...possible if the teacher understands the qualities and nature of child and human psychology. The subject Educational Psychology is also a challenging field through which different complex problems of educational system can be solved. The knowledge of Educational Psychology has a great relevance for the teacher, because it helps the teacher to realize his objective of effective teaching and educating the pupils properly. Precisely speaking, the knowledge of Educational Psychology helps the teacher in the following ways: (1) Understanding the child: It has been rightly recognized that the teacher can truly teach the child only when he possesses the knowledge of child psychology individual as well as collective. For example, the teacher must know how children think; what are their interests at various stages of their development; and how their energies can best be utilized for educational purpose. In fact, all modifications in the techniques of teaching are really the growing application of the knowledge of psychology to the process of teaching learning. (2) Understanding individual differences: Previously it was presumes that all children are more or less alike and therefore, almost same speed of progress was expected of them. Moreover, it was also thought that the mind of the child is just like a clean state and therefore, anything could be written on it. Now, from the knowledge of psychology, we understand that there are marked differences among the children, and every child...
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...EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: A DEFINITION AND KEY CONCEPTS It seems too simple to say that educational psychology is the psychology of learning and teaching, and yet a majority of educational psychologists spend their time studying ways to describe and improve learning and teaching. After reviewing the historical literature in educational psychology, Glover and Ronning (1987, p. 14) suggested that educational psychology includes topics that span human development, individual differences, measurement, learning, and motivation and is both a data-driven and a theory-driven discipline. Thus, our definition of educational psychology is the application of psychology and psychological methods to the study of development, learning, motivation, instruction, assessment, and related issues that influence the interaction of teaching and learning. This definition is broad because the potential applications of educational psychology to the learning process are immense! Today educational psychology is a vital discipline that is contributing to the education of teachers and learners. For example, Jerome Bruner, an enduring figure in educational psychology, recently noted the need to rethink our ideas of development, teaching, and learning and the interactions among them. Specifically, Bruner (1996) urged educators and psychologists to see children as thinkers, and stated: No less than the adult, the child is thought of as holding more or less coherent "theories" not only about the world but about...
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...PHYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION RESEARCH DESIGN Name: Institution: Aim The key intentions of this research study are to respond to questions regarding the benefits of psychology and education. Also, the research study will focus on various issues relating to psychology and education as well as disputes regarding the topic. Abstract The main purpose of the study is to centre on the benefits of psychology and education In addition the research study tries to respond on alternate issues regarding psychology as well as education. The research study also focuses on demonstrating more concerning the needed researches that could be conducted on psychology and education. Although not a clear explanation the study defines more on this. Consequently, the technique that used in undertaking the study involves the use of questionnaires along with descriptive figures. Key words R.D: Research design S.Z: Sample size S.M: Sampling method Table of contents Contents Aim 2 Abstract 3 Key words 4 1.0 Introduction 7 1.2 The problem 10 1.4 Specific Objectives 10 1.5 Background to the problem 11 2.0 Method (Research Design) 13 2.1 participants 13 2.2 Sampling procedures 13 2.3 Sampling Technique...
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...B. F. Skinner Burrhus Frederic (B. F.) Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990) was an American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher.[1][2][3][4] He was the Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology at Harvard University from 1958 until his retirement in 1974.[5] Skinner believed that human free will is an illusion and that any human action is the result of the consequences of the same action. If the consequences are bad, there is a high chance that the action will not be repeated; however if the consequences are good, the actions that led to it will become more probable.[6] Skinner called this the principle of reinforcement.[7] The use of reinforcement to strengthen behavior he called operant conditioning. As his main tool for studying operant conditioning Skinner The Skinners’ grave at Mount Auburn Cemetery invented the operant conditioning chamber, also known as the Skinner Box.[8] Skinner developed his own philosophy of science called radical behaviorism,[9] and founded a school of experimental research psychology—the experimental analysis of behavior. His analysis of human behavior culminated in his work Verbal Behavior, as well as his philosophical manifesto Walden Two, both of which still stimulate considerable experimental research and clinical application.[10] Contemporary academia considers Skinner a pioneer of modern behaviorism along with John B. Watson and Ivan Pavlov. Skinner emphasized rate of response as a dependent variable in psychological...
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...workplaces have occurred in the United States in the last four decades. These changes have led to the development of education-for-work as a term that describes various efforts to enhance the capability of the workforce. Education-for-work encompasses all education, training, and development activities that (a) prepare people for work or assist them in current employment and (b) engage in the development and refinement of competencies, attitudes, and knowledge through formal and informal means (Nadler, 1985). Many approaches to education-for-work are based on models that were developed during the agrarian age and industrial revolution, and have been shaped by practice rather than philosophic principles. Education-for-work needs to adopt or develop well-defined philosophic principles that will guide, support, or create practice in changing workplaces. In order to meet the needs of the workplace of today and the future, education-for-work practitioners must be aware of the philosophies that promote both technical-vocational needs and personal development. Education-for-work practitioners must select and adapt appropriate philosophical views that will guide practice in terms of purpose; much like a master painter, who takes paint from a palette, mixes it appropriately, and applies the mixed paint to the canvas using experience and skill to complete the envisioned picture. Education-for-work practitioners must be more than transmitters of knowledge; they should be like master painters or...
