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Prohibition Film Analysis

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The film prohibition directed by Ken Burns honestly depicted the important people that played a major role in the prohibition era, and the toll alcohol took on families. During this era alcohol was as American as apple pie, men who worked hard and all day would drink beer or whiskey during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In certain towns, there were even town bells that would ring twice a day to inform the men that it was time for their daily drink, they would all stop working and meet in barns or local hang out places to drink alcohol. It’s believed that in 1830 Americans fifteen and older drunk about eighty-eight bottles of whiskey a year.
As families fell a parts and fathers were homeless there was many groups created to help bring men back into society and away from the temptation of alcohol. This movement was called the Temperance movement which is sort of like our modern-day AAA meetings. Where a group of men would get together and speak about what attracted them to alcohol and lead them to road of modern day sobriety. As time, continued alcohol was prohibited but there were always …show more content…
Once the Civil war started though the government was fine with the sale of alcohol because they needed the money for the war and paid for almost the entire war with the taxes made off liquor. All thing considered, there were many women who also played a major role in bringing acknowledgement to alcohol use and how it affected the nation. First, we have France Willard who created her own school and text book teaching kids that even one sip of liquor would kill you. Next, Carry Nations who went to different saloons and smashed all other their alcohol bottles and inventory. We also had women who lost loved ones to liquor, marching a protesting; even though many men told them it wasn’t there place they still refused to sit by and let the husbands and son

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