...TUGAS INDIVIDU MARKETING MANAGEMENT CSL MERUPAKAN INDIKATOR DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEPUASAN PELANGGAN TOYOTA PADA AUTO2000 Kelas : Eksekutif A 38-A Dosen : Oleh : HARRIS TORMA RAYA PURBA (15/387270/PEK/20820) MAGISTER MANAJEMEN FAKULTAS EKONOMIKA DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA JAKARTA 2016 1. LATAR BELAKANG Tingkat persaingan dalam dunia usaha sekarang ini sangatlah tinggi, ini disebabkan oleh adanya perubahan kepada era teknologi, dimana pemakaian internet sudah menjadi kebutuhan bagi setiap orang. Sehingga dalam kehidupan sehari – hari orang akan menggunakan internet, sosial media untuk mencari informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam menentukan pilihan terhadap barang atau jasa yang akan dibeli. Dengan semakin banyaknya perusahaan yang menawarkan produk atau jasa yang sama maka memberikan keuntungan bagi konsumen. Dimana konsumen memiliki posisi daya tawar menawar yang kuat dan memiliki lebih banyak pilihan sehingga dalam menentukan pembeliaan konsumen akan memilih produk yang terbaik dan harga yang termurah. Perilaku konsumen yang kritis ini juga dialami dalam dunia otomotif, dimana segmen pasar ini diisi oleh orang – orang yang memiliki penghasilan lebih. Sehingga sebelum menentukan pilihan mereka akan mencari segala informasi tentang merek kendaraan, harga kendaraan, dan pelayanan dari dealer serta apa saja yang ditawarkan yang dapat memberikan kemudahan dan keuntungan bagi konsumen. Perkembangan market otomotif dari tahun 2009 sampai 2014 semakin...
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...Pengertian Kepuasan kerja Kepuasan kerja merupakan hal yang bersifat individual. Setiap individu mempunyai tingkat kepuasan yang berbeda-beda, seperti yang didefinisikan oleh Kreitner & Kinicki (2005), bahwa kepuasan kerja sebagai efektivitas atau respons emosional terhadap berbagai aspek pekerjaan. Definisi ini mengandung pengertian bahwa kepuasan kerja bukanlah suatu konsep tunggal, sebaliknya seseorang dapat relatif puas dengan suatu aspek dari pekerjaannya dan tidak puas dengan salah satu atau beberapa aspek lainnya. Blum (As’ad, 2000) mengatakan bahwa kepuasan kerja merupakan suatu sikap umum yang merupakan hasil dari beberapa sikap khusus terhadap faktor-faktor pekerjaan, karakteristik individual, serta hubungan kelompok di luar pekerjaan itu sendiri. Handoko (2001) mengatakan bahwa kepuasan kerja sebagai respon emosional menunjukkan perasaan yang menyenangkan berkaitan dengan pandangan karyawan terhadap pekerjaannya. Tiffin mengemukakan bahwa kepuasan kerja berhubungan dengan sikap dari karyawan terhadap pekerjaan itu sendiri, situasi kerja, kerjasama antara pimpinan dan sesama pimpinan dan sesama karyawan. Locke dan Luthans berpendapat bahwa kepuasan kerja adalah perasaan pekerja atau karyawan yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaannya, yaitu merasa senang atau tidak senang, sebagai hasil penilaian individu yang bersangkutan terhadap pekerjaannya. Herzberg di dalam teorinya Two Factors Theory mengatakan bahwa kepuasan kerja dan ketidakpuasan kerja merupakan dua hal yang berbeda...