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...SUBJECT AND TASKS OF PSYCHOLOGY IN HIGHER SCHOOL Psychology studies the individual and group mental phenomena of nature, the laws of development and the formation, role and place in the activities and behavior. Higher School of Psychology studies the mind and psychological features of activity of students, teachers and university leaders. The psyche of the individual includes mental processes, states and properties. Mental processes are divided into cognitive, emotional and volitional. Cognitive processes - sensation, perception, representation, memory, imagination, thinking and speech - it gives the opportunity to acquire knowledge and solve problems, to navigate the environment, explore the individual objects and the environment in general, to anticipate events. Emotional processes stain the whole inner life of man, are involved in the activation of his forces, "let know" about the compliance or non-compliance of what is happening needs and goals. Determined processes are expressed in the self-regulation, conscious, mobilizing and managing their behavior. This is most clearly manifested when they overcome difficulties and obstacles. Mental processes are included in the behavior and activities of people. There is not a problem that could be solved by them without manifestations of psychological processes. Mental conditions - it is a temporary state of mind in general (climbing, confidence, willingness, joy, doubt, depression, depression, etc...), That affect the level...
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...Multicultural Psychology Multicultural Psychology Psychology is the organized study of behavior, thoughts and affects. Multicultural Psychology is a branch of the many different areas of psychology that analyzes the effects of culture on the feelings, behaviors, and thoughts of individuals. Culture is defined as a group of people characterized by shared values, customs, and behaviors. In this country there is emphasis placed on different racial groups, inter-marriage, minority adoptions and numerous other areas. According to “What is Multicultural Psychology” (n.d.), multicultural psychology differentiates between a narrow definition of culture which is limited to race, ethnicity, and nationality. The broad definition of culture includes any or all important and meaningful ways to identify individuals or groups. Multicultural psychology is needed because this country is so diverse where people of different backgrounds will always encounter one another. History The field of multicultural psychology has a long and complex history. Studies recognized the large cultural and social change in the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as new immigrants, new women, and racial minorities strived for equality and social justice (Oliver, 2010). Psychologist conduct studies on human issues that begin before birth, and continue through the end of life. Multicultural psychology evolved primarily from clinical and counseling psychology. It evolved through...
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...DEFINITION: COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY Community is a group of people living in the same, it is also the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common. Psychology is a study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context. Community psychology is the individuals within communities and the society at large. It is the relationships of the individual to communities and society. Community psychologists seek to understand the quality of life of individuals, communities, and society. Their aim is to enhance quality of life through collaborative research and action. Community psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with person environment interactions and the ways society affects individual and community functioning. Community psychology focuses on social issues, social institutions, and other settings that influence individuals, groups, and organizations. According to Seedat et al. (2001), community psychology aims to extend mental health services, particularly previously and currently disadvantages and oppressed groups. It is concerned about transforming the way psychosocial problems and solutions are conceptualised, providing a contextual analysis that takes cognisance of local knowledge and social issues. Community psychology is like clinical psychology and community mental health in its action orientation. Community psychology aims to promote human welfare. Community psychology is like public health...
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...Examination of Clinical Psychology Mileva Repasky August 25, 2014 PSY 480 John Colyar Examination of Clinical Psychology Psychology itself involves many theories, outcomes, and studies involving behaviors. Clinical psychology involves licensed individuals who use their knowledge and expertise of human behavior to address and treat issues or concerns in an individual’s life. Our text describes clinical psychology as “the aspect of psychological science and practice concerned with the analysis, treatment, and prevention of human psychological disabilities” (Plante, 2010, p.7). Clinical psychology is used to treat mental health problems using the scientific method. Clinical psychology has a very diverse history and continues to evolve through research and continually advancing statistics in this field. As this branch of psychology continues to evolve there are many similarities and differences that are shared with many other health professions. History and Evolution of Clinical Psychology Though the aspects of psychology have been present throughout our history, the actual field of psychology and clinical psychology was not recognized as a science until the late 1800’s. Psychology became a distinct discipline in 1892 when the American Psychological Association was formed; clinical psychology was named a specialty four years later. In 1896 the first psychological clinic was open in Pennsylvania by Lightner Witmer who became the first psychologist who treated an individual...
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...Introduction The theories of psychology can be observed throughout every aspect of daily life, in everything that we do. Whether in the classroom or a social gather, different concepts and ideas can be applied to human behavior. As a student of psychology, it would be difficult to complete a degree without considering which of these theories align with your personal worldview. Thus, this paper will reflect my journey through the program, as well as my personal philosophy towards the field of psychology, specifically to the theory of humanism. The application of this theory to my future career and goals, professional and personal, will also be discussed. Theoretical Perspective Humanists believe that humans are inherently good by nature and have the free will to make choices that shape the person you become. According to humanists, genetics and unconscious forces do not shape a person. Rather, a person’s choices and actions...
