...Role of Non-governmental organisation towards poverty reduction in Nigeria An assessment of the Lift Above Poverty Organisation (LAPO) Chapter 1 1.0 Introduction Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are powerful agents of change and development (Ukpong, 1993 p 52). While there are no clear definitions of NGOs, the commonly held view is that they are non-governmental, non-profit making and self-governing with a purpose to ameliorate the plight of people in dire needs of life sustaining facilities in the society. NGOs are private organisations characterized primarily by humanitarian or corporative rather than commercial objectives that pursue activities to relieve the suffering of the poor; they promote the interest of the poor in developing countries (Werker & Ahmed, 2007 p3). In other word, NGOs have emerged for the purpose of providing social services or giving assistance to the marginalized, deprived and disadvantageous people in society that could hardly provide for themselves (Inhabekhai, 2002 p 150). NGOs on a global level engage in the provision of education, wealth, social welfare and other support to a large number of people. They have helped in the assistance millions of people in abject poverty and in dire condition. One of such grand projects embark upon by a conglomerate of popular NGOs in the world is the millennium development goals. The aim of the millennium development goals includes halving extreme poverty to stopping the spread of HIV/AIDs virus and...
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...Available records from NBS (1996) show that about 71 percent of Nigerian households are considered poor. However, the poverty level amplified 74.2 percent in the year 2000. The high level of poverty has a lot of adverse effects on the citizens as well as the country. Poverty has the tendency to aggravate crime, prostitution and high level of disturbance. Evbromen (1997) observed that poverty could cause fear, depression, despondency and suicide as well as revolution, envy and so on. The impact of poverty can therefore be said to be multidimensional in nature. In order to reduce the level of poverty, the Nigerian government made use of a lot of measures such as fiscal, financial and non-financial. In the 1997 budget, government showed its intent to enter into investment production agreements (that is bilateral, regional and multinational treaties) with external governments or private organizations requesting to invest in Nigeria as well as discuss additional incentives with them (Aremu, 1997). The influx of foreign resources such as foreign direct investment has the tendency of stimulating employment, income, consumption and economic growth, hence the opportunity of reducing poverty. Borenstein and Lee (1998) have shown that foreign private investment has a significant outcome on the host country for example a one percent rise in the proportion of foreign direct investment and gross domestic...
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...International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 5, No. 2; February 2015 Assessment of National Poverty Reduction Programmes in Nigeria: A Study of National Poverty Eradication Programme (Napep) Ebonyi State Onwe, Sunday Onwe (Ph.D, Fcai) Nwakamma Michael Chibuzor Department of Public Administration Ebonyi State University Abakaliki Nigeria Abstract The paper sought to assess the National Poverty Reduction Programmes in Nigeria with specific focus on NAPEP Ebonyi State. The study became imperative based on the debilitating effects of poverty which often manifests in loss of hope, aspirations, malnutrition and sometimes sudden death. The startling 69% national poverty level and 73.6% rate in Ebonyi state is a clear indication that poverty is still very high in Nigeria. The study therefore evaluated NAPEP’s performance in the area of human capital development, infrastructure facilities, access to safe drinking water, sanitation and access to basic education which are some of the parameters for measuring poverty level. A descriptive survey design was adopted with a sample population of 400 which spread across the six local governments studied. The major instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire, which was distributed to the respondents and a total number of 380 questionnaire were duly filled and returned representing 95% of the sample population. The data collected was analyzed with statistical tables, percentage calculations...
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...American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2012 ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING AND EDUCATION AS STRATEGIC TOOLS FOR POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN NIGERIA Dr. O. J. K. Ogundele Department of Business Administration & Management Technology Lagos State University, Ojo; Lagos Nigeria. Waidi Adeniyi Akingbade Department of Business Administration & Management Technology Lagos State University Ojo; Lagos, Nigeria. Hammed Babatunde Akinlabi Associate Lecturer Lagos State University External System Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria. Abstract The main objective of the study is to investigate the intensity of entrepreneurship training and education as strategic tools for poverty alleviation in Nigeria. Using a stratified random sampling technique, 250 entrepreneurs and apprenticeships from five recognized local government areas in Lagos state, South Western Nigeria were selected as our respondents. Data were gathered through a self-monitored questionnaire survey. Simple regression analysis was used to test the relationship between the entrepreneurship training and education and poverty alleviation. Two hypotheses were postulated to determine the relationship between technical skill and youth empowerment and between personal entrepreneurial skill and social welfare services. This study confirmed that entrepreneurship training and education are significantly related to the youth empowerment and social welfare services. Findings revealed that youth empowerment are influenced by...
