...disputes by creating a stress-free work place Stress is an adaptive response, moderated by individual an difference that is a consequence of any action, situation or event that places special demands on a person. In the workplace there are numerous reasons for an employee to attain stress. Stress in the work place has been an issue for years for various reasons. Sources have said that a few reasons for stress are work overload, role conflict ,hostile and incompetent bosses , lack of person fit of a job , etc.(Defrank, Ivancevich] These have all been a common issue for years. Workplace stressors are working conditions that increase the risk of workplace stress. Stressors are classified as psychosocial or physical. Psychosocial stressors (or psychosocial working conditions) include job demands, job control, job insecurity, bullying, harassment and more(Reducing Stress in the Workplace). Physical stressors include noise and ergonomic exposures (e.g. awkward working postures, repetitive movements) (Reducing Stress in the Workplace). Resources might include an individual's occupational skills, job experience or education, or organisational resources such as machinery, raw materials or staffing levels. This needs to be prevented in order to create a more efficient workplace. Evidence supports the statement that if organizations focused more here employees stress rate that the results of the company would be more successful .(Defrank, Ivancevich]. Stress related claims were the...
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...University November 2, 2013 Avoiding Stress and Factors in Human Resources Demands of today’s society along with demands on employees cause stress. A common fact in life, encounters of stress are common. The solution is how to manage stress when it arises. Many would agree it would be far better to avoid and eliminate the components of stressors. Time management, time allocation, setting goals, and being effective are ways to create a productive and pleasant work atmosphere for employers as well as employees. “You reach inside yourself to discover your personal resources, of what it takes to match them to the challenge.”(http.//thinkexist.com/quotes/arnorld_palmer/) Many challenges may be eliminated by using personal resources. When it comes to stress the importance is defining the factor. “a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension”(Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 2006, p. 1247.) Emotional stress has been related to job strain, tension and burnout. Physical stress may be a form of genetics. Some individuals are more likely to pressure from outside sources. Many job requirements place physical stress on the body. Including posture and standing for long periods of time. Reliance on informational systems for management, accounting, and human resources (HR) are a concern because they increase computer interaction time. Managing time allocation and posture are beneficial in reducing stress factors. It is imperative to set control...
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..."Improving Organizational Performance" Simulation Summary Airdevils Inc. is located in Salt Lake City, Utah founded by Celsey Evans in 1995. There are 115 employees who provide aerial stunts throughout different industries. However, in the last two years Airdevils customers have not been satisfied with their performance and it has also been brought to Celsey Evans that job satisfaction among the employees is low. Job Satisfaction There has been a drop in performance for Airdevils stunt performers. It has been said that employees do not have job satisfaction. Employees were given a survey to determine the reason why job satisfaction was low. The results of the survey were that stunt performers are not receiving what they joined the company for and the stunts are routine and do not excite the performers. The recommendation for the organization is for Celsey Evans to possibly send stunt performers for training in more thrilling stunts given what the budget can allow. Budget Airdevil performers are dissatisfied with the organization and see the organization as inflexible and rigid. A set budget has been put together by Celsey Evans allowing the company to recommend interventions for the stunt performers. Given the budget, some interventions Airdevils can participate in are training in other stunts, enter new line of stunts, and performance based incentives. The company has recommended these interventions because in a previous survey, employees did not have job satisfaction...
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...In recent years, it has risen to attention that the roles for men and women both in workplace and at home are changing due to the increase in the number of dual-career households and single-parent families (Hammer, Neal, Newsom, Brockwood & Colton, 2005). As a consequence, both human resources (HR) practitioners and researchers recognise the increasing demand of flexible workplace practices, such as flexitime, that can support employee’s work-life balance and reduce the level of work-family stress (Downes & Koekemoer, 2011; Hammer, et al., 2005). Flexitime is generally defined as a work arrangement that allows employees to have flexibility in term of when work is conducted, sometimes with a core working-hours requirement (Eaton, 2003). Whilst many organisations are introducing a flexitime system to meet employee’s demand, recent research shows that 54% of Australian organisations are reluctant to offer flexitime to employees (Kionos Australia, 2013). This indicates that, although a number of Australian organisations recognise the benefits of flexitime, more than half of the organisations consider flexitime as a challenging or ineffective arrangement. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate research relating to flexitime and clearly reveal its benefits and challenges. For the past decades, a considerable number of researches have been conducted to study the effects of flexitime. Kelly et al. (2008) carried out a comprehensive and critical review of literature...
