...PAPERS How Effective Are Project Management Methodologies? An Explorative Evaluation of Their Benefits in Practice Hany Wells, Business School, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England ABSTRACT I INTRODUCTION I This article investigates the benefits and supports provided by project management methodologies (PMMs) to project managers for the management and delivery of information technology/ information system (IT/IS) projects. Using a qualitative approach, through case study strategy, the role of PMMs is examined in different business and project contexts. This article evaluates the benefit of PMMs based on their traits and characteristics and investigates PMMs in their operational context: where PMMs come from and how they support practitioners. The findings suggest a misalignment between the intended benefit of PMMs at the strategic level and the reported benefits by project managers at the project level. Additionally, it is shown that practitioners’ expertise, accountability, and attitudes all have a direct influence on the extent to which PMMs contribute to and benefit the management of projects. report from former UK Health Secretary Andrew Lansley captured the attention of many by highlighting that “Labour’s IT programme let down the NHS [National Health Service] and wasted taxpayers’ money by imposing a top-down IT system on the local NHS, which didn’t fit their needs” (BBC News, 2011). This report highlighted...
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...Abstract Enhanced quality control methods are increasingly critical for IT projects, often plagued with failure as performance objectives do not align with traditional measures. This study provides theoretical and practical implications for information technology (IT) project quality control, particularly within the domains of project management and performance measurement. The data provided qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrates the criticality of enhanced project quality control in the IT industry. Analysis of alternative methods provides alternatives to the traditional method. Alternative methods have been applied and well-accepted at large organizations who realized the criticality of these measures as new products, services, and results showed significant overall improvement. Overall this study demonstrates that improving quality control methods for IT projects leads to a strong project design—a key component of project success. This study provides theoretical and practical implications for information technology (IT) project quality control, particularly within the domains of project management and performance measurement. There is “a growing disenchantment with the traditional methodology” that measures project success by approaches such as time conformance and budget adherence, prompting stakeholders and project managers to seek methods that will provide a clear analysis of project performance (Barclay & Osei-Bryson, 2008, p. 139). While...
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...Description | Career Prospects | Student Welfare | Teaching & Research Facilities | Staff | List of Students | Publications | Course Evaluation & Exams | Msc Construction Project Management | Admission into the Masters of Science programme can be obtained through: (a) Candidates with B. Sc or B. Tech. (Building) with a minimum of second class lower or GPA not less than 2.50 (on a 5-point scale) (b) HND Building plus PGD (with upper credit) from any recognized university Duration and Mode of Study. The programme is a full time programme which runs for a minimum of 18 months. The mode of study for the programme is through a comprehensive course work to be examined in both oral and written papers, seminars and other necessary work to be contained in a submitted thesis. Employment Opportunities Graduate of the programme will have further relevance in the following areas: (a) Public sector, government ministries, parastatals and research institutes (b) Private sector employments and related industries, oil and gas, power and steel, telecommunications. COURSE CODE | COURSE TITLE | UNIT | BD 701 | Construction Plants and Equipments | 2 | BD 703 | Construction Planning and Contract Practice | 2 | BD 705 | Construction Finance | 2 | BD 707 | Research Methodology | 2 | BD 709 | Project Feasibility Analysis/Studies | 2 | BD 711 | Construction Management Process | 2 | BD 797 | Research Project I | 2 | | Plus One Elective | 2 | | Total | 16 | BD 701...
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...[Type the company name] | Project Management Assignment | Research Paper and Presentation | Nathan Alexander 4/16/2016 | Contents Introduction 2 Traditional (Waterfall) 2 Agile Project Management 3 Rapid Application Development 3 What is PMBOK? 4 What is a project? 8 What is project management? 8 What does current literature have to say on this matter? 8 Conclusion 10 Bibliography 11 Introduction In our essay, we will be talking about the strategies that can offer advantages to an association through IT projects. We will be examining the current literature on the matter including diverse project management methods and additionally their qualities and shortcomings. PMBOK will be analyzed including the procedure groups that are included. We will be assessing and examining the learning regions and how the processing groups identify with each other. Traditional (Waterfall) According to Successful Projects, this is the oldest methodology it was practiced decades before the newer methodologies were introduced (Projects, S. 2016). This methodology can be used all industries, but it is most common in the construction industry. They call it the waterfall model because it defines the sequence of phases to be completed. This project management methodology is divided into 7 consecutive phases: 1. Requirements specification 2. Design 3. Coding 4. Integration 5. Validation 6. Installation 7. Maintenance You can only move...