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...ERADICATING POVERTY IN AFRICA Poverty is generally considered as the state of being poor: conditions of abject, extreme poverty, which has been on the increase in Africa, with particular reference to Northern Nigeria (with diseases like polio, measles and leprosy being pandemic and of course street begging on the increase). Aloku (1975) and Townsend (1962) refers to poverty as a lack of command over basic consumption needs, which means, in other words, that there is an inadequate level of consumption giving rise to insufficient food, clothing and or shelter, and moreover the lack of certain capacities, such as being able to participate with dignity in society, which Dudley (1975) submits that there is the need for personal growth in Nigeria. The point related to the sociological event is that poverty has equally been defined as the inability to attain a minimum standard of living (World Bank Report, 1990). Poverty has also been conceptualized in both the “relative” and “absolute” sense. And again Dudley (1975) sees poverty largely in the light of the need for personal growth in Nigeria. The report constructed two indices based on a minimum level of consumption in order to show the practical aspect of the concept. The first index was based on country specific poverty line, and the second was global, allowing cross country comparisons (Walton, 1990). This is generally based on whether relative or absolute standards are adopted in the determination of the minimum income...
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...Impact of Microfinance Institution on Nigeria Economy Ghana Christian University College SDM 201222101014 Introduction to Microfinance Mr. Sam Quinn Word Count: 2241 Dec. 2, 2014 Table of Content Pg Introduction 3 Definition of Terms 3 Concept of Microfinance 3 The Goals of Microfinance Institutions 5 Impact of Microfinance on the Economy of Nigeria 6 Negative Impact of MFIs on the country (Nigeria) 10 Conclusion Introduction Since the advent of microfinance institution in Bangladesh in the mid 1970’s, several countries have copied this financing model. The Nigerian governments over the years have had to grapple with poverty and unemployment. The realization that many of these poor and/or unemployed persons are not without skills, ideas and willingness to work, must have propelled the government to make finance accessible to them. The seeming popularity of this model among developing countries is predicated on poverty reduction prospect it offers. The Nigerian government cued into this popular thinking in 2005 when it inaugurated the microfinance institution scheme. This was founded to provide finance to economically active poor excluded from financing by conventional banks, provide employment, engender rural development and reduce poverty. The introduction of microfinance institutions in Nigeria is the inability of Nigerian Deposit Money Banks to provide sufficient financial service to the...
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...ABSTRACT This research work was designed to find out the effect of poverty on the academic performance of students in some selected secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. This research work consist of five chapter. Chapter one was on the background of the study. However, the significance of the study was highlighted in addition to the problem encountered by the researcher in the course of investigation. Chapter two was on the review of related literature while chapter three was on methodology, area considered under this section are population, sampling, validation and reliability of questionnaire, administration of questionnaire and method of data analysis. Chapter four was devoted to data analysis, where the researcher adopted the frequency method and percentage to analyze the data collected by means of questionnaire on the final note was chapter five which was devoted to the summary and conclusion and recommendations. TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE Introduction Background of the study Statement of the problem Purpose of the study Significance of the study Research questions Limitation of the study Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO Literature review CHAPTER THREE Research methodology Research design Area of study Population Sample and sampling procedure Instrument for data collection Method of data collection Method of data analysis CHAPTER FOUR Analysis of data CHAPTER FIVE Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation REFERENCES...