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...GUNADARMA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY : http://library.gunadarma.ac.id 1 ANALYSIS OF THE QUALITY OF SERVICES IN REPAIR PT. CASTLE Kebayoran Fatmawati HONDA BASED CUSTOMER SATISFACTION LEVEL Wiliyana Kumala (30499809) Abstract—ANALYSIS OF THE QUALITY OF SERVICES IN REPAIR PT. CASTLE Kebayoran Fatmawati HONDA BASED CUSTOMER SATISFACTION LEVEL Wiliyana Kumala Undergraduate Program, 2011 Gunadarma University http://www.gunadarma.ac.id Key Words: Validity, Reliability, Perceptions, Expectations ABSTRACT : Consumer perceptions of the quality of a product is often found to differ from expectations. The difference between the perception in the hope would be a precedent decline in the quality of the product. Before that happens the difference is getting worse, a study to evaluate the perceptions and expectations of consumers should be done. The purpose of this study therefore was to determine the service quality attributes overlooked in choosing workshop and to examine differences in perceptions and expectations of customers about the quality of service PT. Honda Fatmawati Kebayoran palace. Samples were taken 97, which is a customer of PT. Honda Fatmawati Kebayoran palace. There are two additional attributes for the questionnaire study, the cleanliness of waiting rooms and the availability of places of worship. Test the validity of using the Pearson product moment and reliability testing using Cronbach alpha. Difference test using the Wilcoxon method rating. Difference test indicates there are...
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...Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Pua Edayan ECO/372 October 26, 2012 William Akamine Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Gross domestic product is the market value of final goods and services produced in a given period within the United States. National accounts are related to the gross domestic product which is a subject in macroeconomics. It has three ways that results are the same. Product approach is the most direct and sums the outputs. This approach has market value of final goods and services that is calculated within a year. The gross domestic product is released quarterly. It is used to measure economic outputs and the growth rate is evaluated by the Federal Reserve. Real gross domestic product reflects positive contributions from exports with fixed investments from nonresidential, personal expenditures, and state and government spending whereas, a subtraction of imports are increased. It measures the economy as the cost incurred and earned incomes of the gross domestic product are in the production. For example, if 1992 is the base year, then the real gross domestic product for 1996 is calculated by quantities of goods and services that were purchased in 1996 are multiplied by their 1992 prices. Evaluations at current market prices are known as nominal gross domestic product. Therefore, all changes in market prices include during the year due to deflation or inflation. Deflation meaning a decrease in price level and inflation that show...
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...THE FACTORIES AND MACHINERY ACT, 1967 Peraturan-peraturan (Pemberitahu, Perakuan Kelayakan dan Pemeriksaan) Kilang dan Jentera, 1970 Peraturan 10(2) The Factories and Machinery (Notification, Certificate of Fitness and Inspections) Regulations, 1970 Regulation 10(2) Perakuan Kelayakan MESIN ANGKAT (selain Mesin Angkat guna tangan) Perakuan ini adalah sah hingga (lihat syarat-syarat di bawah) 03/02/2015 Nama Pemunya/Penduduk BINA PURI CONSTRUCTION SDN BHD Alamat Pos No. 23-1, Jln 6/89B Kaw. Perindustrian Trisegi, Batu 3 1/4, Off Jln Sg. Besi, 57100 Dengan ini diperakui bahawa Mesin Angkat tuan telah saya periksa pada dan saya puas hati yang ia boleh dijalankan pada beban yang tidak lebih daripada 04/11/2013 kilogram 3750 No. Pendaftaran Nama Pembuat LOON FATT ENGINEERING WORKS No. Pembuat Butir-butir tentang Mesin Angkat PMA54055 1004. Perihal DERRICK CRANE. Kuasa 22 kilowatt BINA PURI CONSTRUCTION SDN BHD, , USJ-21 HD 108340 P.T 3466, Mukim Damansara, Daerah Petaling, Selangor. Kedudukan *PERAKUAN INI adalah sah hingga tarikh di atas, melainkan jika telah digantung, dibatalkan atau dengan jalan lain ditamatkan terlebih dahulu di bawah peruntukan-peruntukan Akta tersebut dan dengan syarat bahawa peruntuk-peruntukan peruntukan Akta tersebut dan Peraturan-peraturan berkenaan dengan Mesin Angkat di atas tidak dilanggar. Zarir Ramiz bin Mustafa Tarikh Pemeriksa Kilang Dan Jentera 25/11/2014 ...
