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Really Homeless Research Paper

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Am I really homeless?
A typical country, there are many people who considered themselves to be homeless. However, if a government agency representative goes to a city to test all those peoples, almost half of the group will fail the test. Homeless is word people used to describe someone who is not able to sleep under his own roof. Some destitute men are clearly can be on the government’s food stamp. That will help one rehabilitate to a new home that he can call his own house. Today in history, humans are redefined the word homeless. When someone is driving through a wealthy city here in America, they spotted many homeless folks in almost every stop lights. As stated before, those are healthy young men and women carrying sign begging for other people moneys. While all those folks “so called homeless” can do reverse psychology by going to a place when many restaurant are hiring new waiters …show more content…
That why many organization had been created to sustain those folks that are in need. those are organization have worthy men and women working 24 hours a day to extract donation from the wealth and share it even to the poor. as Isaac Newton’s law of motion states” for every action there is an equal reaction” so do the homeless is the process of becoming meaningless to world. As long as there is too much fakers homeless, men would have to think twice before handing a dollar bill to a street man. It makes sense to give not to freely given a person that is capable of accumulate wealth just as other people to sustain himself. Even though, it seem an obvious thing to one’s eyes not to everybody else. It comes down to the inner heart of someone and the level compassion is in it. That is what driven most people to still giving money to those folks. However, giving is not a terrible thing, but is how the person who being given handle the money is the

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