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...Chemistry in Nigeria THE IMPACT OF FOOD AND NUTRITION ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN CHEMISTRY IN NIGERIA OGUNBOYEDE Michael Olu Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling Adeyemi College of Education E-mail: mikeboyede@yahoo.com IDOWU Funmilayo Taiwo Department of Chemistry Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo State, Nigeria ABSTRACT The Millennium Development Goal No.1 in Nigeria says that “Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger away from Nigeria between, 1990 and 2015”. Hence, in the light of the above goal, this paper investigated the present influence of students’ feeding habits on their academic achievement in Chemistry in Nigeria. The study employed a survey research design and the sample for the study consisted of 3,000 students selected from ten States in Nigeria through multistage sampling technique. Data were collected through the use of a self-developed instrument titled “Students’ Feeding Habits Scale” (SFHS) and a proforma which was used to retrieve the academic performance of the selected students from records. Four hypotheses were generated for the study and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The results of the study revealed poor feeding as one of the major factors responsible for poor students’ academic performance at school. The paper therefore, confirms that poverty and hunger is still the order of the day in Nigeria. The paper concluded with strong recommendation for the government to urgently put in place a reliable and meaningful poverty eradiation...
Words: 3427 - Pages: 14
...Introduction The introduction of microfinance banks in Nigeria is the inability of Nigerian Deposit Money Banks to provide sufficient financial service to the rural poor. Microfinance banks have taken up the challenges of the gap created by the Nigerian Deposit Money Banks. Microfinance banks can be seen as an economic growth method intended to advantage the low income part of a given country like Nigeria, both rural poor and urban poor. Since the advent of microfinance banking in Bangladesh in the mid 1970’s, several countries have copied this financing model. The Nigerian governments over the years have had to grapple with poverty and unemployment. The realization that many of these poor and/or unemployed persons are not without skills, ideas and willingness to work, must have propelled the government to make finance accessible to them The seeming popularity of this model among developing countries is predicated on poverty reduction prospect it offers. The Nigerian government cued into this popular thinking in 2005 when it inaugurated the microfinance banking scheme. This was founded to provide finance to economically active poor excluded from financing by conventional banks, provide employment, engender rural development and reduce poverty. This paper theoretically examines the impact of this institutions to Nigeria as a country. International Journal of Finance and Accounting Concept of Microfinance Microfinance...
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...NIGERIA MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS REPORT 2010 © 2010, Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Acronyms and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 MDGs status at a glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Goal 1 – Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Goal 2 – Achieve universal primary education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Goal 3 – Promote gender equality and empower women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Goal 4 – Reduce child mortality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Goal 5 – Improve maternal health . . . . . . . . . . ....
Words: 21527 - Pages: 87
...1.INTRODUCTION Cursory observation would prove that child labour has increase in Nigeria since the late 1980s.To this end the increase may be related to the changing socio economic structure of the country. It is in this light that this paper seeks to relate the massive increase in the incident of child labour In Nigeria the mid 1980s.Globalisation should be seen as an encompassing process with implications for different sections of socio life (see Anugwom, 2001). Therefore, globalization significantly affected the child labour in Nigeria. Nigeria is reported as having 12million child workers, which is one of the highest in the world (see Siddigi and Patrinos,2001). Moreover the IL0 1996 estimate that 250million children are involved in child labour. This figure shows a problem of major proportion and which is concentrated principally in developing nations of the world. A concern with child labour stem largely out of the stark that realization in spite of the numerous national attention given to the issue, it seems to elude meaningful solution in fact rather than abate, child labour has persisted. Child labour has also attracted international attention and concern. Hence, there have been many declaration on the global arena on how to stem the rising tide of child labour. Among these declarations and conventions are the ILO conventions on the Elimination Of Child Labour, the, ILO Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights of Work, the UNICEF. Declaration on the Right...