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...Human resources management main role in information technology Project management Hamed Tohidi Reference Tohidi, H. (2011). Human Resources Management main role in Information Technology project management. Procedia Computer Science, 3, 925-929. Purpose The purpose of this article is to emphasize the role of human resource management in information technology projects as one of the effective factors that leads to successful projects. The author includes information about project manager responsibilities, factors that effect on the success of project management and method of research. The conducted survey has been issued to priories the human resource management three aspects which are individual factors, job-related factors and organizations factors. Those three factors have been prioritized based on questionnaire which took place on an information technology department in government agency. Key Information The project manager Due to the rapid development of information technology projects, the social and human resources management been effected negatively. Project managers are responsible to create new strategies to improve performance, prevent possible risks, and make decisions. Because of that, managers share these responsibilities with the human resource management professionals taking an account of several concerns. Those considerations are related to main strategies and project planning with human resource management principles and their timely implementation...
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...Business Service Management Student Projects Business Service Management (BSM) Motivation/Background: In an environment where the number of services is substantial and the differences between business and IT services blur, Business Service Management becomes crucial: the explicit management of these services as important business assets that are the focal points for the cost-effective creation of customer value and innovation in organizations (see for more information: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/26620/). Aims/Outcomes: There are a range of topics within Business Service Management that can be the focus of a research project, for example, service management, service strategies, service-oriented business models, service prioritization, service portfolio management, service quality, service analysis & design, service co-creation, service architectures and service re-use. A project can be of a more academic or practical nature. Depending on your specific interests, we will advise you to contact one of the BSM researchers as supervisor. Some specific projects within this area are listed here and described in more detail below: Decision-Support for Service Bundling Prioritisation of Service Processes Service-oriented business models Apple’s iModel: The business model of iPod, iPhone and iPad Required Knowledge: Projects in the area of BSM require a sound understanding of both business and IT and a basic understanding and interest in research methodologies...
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...sciencedirect.com International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 422–427 www.elsevier.com/locate/ijproman Effect of a virtual project team environment on communication-related project risk April H. Reed *, Linda V. Knight 1 Department of Management Information Systems, College of Business, East Carolina University, United States College of Computing and Digital Media, DePaul University, United States Received 25 March 2009; received in revised form 13 July 2009; accepted 4 August 2009 Abstract Over 150 Information Technology practitioners participated in a study of differences in communication risk between traditional project teams and those that operate virtually, with some team members physically remote. Contrary to prior research, results indicate the level of risk from inadequate communication is not significantly greater when team members are not grouped in one location. Further, despite increased dependence of virtual teams on technology for communication, there was no evidence of significantly more project risk due to technological failure. However, virtual team projects exhibited notably more risk due to insufficient knowledge transfer. A plausible explanation is decreased implicit or informal knowledge transfer in virtual environments. We conclude that the possibility of insufficient knowledge transfer should be included in virtual project risk management plans, and consideration should be given in such projects to the extent to which knowledge that is traditionally...
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...Assignment 1.1 Determine a management area for investigation that has an implication for a work-related area. Answer: Protecting the health and safety of employees or members of the public who may be affected by your activities is an essential part of risk management and must be led by the governing body. Failure to include health and safety as a key business risk in board decisions can have catastrophic results. Many high-profile safety cases over the years have been rooted in failures of leadership. Health and safety law places duties on organizations and employers, and senior management can be personally liable when these duties are breached: members of the governing body have both collective sand individual responsibility for health and safety. 1.2 Identify the aim, scope and objective of the project. Answer: A comprehensive and holistic analysis such as the one recommended in this Toolkit is likely to reveal a broad range of challenges that people in the target area are facing. It is unlikely that a CBA project will be able to address all of these issues, so defining the scope of the project is an important step in the Design phase. While the following steps focus on the scope in terms of goals, objectives, targets and results, this step also includes defining the scope of the project with respect to its geographic reach and timeline. The project goal and objectives are key pieces of the project design, as they establish the framework for identifying expected...