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...Physio-Pleasure dibalik keunggulan Navigasi Virtual Smartphone Touch screen Andria Kusuma Wahyudi, Dosen Pembimbing: Insap Santosa 1,2 Jurusan Teknik Elektro FT UGM Jln. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta 55281 INDONESIA 1,2 Magister Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia Abstrak — Physio-Pleasure merupakan faktor utama dalam interaksi manusia dengan smartphone terutama yang menggunakan touchscreen sehingga interaksinya menjadi lebih nyata. Navigasi virtual terasa seakan akan seperti sedang menggunakan navigasi sungguhan sehingga user merasakan kepuasan walaupun dalam berinteraksi navigasi secara virtual. Dalam tulisan ini mencoba memberikan penjelasan mengenai physio-pleasure, pentingnya physio-pleasure, interaksi dan keterkaitan interaksi smartphone touchscreen dengan Phsio-Pleasure. Keywords— Physio-Pleasure, Interaction, Touch screen, Virtual, Navigation. I. pendahuluan Belakangan ini begitu banyak perusahaan besar seperti Nokia, Samsung, Apple Company, dan perusahaan raksasa lainnya berlomba lomba dalam pembuatan smartphone. Perusahaan-perusahaan besar ini mempertahankan touch screen untuk navigasi, tampilan, dan berinteraksi dengan smartphone tersebut, padahal dalam berinteraksi menggunakan touch screen, segala sesuatu yang ada di tampilan hanyalah merupakan virtual seperti button, slide navigasi yang berbentuk virtual. Meskipun virtual, pengguna masih merasakan seakan akan sungguhan atau sedang berinteraksi dengan fisik. Dalam makalah ini terdapat...
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...ALSO BY NEIL STRAUSS The Long Hard Road Out of Hell WITH MARILYN MANSON The Dirt WITH MOTLEY CRUE How to Make Love Like a Porn Star WITH JENNA JAMESON Don't Try This at Home WITH DAVE NAVARRO THE GAME PENETRATING THE SECRET SOCIETY OF PICKUP ARTISTS Neil Strauss Regan Books An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers Cover silhouettes are from the following fonts :Darrian's Sexy Silhouettes by © Darrian (http://westwood.fortunecity.com/cerruti/445/), Subeve by © Sub Communications (http://www.subtitude.com),NorpIcons 1 and Norp Icons 2 by © DJ Monkeyboy (http://www.djmonkeyboy.com). "The Randall Knife": Words and Music by Guy Clark © 1983 EMI APRIL MUSIC INC. and GSC MUSIC. All Rights Controlled and Administered by EMI APRIL MUSIC INC. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission. In order to protect the identity of some women and members of the community, the names and identifying characteristics of a small number of incidental characters in this book have been changed, and three minor characters are composites. THE GAME COPYRIGHT © 200 5 BY N E I L STRAUSS. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022. HarperCollins...
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...similar letter would be ‘t’. In this case you should type with “capital T”: Example: typing TienaysTlN becomes ጤናይስጥልኝ Notice that we used capital ‘N’ also for ‘ኝ’ and we needed both “ie” together to make the 5th ‘ጠ’ letter ‘ጤ’. When the letter you want to type does not appear when you hit the similar sounding key in English, try using the capital next. If typing the capital does not work, then try hitting the key two times: Example: typing sselam becomes ሠላም Example: typing SSeHey becomes ፀሐይ Next, when you need to type the extra letters of Amharic like ሏ, ሟ, ኴ you can do so by typing an extra vowel after a ‘u’: Example: typing mua becomes ሟ Example: typing guie becomes ጔ Finally, we must introduce a special rule for ' (apostrophe). Some words are spelt with a ሳድስ (6th) letter followed by a vowel, like ርኤ in ገብርኤል. We use the apostrophe here to type “gebr'iel” to make sure we get “ርኤ” instead of ‘ሬ’. Example: typing mel'ak becomes መልአክ Example: typing m'eeraf becomes ምዕራፍ We also use the apostrophe for Ethiopic numbers, so '1 becomes ፩ and so on. If a ' is needed in your document just type ' twice. This works for other punctuation as well, typing ‘;’ once makes ‘፤’ and a second time gives English ‘;’. The typing table shows how to type all Amharic letters, numbers and punctuation. Amharic Typing Table ቤተሰብ ግዕዝ ካዕብ ሣልስ ራብዕ ኃምስ ሳድስ ሳብዕ ካዕብ ሣልስ ራብዕ ኃምስ ሳድስ ሳብዕ ሆይ ላዊ ሐውት ማይ ሠውት ርእስ ሳት ሻ-ሳት ቃፍ ቤት ቬ-ቤት ታው ቻ-ታው ኀርም ነሐስ ኛ-ነሐስ አልፍ ካፍ ኻ-ካፍ ሀ he ለ le ሐ He መ me ሠ sse ረ re ሰ se ሸ...