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...INSTABILITY AND ETHNIC/RELIGIOUS CRISES IN NIGERIA BY: IRABOR PETER ODION 07037830536 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL STUDIES, COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, IGUEBEN, EDO STATE BEING A PAPER PRESENTED AT THE COUNSELLING ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (CASSON) HELD AT SCHOOL HALL, NATIONAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL, NIKE ENUGU, ENUGU STATE FROM 16TH TO 17TH OF APRIL, 2012 ABSTRACT Counselling-which that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action is inevitable in any organisation, institutions or society. More importantly, the roles of counselling in a country like Nigeria made up of diverse ethnic groups and often confronted with socio-political menace that threatens her existence cannot be over emphasized. This study therefore investigates the roles and important of counselling towards the sustainability of Nigeria socio-political development and ethnic/religious unity. Finally, the study examined and recommended how Nigeria can equally experience stable socio-political and ethnic/religious unity with the counsellors playing divergence role in the society. INTRODUCTION Nigeria is a country of extraordinary diversity and as such has extraordinary complexities (Irabor, 2011). Indeed, Nigeria adventure into pluralism of religions and ethnic diversities owns its origin to colonial conquest which permeated the entire continent of Africa beginning from the early 19th century. In the case of Nigeria, the amalgamation of the Northern and...
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...Shamsu Idris Sulaiman A00017341 WRI 102 Prof. Agatha 27/10/2015 Lack of Good Leadership in Nigeria The introduction of this essay it focuses on the concept that the quality of good leadership has drop drastically in Nigeria. However In each nation, the spot of leadership in any association can't be over emphasized. There is the need to express that each person is a real leader, in spite of the fact that not everybody can be a Leader in a place at a specific time. This implies there is dependably a leader saddle with the errand of leadership at a specific time and there are those to be driven. Leadership is a vital component in the life of any individual or association. The nature of leadership of an association plays a substantial...
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...Working Paper Series DOES SUBSIDY REMOVAL HURT THE POOR by Manson NWAFOR Kannayo OGUJIUBA Robert ASOGWA Les Cahiers du SISERA – 2006 / 2 AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED ECONOMICS (AIAE) DOES SUBSIDY REMOVAL HURT THE POOR by Manson NWAFOR1 Kannayo OGUJIUBA Robert ASOGWA This research was undertaken with the financial support of the United States Agency International Development (USAID) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada February 2006 1 Corresponding author. Contact is: mansonnwafor@yahoo.com AVANT-PROPOS Le Secrétariat d’Appui Institutionnel à la Recherche Économique en Afrique (SISERA) a pour mission de faciliter l’émergence de centres d’excellence en recherche économique en Afrique subsaharienne et de les aider à jouer un rôle effectif dans le processus d’élaboration des politiques économiques. Un des objectifs du Secrétariat est d’aider les centres à disséminer les résultats de leurs travaux de recherche. Les Cahiers du SISERA ont donc été créés pour permettre une meilleure diffusion des travaux de recherche des Institutions partenaires du Secrétariat. La présente édition des Cahiers du SISERA est consacrée à diffusion des résultats des études conduites par six Institutions partenaires du SISERA dans le cadre du programme de formation et de recherche en économie dénommé « Stratégies et analyses pour le développement et l’accès à la croissance (SAGA) » mis en place par l’USAID et administré par SISERA. L’objet de ce programme...
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...LAGOS, NIGERIA By Patrick Onuorah Supervisor Klaus Solberg Söilen [pic] ABSTRACT This study, the role of small and medium sized enterprises for economic growth, was undertaken to find out how SME sub-sector in Nigeria has performed and its impact on the economic growth of the country. Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) is accepted globally as a tool for empowering the citizenry and economic growth. It has been associated with the rapid economic growth of countries in Asia and North America. In Nigeria efforts have been made by successive governments to reduce poverty and accelerate economic growth by increasing foreign direct investment, diversifying the economy, enacting policy frameworks which favour small business ownership and sometimes initiating employment and entrepreneurship programmes. Specifically this study tends to figure out: how profitable SME business is; whether infrastructural development could be attributed to the presence of SMEs; if significant number of people are employed within the SME sector; whether the SME market has attracted banks and financial institutions with increase in loans and incentives; whether there is increase in information Technology related businesses due to presence of SMEs and if there is need for the government to encourage and develop more opportunities for SMEs. A total of 200 SMEs were randomly selected from Matori, a city in Lagos state Nigeria. A questionnaire...
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