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Pretty Little Liars Research Paper

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Pretty Little Liars has scaring the crap out of fans since 2010, and even in its sixth season fans are still glued to their seats. And with all of the confusing plot twists on the show, there are many things you may not already know, so here are some interesting facts!

Number Fifteen: A's Identity Really Wasn't A Secret On Set

Essentially everyone on set knew who A was except for Lucy Hale (Aria). They didn't tell her because they knew she's not very good at keeping secrets.

Number Fourteen: The Theme Song Changes

The theme song has had a holiday theme for the 13th episode for every season except the first one. The second, third and fourth season episodes were Halloween themed and the fifth was a Christmas theme.

Number Thirteen: It's Hot On Twitter …show more content…
Eventually The Walking Dead surpassed it.

Number Twelve: It's A Record Breaker

The show was recently renewed for seasons six and seven meaning it will reach 160 episodes after the end of the seventh season. This will put Pretty Little Liars at the top of the list of longest running shows on ABC Family, now Freeform.

Number Eleven: Rosewood Looks An Awful Lot Like Stars Hollow

If you look closely at the town of Rosewood, you may think you're seeing double if you are a Gilmore Girls fan. That is because many of the scenes filmed for the show are done on the same lot that Gilmore Girls used. Aerial shots of Rosewood have also been used in The Witches of East End and The Carrie Diaries.

Number Ten: There Are Hidden Hitchcock References

Filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock made quite a few thriller and mystery movies during his career. References to a few of these movies pop up every once and awhile during the show, for example Rosewood's coffeeshop is called Rear Window Brews and the season one finale honored Hitchcock's movie Vertigo.

Number Nine: Fans Ship The Show's Couples

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...CONSULTING CLUB CASEBOOK 2004/2005 CASES Page 6 of 48 Copyright 2004, Do not copy or distribute without permission CONSULTING CLUB CASEBOOK 2004/2005 SOURCE / FIRM: DATE / CONTEXT: ISSUES COVERED: ISSUE/PROBLEM POSED: INFORMATION PROVIDED: SOLUTION: OTHER USEFUL TIPS: Page 9 of 48 BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON 2nd round interview for summer internship 2004 Brainteaser Estimation How would you value a football (soccer) player? Business Case None I went around the houses a bit on this one. Identified sources of revenue for a football club including: Ticket revenue, Revenue from TV coverage, Sponsorship Merchandise sales (e.g. shirts) Talked around how to determine the contribution that an individual player makes to those revenue streams The final conclusion was that the best way to divide the portion of revenue related to the actual players (over their lifetime) between the team would be based on individual ratings (like those published for each player in the fantasy football league) Talked around valuation as the present value of future cash flows related to each player Open discussion with structure maintained through making notes and drawing tree diagrams was appreciated – used diagrams as prompt for directing discussions Copyright 2004, Do not copy or distribute without permission CONSULTING CLUB CASEBOOK 2004/2005 SOURCE / FIRM: DATE / CONTEXT: ISSUES COVERED: ISSUE/PROBLEM POSED: INFORMATION PROVIDED: SOLUTION: ...

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