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Psychodynamic Case Study

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Ann is a 44-year-old, twice-divorced, woman who has no children, lives alone, and has been working full-time for the past 22 years. In October, 1996, Ann divorced her second husband and began to develop depressive symptoms (sadness, crying, social withdrawal, severe self-criticism). The depression worsened until it reached the severe level in March, 1997.The major stressors in Ann’s life are social ones. Since her divorce she has withdrawn from friends, family, and co-workers. She has dated several times since her divorce but each date has been a “one-night stand,” which leaves her feeling rejected and defective. Psychodynamic therapy helps patients explore their unconscious feelings and conflicts which have caused emotional suffering, learning through insight the patient develops the internal psychological resources to deal with the psychological issues that have occurred recently or at an early age. Emotional perspective, pathological behaviors and short-term therapy is among many benefits of this therapy. Ann’s depression gradually reduced over a four-month period after the therapy started, until she was in full remission. She remained in therapy to work on lingering …show more content…
The task of the therapist is to define those patterns and translate them to words so the patient can communicate pain, frustration, anger in words rather than destructive behavior. Therapist investigate early experiences related to affection and how this influence their present and past relationship by helping the patient describe conflicting, disturbing and destructive feelings which at first the patient can’t recognize or admit. (Messer and Warren,1995). Emotional perspective is not the same as intellectual perspective. Dealing with emotional perspective which is in a deeper level of the subconscious can create a profound change in the patient, they can live a more productive

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