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Preventable Injuries

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Preventable injuries are one of the number one killers of kids in the US. Most parents are aware of this and take fun out of playtime. Kids deserve to have fun and be safe. Kids with special needs often feel left out because most playgrounds they cannot play on. Parents will be on board with their children playing with equipment like zip lines and letting a child with special needs play on a playground with adult supervision, proper equipment, and an explanation of the playground.

According to more than 75% percent of all playground injuring are falls. Lack of improper adult supervision is associated with approximately 45 percent of playground injuries. This means if adults are watching a child then injuries are most likely not going to happen. Adults should make sure children’s behavior are monitored. Childrens bad behavior such as fighting or using equipment wrong can cause …show more content…
Playgrounds should have a “Wheel thur Arcade” play structure. A “Wheel thur Arcade” is a playground for kids special needs, that allows them to have fun, be safe, and not feel left out. These types of playgrounds may include swings or a lot of arm use activities. Wheel thur Arcade have a lot of railing, ramps, and short climbing distances. Kids with special needs need to be watched at all times to make sure they do not fall or be bothered by other children. All children deserve to have a memorable childhood.

Parents should be informed about playground safety and the playground itself. Parents should dress their children appropriately for the playground. They should remove necklaces, purses, scarves or clothing with drawstrings that can get caught on equipment and pose a strangulation hazard. No children should be on playgrounds, if they are missing parts of clothing. Most parents do not care about their children playing on the playground if its

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