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Submitted By wazzagoo
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Curriculum Vitae

To grant competitive performance and attitude in my career.


2005- 2011:
• King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Dhahran, KSA,
B.S Degree in Finance, College of Industrial Management, Honor graduate with a GPA of 3.041 out of 4, and Major GPA of 3.203, June, 2011.
• Accomplished 7 months training at SAMBA Financial Group as a Co-op trainee in : o Global Transaction Services Department. o Financial Institutions Department.
 CFA L1 Candidate.
• Working at SABIC:
 As Team Leader at Project Management Office of Working Capital Optimization (Current): o Account Payable SBUs/Riyadh work stream responsibility. o Account Receivable work stream responsibility. o Budget tracking & modeling. o Operational PMO action log. o Project monthly progress monitoring & reporting. o PMO meeting coordinator.
 As investment planner at Fertilizers SBU: o Actively Coordinating activities with E&PM on projects cost estimates. o Handling Fertilizers SBU Annual Report. o Prepared several feasibility studies /Investment Pre-studies for different projects/companies. o Member of ESTDAMA (sustainability research center) project team. o Responsible for fertilizers Competitors Analysis. o Reviewed several Marketing & off-take agreements. o Prepared a number of cost models. o Developed sophisticated Business Case models with different scenarios and risk analysis related to new investment appraisals.
• Worked at AlRajhi Bank as Credit Analyst.
• Worked for Middle East Telecommunication Company (METCO) for 3 months (summer).
• Worked for Najd Pharmacies (in their head office) for three months (summer training).
• Member of Industrial Management & Public Relations Clubs. o Organized several events by the CIM Club.
• Participated in 'Volunteer Day ' several times.


• Leadership & Teamwork:
Part of academic and non-academic teams, Team leader for many courses.
• Computer:
ICDL standard, Minitab, Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint …etc.
• Language:
Excellent English language, practiced for more than five years in the university and two summer courses in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia (ELS).
• Technology: Trying to be up-to-date with technology in many fields.

Key Competencies

• Fast learner, team player, public speaker, creative problem solver, Self-directed and results-oriented worker with strong analytical capabilities.

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