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Religious Studies Achievement Standard 3.3 Analysis

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Religious Studies Achievement Standard 3.3

The debate of abortion asks us whether it can be morally correct to terminate a pregnancy before childbirth. A dictionary definition of abortion is “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy”. Abortion has been a hot topic within different religious circles especially christianity. In the discussion about christian tradition and how they respond to the ethical issue of abortion, we can clearly see the way the baptist church thinks that the issue of abortion is so important to them and their religion that they are willing to support people like Donald Trump just because in his campaign he mentions being pro-life. The therefore, in their eyes gives them the right to vote for and support this man in his personal vendetta against the world.

Despite the fact that there actually isn’t anything about abortion mentioned in the Bible, christians condemned abortion a grave sin. This is because of christian ethical beliefs laid out in the Bible. Ethics are defined as “a set of moral principles, especially ones relating to or affirming a specified group” which is exactly what the Bible is.

The catholic church teaches us that there is a right to life even as a fetus and it must be respected and protected …show more content…
In the Bible, there are ten commandments, one saying “Thou shalt not kill”. This is important to remember because fundamentally this is the root of the Christian ethics which informs their disagreement with abortion. Keeping this in mind the pro life discussion usually is based around the idea that an unborn fetus is a human being, with a beating heart, with a potential for life. Their argument’s usually also include ideas about a fetus having the capacity to evolve into a complete human being and lead its own life. So therefore, killing a fetus is the same as killing a human being and therefore being against the sixth commandment “Thou shalt not

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