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Qnt 561


Submitted By isinsantos
Words 699
Pages 3
TICKET PRICES UEFA League final tickets are the most prestige tickets in the world. After doing a sample of 240 punters who have premier seats for the UEFA League Final match, it was determine that many people are paying more than the face value of $1,100, but they are not paying more than $1,500. UEFA League officials sell out tickets each year for the UEFA League Final match within a month of releasing tickets. However, most tickets are resold to third and possibly fourth parties. In order to see how much tickets holders are paying for their tickets, UEFA League Officials have decided to a sample from punters who hold premier seating as they enter the venue before the kickoff of the match. They will ask how much they have paid for their tickets. Based on the nature of the event, a population means works best because we will be looking at how much difference in the price the punters have paid. The main question the UEFA League officials want to figure out, are punters paying more than face value of $1100 for premier tickets? Are they paying $1500? Is it possible that some people paid below face value? Soccer stadiums are very large. The 2011 final was at Wembley Stadium which has a seating capacity of 90,000. Of those 90,000 tickets, only 3,000 premier seats were available for sell to the general public. It will be impossible to track down 3,000 punters among the crowd of 90,000 based on the size of the stadium and the numerous gates that the punters can come in. In addition, the manpower to take such a large sample would require additional resources. Therefore, Champions League Officials have decided they will station greeters at two gates: A and B, which are the gates closest to the premier seats. There will be 10 greeters, 5 at gate A and

5 at gate B. Each greeter will then have a mechanical database that they will use

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