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Prison System: Voluntary Confinement In The United States

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The prison systems in the US are filled with issues which have created a lot of debates. The amount of money spent the violence and crimes inside the prison, the safety of inmates and guards.One major issue that has brought a lot of attention is solitary confinement. This punishment is when the inmate is placed in a cell by themselves for 23 hours a day for a period of time even years sometimes. Although experts believe that solitary confinement is good for the prison system, because it causes mentally, physical damage and it's too costly, this punishment should be abolished in all states. In the entire world, there are only three developed nations that still use solitary confinement and the United States are one of them. In the USA this is usually used for a type of punishment for violent infractions, this is not always used judiciously (Lee 100). They say that this punishment does more harm than good. For example, experts say a number of prisoners that have illness before they are placed in confinement only finds that their illness seems to exacerbate (Lee 100). People who are held in there for years usually have a hard time reintegrating into the prison population (Lee 100). Adjusting back to the outside world also is hard because they …show more content…
The punishment that some people say is hurting inmates is proved to be very costly. (Lee 100). Numbers say that the construction of a solitary cell alone is more than the average cost of a prison that holds a general population (Lee 100). Experts also say that the cell for solitary confinement is as three times the expense of a normal prison cell (Lee 100). Also, when prisons turn to solitary confinement as more the rule than the exception, the costs grow (Lee 100). The prison system could save money to do things like hiring more guards, better the general population, also the

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