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Post High School Goals

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The Final Chapter: College and Post-high school plans
After high school, there are various things I need to do and fulfill in my life and to accomplish my goals. My admiration is not different than the normal individual, yet it will in any case take a great deal of diligent work to get to where I need to be. I have numerous goals, yet to achieve these goals I have to get through many obstacles that could hinder my goals.
As of now, I have numerous of goals that I want to achieve. However, the two most imperative are to be happy and successful. If I am not happy in life, nothing else would matter. Accomplishment for me is basically accomplishing something that I have been striving to do. That in itself is a significant accomplishment. After my contract is over with the military, I plan to settle down, get married, and …show more content…
Life tends to alter course all the time. What I plan to do now may not be what I need to do in a couple of years. Regardless of the possibility that my plans do change, I will dependably have goals for myself. With diligent work and assurance, I plan to fulfill my goals, whatever they might be, and experience my maximum capacity. My overall goal is to be a school teacher. Therefore, I plan to major in Early Childhood Education and English, which will prepare me to be a successful teacher. I have always succeed in helping children at school and around the community. In high school, my favorite class was the Career Technical Education (CTE) course, Law and Public Safety. Since the Law and Public Safety program was a hands on, it prepared me for the diverse post-high school education and training opportunities. In order to reach my goal, I have applied for an academic scholarship. I have received an acceptance letter from Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, from Memphis University the Lambuth campus in Jackson, Tennessee, and from Pearl River Community college in Hattiesburg,

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