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...Name of school Popular majors Northern Arizona University Elementary education, biology, hotel and restaurant management, nursing, and criminology and criminal justice California State University Northridge Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Social Sciences, Psychology, Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, and Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities Humboldt State University Natural Resources and Conservation, Visual and Performing Arts, Social Sciences, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, and Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities Los Angeles Film School Film Colorado Mesa University Business/Commerce, Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse, Kinesiology and Exercise Science, Psychology, and Biology/Biological Sciences Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design Art & Design University of Northern Colorado Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Social Sciences, and Communication and Media Studies Western State Colorado University Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies, Social Sciences, Psychology, and Visual and Performing Arts Colorado State University Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Communication, Journalism, and...
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...Careers in Psychology Amy Garrow-Estrada BEH/225 October 05, 2014 Deanna Foley, instructor Careers in Psychology Over the years I have thought about a career in psychology a few times, but I do not think that it would work for me since it is not my true goal in life. Throughout my time in school though, I have found a few areas of psychology interesting, and believe that they could be beneficial for my career as a health care administrator. I found that the community psychologist role would be a good role to look into, along with the role of the developmental psychologist. Both of those careers hold the most interest for me, and what they can do for me to give back to the community and to the people that I plan to one day build my retirement home for. A community psychologist helps people to strengthen their abilities, and to meet their own personal needs. They help people to find the resources to help themselves, and to work with others to improve their lives and those around them. They strive to enhance a community, and find a way to empower the people to make a stronger community. They work with schools to prevent bullying, with neighborhoods to prevent crime, and they help to implement changes to policies to improve health outcomes. It is their job to show others how to work within their social systems to meet their needs. According to Education Portal, “Those interested in becoming community psychologists may begin their careers by completing...
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...Historical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology Abstract In the following paper, abnormal psychology will be discussed in length. The origins of abnormal psychology will be discussed, including the challenges to defining and classifying normal and abnormal behavior. There will also be a brief overview of how abnormal psychology has evolved into a scientific discipline. Finally the biopsychosocial, biological/medical, and sociocultural theoretical models, will also be analyzed in relation to the development of abnormal psychology. Historical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology Abnormal psychology, also known as psychopathology, is the subfield of psychology devoted to the study of mental disorders (Hansell & Damour, 2008). The subfield also aims to understand the nature, causes, and treatment of these mental disorders (Pearson Higher Education, 2010). Abnormal psychology has come a long way in regard to how it is defined, viewed, and even treated. There are many challenges when it comes to defining and classifying normal and abnormal behavior. Over time, abnormal psychology has evolved into a scientific discipline. When it comes to the development of abnormal psychology, there are many theoretical models in which we can study as well. Origins of Abnormal Psychology It is difficult to define abnormality, and the scientific characterization of abnormality depends on five criteria: help seeking, irrationality/dangerousness, deviance, emotional distress, and significant...
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...Name of school | Popular majors | Northern Arizona University | Elementary education, biology, hotel and restaurant management, nursing, and criminology and criminal justice | California State University Northridge | Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Social Sciences, Psychology, Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, and Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities | Humboldt State University | Natural Resources and Conservation, Visual and Performing Arts, Social Sciences, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, and Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities | Los Angeles Film School | Film | Colorado Mesa University | Business/Commerce, Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse, Kinesiology and Exercise Science, Psychology, and Biology/Biological Sciences | Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design | Art & Design | University of Northern Colorado | Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Social Sciences, and Communication and Media Studies | Western State Colorado University | Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies, Social Sciences, Psychology, and Visual and Performing Arts | Colorado State University | Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Biological...
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...Francis Cecil Sumner Courtney Carter Alabama A&M University, Huntsville, AL, USA Abstract Francis Sumner is wrote down in history as the “Father of Black Psychology”. This critique observes the early education of Sumner that was the building blocks to his success. His education and contributions to early psychology is discussed in this critique to show that whatever one puts their mind to can be achieved through commitment and hard work. Being an African American was already hard, but being a male paralyzed his education for a year. He had to enlist in the Army, but that did not change the young black man he was before all of that. Even after resigning, Sumner continued to contribute to psychology in order to pave the way for other African Americans. This critique notes his down falls and his up comings that made him who he was. KEY WORDS: African Americans, self-educated, PhD The “Father of Black Psychology”: Francis Cecil Sumner Sumner was born December 7, 1895 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas where he received his elementary education. His parents, David and Lillian Sumner, withdrew him out of school after elementary school so he could be self-educated just like his father (Talmadge, 2001). In 1911, after enrolling in Lincoln University, he had to take a written entrance exam on the count of not having a high school diploma (Thomas, 2006). His hard work with the dedication of his parents paid off. From this moment on he never let anything stop him from achieving...
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