making as much profit as they should. When they send work overseas they benefit from cheaper labor costs. They may believe that the government is taking business away from them, which in turn would cause the cost of products to increase due to the higher costs of production.

To them we would say; there are other benefits for small businesses and large businesses alike. They would be eligible to receive tax breaks for new hires and retaining these new hires for a period of at least 1 year. There may also be a tax break for small companies who only use American products rather than buying products from foreign merchants. To the larger businesses in the United States that believe that the US government is just trying to seize control of their companies, this is not the case. We are simply giving large companies options of keeping jobs in the US as well as allowing those companies to save money by receiving tax breaks from the government.

As companies keep jobs from going abroad and companies are sending work to American companies, this helps to create jobs within the United States. This would allow for labor costs to compete with those labor costs from other countries. Keeping prices down will encourage consumers to buy more which would then increase company’s profits. Of course with every plan we will not be able to make everyone happy, but with this plan we are able to keep jobs from leaving the United States which in turn would keep more businesses open, and that is what we want right? More jobs for our communities. This plan would allow the US companies to work as a team and produce jobs for one another!

Now you may ask, what are your strategies? It is all-well and good to say what our plans are, but HOW will we do it? First we must admit to the self-created problem we have incurred as a nation with bad trade agreements. We must ensure that no more industry leaves our shores to go overseas. Shareholders demand a high profit and corporations have outsourced jobs to third world countries to ensure that they can make those profits. To do this we need to offer heavy tax incentives to these American corporations to come back and relocate their manufacturing facilities here. Most importantly we must reexamine the costs that have been placed on our corporations because of overregulation by the policies of our own legislators in the U.S. government.

Next we need to understand that the government is not responsible for creating jobs. Until corporations and their shareholders are willing to narrow their profit margins, and American buyers are willing to pay the price of a quality U.S. made product, we cannot be self-sufficient. There needs to be a renewed thinking pattern concerning profits at any costs. To ensure that government is not part of the problem, we should de-regulate American industry and unburden our manufacturers from having to spend billions of dollars to maintain these standards required by such regulations. This would add to the profit margins. Next we must look at our free trade agreements and face the realization that it has depleted our work force and has become very lopsided. Americans should have the right to work and not be forced out of contention by unionized demands that are often not cost effective. No longer should we accept companies like Apple, Dell, Intel, and Microsoft to hire ten thousand engineers to create a product in the U.S. and then send it to China where 800,000 people are hired to produce it. America will no longer support corporations that do business on these terms, am I right?

We will also initiate incentives at a much more vigorous rate and begin a more aggressive approach to helping entrepreneurs start their own businesses. We will do this through current loan plans but with time and performance constraints that will ensure they do not become another burden on the federal governments’ books. They will have to be profitable in three years or lose any further taxpayer support. Repayment will be at a percentage based on their earnings, thus not hampering their ability to repay those loans.

Finally folks, let’s look at some basic information and statistics so you are fully aware of the situation we have been discussing!


Here is the bottom line everyone, unemployment has been a rising trend for decades with a recession sweeping through our nation leaving many people without jobs, homes and no hope for the future. It seems that when the United States takes these hits the government shuffles around jobs to low paying labor states to cut cost. The average and middle class are the main group of people to take the extreme losses. The rich get tax breaks and the poor get tax increases. Big corporations overlook small businesses, especially when it comes to relieving the financial burden in order for them to stay operational. Many small businesses go out of business due to a lack of financial support or government incentives. In sum, we need to concentrate on generating more jobs and revenue for our economy, and only then can we improve the situation our country is in and provide a better future for our families and ourselves!






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