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...Research on Lean Project Management Research on Lean Project Management Summary This report explains theories and assumptions of current project management methods, and compares it to the Lean Production Delivery System (LPDS) by showing advantages and disadvantages of each method. This report also includes how the LPDS is more efficient than other methods by eliminating wastes and save cost and duration. Introduction: Client needs nowadays are getting more stylish due to the continuous new challenges in the environment, economy, technology and society for the necessity of creating or upgrading new projects. Meeting these requirements involves changing old methods in managing projects into new ones which are more essential to meet the needs of the market. Moreover, new concepts have been considered in addition for the time, cost and quality to guaranty the success of a project. Many new concepts could be presented for production management, but the Lean Production Delivery System (LPDS) is one of the most successful practices concerning the development of project management. For this matter, this report will include an investigation and discussion comparing the advantages and disadvantages of current project management methods and Lean Production Delivery Systems (LPDS). Current project management methods, Advantages and Disadvantages: ...
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...) The project summary is an indication of your intent to carry out a project in a certain field of discipline for a Masters level module. The project must be mindful of and demonstrate EACH of the following learning outcomes 1. Apply intellectual rigor to a topic area or subject that is of interest to the student and relevant to the programme of study undertaken at a Masters level. 2. Conceptualise and articulate a particular area of research or industry requirement in the body of a coherent, comprehensive and logically argued professional report. 3. Utilise and justify a range of research methods to identify, select and review a wide range of fully cited information sources to support the subject matter, both historical and current. 4. Identify and apply appropriate approaches, methodologies, tools and techniques that will support the progression of the subject matter and theme of a project. 5. Develop well structured solutions to an identifiable industry requirement or support a hypothesis / intellectual argument regarding an area of research. 6. Critically evaluate options and make justifiable recommendations for the subject matter. 7. Critically evaluate the approach and conduct of the project. 8. Demonstrate and conduct a project to good project management characteristics and Quality Assurance techniques. 9. Apply appropriate measures to address any legal and ethical issues relating to the project work. The project must fall...
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...TL 038 INNOVATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT: A RESEARCH AGENDA SERGEY FILIPPOV; HERMAN MOOI DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF INNOVATION SYSTEMS RESEARCHER AT DELFT CENTRE FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT (THE NETHERLANDS) Abstract th Originally developed in the mid-20 century, project management has become a distinctive way to manage business activities nowadays. Another important development is virtually universal recognition of the role of innovation and technology in the corporate change, growth and profitability. It is unsurprising that development of innovation is often run as a project. Yet, theoretically both project management and innovation studies have evolved over time as distinctively separate disciplines. In this paper we make an attempt to conceptualise the innovation project management and to specify the idiosyncratic nature of innovation projects as opposed to conventional projects. By doing so, we contribute to the nascent academic debate on the interplay between innovation and project management. Key words: project management, innovation, technology 1. Introduction This paper is concerned with three topics and the interplay between them, namely “Innovation”, “Research and Development (R&D)” and “Project Management”. The interest in these topics has exploded recently as they emerged both on the policy agenda and in the corporate strategies. The contribution of technological innovation to national economic growth has been well established in...