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...com |Objectives | To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills, educational background and ability to work well with people. |Personal Background | Born on September 09, 1987 in Lucena City, Quezon Province Philippines. Single, 140 lbs and 5 ft. 10 inches in height, language spoken tagalong and English. |Educational Background | Bachelor: Southern Luzon State University, Lucena Campus, Isabang, Lucena City, graduated with a course in Bachelor of Industrial Technology, Major in Computer Technology, March 2011 Associate: STI College Lucena, Lucena City, with a course in Diploma in Computer & Electronics Technology, March 2006 Vocational: Informatics Computer Institute, Lucena City, under TESDA Program with a course in Computer Programming, March 2009 |Work Experience | On the Job Training: Kazzmotech, Lucena City, June 2008-December 2009 (Technical Support) ...
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...SERVICE MARKETING Baru-baru ini muncul sebuah fenomena pemikiran bahwa sektor jasa pantas untuk didiskusikan dan diteliti lebih lanjut. Para ahli ekonomi awalnya menganggap enteng akan bidang jasa, karena mereka menganggap jasa adalah hal yang kurang produktif, dan tidak memiliki peranan apapun pada bidang ekonomi. Hal produksi dapat dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu produksi yang dapat mendapatkan hasil yang tangible (contohnya dalam sektor agrikultur dan manufaktur, di mana hasil produksi dapat disimpan dan dapat kemudian dapat ditukar dengan uang atau barang lain yang memiliki nilai) dan produksi yang mendapatkan hasil intangible. Produksi yang tidak memproduksi hasil intangible ini (contohnya seperti dokter dan pengacara) dianggap sebagai proses yang tidak memiliki nilai produktif. Pada awalnya perlakuan terhadap bidang jasa terus berlaku demikian. Namun lama kemudian muncul pola pikir di mana seseorang yang menyediakan jasa mampu memberikan utilitas kepada orang-orang yang bekerja dalam proses produksi yang menghasilkan barang tangible. Sebagai contoh dalam bidang agrikultur. Peran jasa distributor sama pentingnya dengan peran para petani. Tanpa jasa tranportasi pendistribusian hasil panen, maka akan terjadi surplus di daerah panen tersebut dan hasil panen akan kehilangan nilainya. Pada dewasa ini, hampir semua benda yang dibeli konsumen, dan hampir semua benda yang dibeli oleh bisnis, memiliki komponen jasa di dalamnya. Dan tanpa disadari kita dikepung oleh...
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...How To Kiss A Girl And Never Get Rejected How To Change Your State Instantly The 7 habits of highly effective people Posted on July 26, 2011 by bigP 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary The 7 habits of highly effective people was one of the best books I have ever read. If you haven’t read it go and buy it right now. Once I finished reading the book I searched everywhere for a 7 habits of highly effective people summary but nothing I found met my standards. After reading a book I always like to refresh my memory once in a while, so rather than re-reading the book I find it handy to find a quality summary online. I decided that I would write a quality 7 habits of highly effective people summary for you to enjoy and review often to refresh your memory on the concepts in this timeless classic. Here is my own personal 7 habits of highly effective people summary for everyone to enjoy: Habit 1: Be proactive – True change starts from within us. Highly effective people are proactive and focus on the things they are able to influence. Steven Covey describes this as operating within our circle of influence. Here is a useful diagram to illustrate this point: There are 2 mindsets according to the book. The circle of concern and the circle of influence. We can’t control what is in our circle of concern. The circle of influence on the other hand is comprised of the things in our lives in which we can change. What the author advocates doing is to operate within our...