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...Six Sigma Management Action research with some contributions to theories and methods PETER CRONEMYR Division of Quality Sciences Department of Technology Management and Economics CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Göteborg, Sweden (2007) They wanted me to be respected as A doctor or a lawyer man But I had other plans Gonna be a rock ‘n’ roll singer Gonna be a rock ‘n’ roll star AC/DC - Rock ‘n’ Roll Singer Young/Young/Scott 1975 No matter what Quality will keep on rockin’ The Rock Stars of Quality Debbie Phillips-Donaldson, editor Quality Progress, July 2005 Six Sigma Management Action research with some contributions to theories and methods Peter Cronemyr Copyright © Peter Cronemyr (2007) ISBN 978-91-7385-021-6 Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola Ny serie nr 2702 ISSN: 0346-718X Published and distributed by: Division of Quality Sciences CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY S-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden Telephone: +46 (0)31 772 10 00 Printed at: Chalmers Reproservice Göteborg, Sweden Thesis Shortcuts Six Sigma A short introduction Go directly to Chapter 3.1 on page 47 Action Research Methodology Go directly to Chapter 2.2 on page 28 The Author Background and motives Go directly to Chapter 1.2 on page 15 Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB The Case Company Go directly to Appendix A, Chapter 2.1 on page A-3 The Conclusions of the Thesis Go directly to Chapter 5 on page 89 Six Sigma Management Action Research With Some...
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...School of Management Blekinge Institute of Technology THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PAYBACK METHOD IN CAPITAL BUDGETING DECISION. By Alaba Femi, AWOMEWE & Oludele Olawale, OGUNDELE Supervisor: Anders Hederstierna Thesis for the Master’s degree in Business Administration Fall/Spring 2008 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PAYBACK METHOD IN CAPITAL BUDGETING DECISION. By Alaba Femi, AWOMEWE & Oludele Olawale, OGUNDELE A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MBA (Master of Business Administration) Blekinge Institute of Technology 2008 Supervisor Anders Hederstierna ii Abstract Title: The importance of the Payback method in Capital budgeting decision. Authors: Alaba Femi, Awomewe and Oludele Olawale, Ogundele Supervisor: Anders Hederstierna Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Master’s thesis in business administration, 15 credits (ECTS). Background and Problem Discussion: The capital budgeting decision has been a very typical issue in the sustenance of a company. Several companies have lost their identity or liquidated due to wrong capital budgeting decision they made at one particular time or the other. Based on these prevalent problems in industries and the effect of globalisation on industries, it is important to use effective method to analyse investment before decision is made. Capital budgeting is extremely important because the decision made involve the direction...
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...[Type the company name] | Annotated Bibliography | Project Scope Creep | | [Type the author name] | [Pick the date] | Colquitt, J. and Lepine, J. (2013) “Stress.” Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace, 130-142. The authors focus on the research field of organizational behavior and understanding attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups within organizations with the goal of improving them and the way the function collectively. The section on stress analyzes the negative impacts that stress can exert on organizations and methods for managing it to minimize its effect. The foundation of the section revolves around the “transactional theory of stress” which explains how stress is perceived and how individuals respond to it, taking into account the effects of both work and non-work influences on the overall organization. Due to the high cost organizations are faced with associated with employee stress, the section analyzes different practices and methods that can be utilized to manage stress and eliminate issues that cause it. Additionally, a number of different companies and their stress management practiced are discussed as well as resources that can be used to aid organizations. This book is an excellent resource and reference tool for project managers as they face a unique set of challenges based upon the nature of projects and the functionality of project organizations. The stress section was particularly beneficial...
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...Technology, Sydney Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology 49002 Managing Projects Assignment 1 – Research on Lean Project Management Task Write a research-focused report that investigates and discusses how the principles, theory, processes and tools of Lean Production Delivery Systems (LPDS) can be applied to current project management practices. This is an individual assignment for both Standard and Distance Mode students. Overview There are several global trends, particularly rapid rates of change in technological, social, environmental and economic areas, that expose the inherent difficulties in meeting increasingly stringent clients’ needs. Project-based initiatives have been increasingly used as a very good way to deal with rapid rates of change, with a large effort to disseminate project management as a standard way to deliver increasingly sophisticated products. However, the strong emphasis on time, cost and quality may not necessarily ensure that rapid and constantly changing needs can be adequately and comprehensively addressed. Of all the approaches to production management, the theory and principles drawn from Lean Production Delivery Systems (LPDS) seem to be best suited for enhancing project management practices. You will investigate and discuss how the application of lean approaches, such as lean construction, lean manufacturing and lean thinking, to the management of projects and production address these concerns and enhance the value that is delivered...
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