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...Fitch, one of the big three international rating agency recently downgraded Malaysia’s credit standing. This has highlighted that the government has to improve on its fiscal policy and management. The first step taken by the government was to begin to rationalize subsidies leading to immediate increase in price of Ron 95 by RM0.20. Fiscal consolidation to further strengthen the fiscal position will be the implementation of the controversial goods and service tax( GST ) on April,2015. a) Comment on whether the downgrading by Fitch is justified. Substantiate your view. Sovereign credit rating is crucial for investors as it provides a deep understanding of the risk associated with investing in a particular country and also the political risks that involved (Investopedia, n.d.). Being a developing country, it is important to get good sovereign credit rating as it helps to access funding in international bond markets. On Tuesday, 30th July 2013, Fitch has announced downgrade Malaysia’s sovereign credit rating outlook to Negative from Stable. This is the most serious action taken by a global rating agency to date. Fitch negative credit outlook on Malaysia create a negative impact on Malaysia in term of higher costs of borrowings and also result into a higher inflationary effect (The Malay Mail Online, 2013). However, Fitch still maintained Malaysia’s existing high investment-grade ratings “A-“ on long-term foreign debt meanwhile rating for long-term local debt is “A” (Maierbrugger...
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...TOPIKAL PAPER Social Environment ANALISIS PENGARUH SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT TERHADAP PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN BISNIS HASNUR GROUP Pengajar: Avin Fadilla, M.Si., Dr. Sylvia Kartika Dhamayanti 14/374749/PEK/19866 EKSEKUTIF B ANGKATAN 28 C PROGRAM STUDI MAGISTER MANAJEMEN FAKULTAS EKONOMIKA DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA JAKARTA 2015 I. PENDAHULUAN 1. Latar Belakang Dalam dunia bisnis, para pelaku bisnis yang terjun di dalamnya tidak dapat menghindari permasalahan ketidakpastian yang bisa ditimbulkan dari berbagai hal. Bisnis sebagai suatu entitas, terbentuk di tengah-tengah lingkungan bisnis, yang secara otomatis akan berusaha beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya melalui cara-caranya dalam bertindak agar dapat diterima. Kemampuan beradaptasi organisasi akan menentukan kesuksesan atau kegagalan suatu bisnis. Salah satu aspek dari lingkungan bisnis adalah lingkungan sosial. Lingkungan sosial mempunyai arti yang sangat penting dalam dunia bisnis. Apabila kondisi lingkungan sosial kondusif (mendukung), maka kondisi tersebut akan mendorong pelaku bisnis untuk melakukan investasi pada lingkungan yang dirasakannya sesuai. Namun jika yang terjadi kondisi sebaliknya, maka organisasi harus lebih berhati-hati dalam mempertimbangkan keputusannya untuk berinvestasi. Lingkungan sosial sangat mempengaruhi seorang pebisnis dalam menciptakan peluang usaha. Pebisnis yang jeli akan melihat peluang bisnis berdasarkan faktor sosial yang ditemukan dalam masyarakat...
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...Table of Content: 1.0 Introduction pg 1 2.0 Describe the nature of the HR issue facing the organization pg 1 3.0 3.0 Relevant HR policies that are causing issues in MAS: pg 2 & 3 a) Seniority promotion over merit b) Specialist management program (SMP) c) Discrimination policies 4.0 Determine the internal and external environmental factors that pg 4 & 5 impact on the issue: a) Discrimination Policy : External & Internal b) Poor Leadership: External & Internal c) Seniority promotion: Internal 5.0 Theory & Solution to overcome the issue pg 6 & 7 a) Technical Ability b) Behavioral Interview c) Managerial Training d) Leadership Development Program 6.0 How will the solution overcome bigger issue? pg 8 a) Dealing with leadership shortage b) Dealing with Discrimination Policy c) Financial loss & Surplus of worker 7.0 Conclusion pg 9 Reference pg 10 1.0 Introduction In this assignment, I’m writing a report regarding the HR issues that are being practice by the Malaysia national air transport service known as ‘Malaysia Airlines System’ (MAS). MAS are connected to Government-Link-Companies (GLC), where the government is the biggest shareholder and have direct control stake of the company. The government has the power to appoint their senior management, making major business decisions, appoint the members of Board of Directors for...
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