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...Company Stress and Burnout Factors Gary Dessler (2012) discusses the consequences of job stress and burnout for both the employer and employee. Most people understand the effects of stress and health but are unaware of the detrimental effects of stress for the employer and employee. The long-term effects of stress cost millions of dollars to the company and reduce the health of the employee. Job stress creates burnout and affects performance, profit, and health costs. Reducing Stress is Profitable Although there is not on cause of stress that creates problems for all people identifying stress and taking steps to reduce stress is beneficial to both the employer and employee. Dessler (2012) discusses a fact that as of 2011, only 5% of employers address stress in the work place. Only 5% of employers realize the effects of stress and burnout in the workplace and one fourth of employees attribute the “job as the number-one stressor in their lives” (Dessler, 2012, p. 309). Clearly, the discrepancy is in itself a stressor. The American Psychological Association (APA) (2012) identifies stress and burnout as leading to depression, eating and sleeping habits, emotional exhaustion, diabetes, forms of cancer, heart problems, decreased immunity leading to illnesses and even death. Stress in this paper is identified as an individualistic perception of events surrounding an individual. Two people within the same circumstances will not feel the same effects of the same situation. ...
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...wellbeing in the workplace by providing a framework based on evidence, to provide steps to reduce the stress of work overload by reducing the amount of time spent in meetings. Literature Support Work plays an important role in in supporting mental wellbeing. Work can also produce negative effects such as stress. Stress in the work place has been defined as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them” (Mental wellbeing at work, 2009, p.45). In clinical practices,...
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...Organizational Trends Nathaniel Benson, Felton Wells, Kevin Harring, William Kindred MGT/307 February 17, 2011 Charles Parnell Organizational Trends Team B entered discussion concerning organizational trends. Within the discussion the team came to a consensus about its thoughts toward organizational trends. In this paper we will describe the characteristics of high performance workplaces and organizations, discuss how high performance workplaces and organizations differ from traditional organizations in terms of operational effectiveness, workplace stress, and organizational dynamics. We will then compile strategies for managing workplace stress, and evaluate emerging trends in organizational behavior related to high performance workplaces and stress management techniques. Although each organization has its own way of doing things, trends in high performance workplaces and organizations differ from traditional organizations in terms of operational effectiveness, workplace stress, and organizational dynamics. High Performance Workplace and Organization Characteristics Organizations consist of many characteristics of high performance. A few of these characteristics consist of work clarity, and a capability assessment. Work clarity consists of making sure every employee understands why the organization exists and what is important. The process makes it clear to all employees in the organization, what business the larger or parent organizations are in and...
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...Director in which you outline your suggestions for improving both health and safety in the workplace and in which you also draw the Managing Director’s attention to relevant legislation relating to this. The best way to sort out effectively a problem is for sure identify the causes, analyse the situation and eventually find a solution. The main problems Spantech has to face every day are linked to the absenteeism of the workers, the lack of communication between employees and managers-supervisors, the huge amount of work and stress and finally the unappropriated way of giving appraisals. The workforce is not motivated to improve its own performance and there are discipline problems, no morale and grumbles about the job conditions. Disciplinary procedures are ineffective and a lot of managers/supervisors, left their workplace to join competitors. All these factors indicate that there’s a huge problem at the basis of the system that has to be sorted out. In order to improve the performance of the company and save the situation, the only solution is the one of improving morale and discipline between workers and finding ways to motivate them. http://www.deakin.edu.au/__data/assets/image/0006/231567/preventing-managing-stress.jpg A stressful atmosphere can motivate the workforce, which is put under pressure and pushed to perform at the best of its abilities; by the way an excess of stress is dangerous both for the well-being of the potential employee and for the work atmosphere...
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...Improving Organizational Performance Simulation Summary By: Helen Pierce PSY/428 8/18/14 The Situation Airdevils’ Inc. is a professional aerial stunts firm founded by Celsey Evans. At Airdevils’ Inc. specializes in skydiving, sky surfing, hang gliding, paragliding, gliding, ballooning, and micro lighting. These services are provided for TV and movie production, demonstrations, publicity stunts, and marketing campaigns. In the past, Airdevils’ won several awards both nationally and internationally every year. Recently they haven't won any awards. They feel customers are expressing their dissatisfaction with the quality of stunts. Additionally, many important employees have left the organization, and there has been a decrease in job satisfaction among the existing employees. The owner and founder Celsey wants to get to the root of the problem and increase both job and customer satisfaction in order to put Airdevils’ back on the right path and get them winning awards again. Recommended Solutions In this simulation I thought the cause of the problem was that the employees feel they can't do what they joined the company to do, the stunts are routine and not exciting, and the management don't take into consideration the suggestions made by the employees. With this my recommended solutions are to enter new lines of stunts to help bring excitement back into the routines. I also suggest rotation in an industry meets to break up the monotony. Training in other...
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...Everyone, at some point, experiences mental or emotional strain; this is known as stress. Stress is a natural part of life that can come in both negative and positive forms. While positive stress can give a person the drive and motivation necessary to succeed, negative stress can lead to severe consequences, especially in the workplace (Seidl, 2009). Work-related stress can cause serious problems for employees as well as the organizations they work for; as such, it is important to be aware of these problems and the factors which contribute to work-related stress must be addressed. Causes of Work-Related Stress Over the course of a day, most adults spend at least eight hours of their time in their work environment; this amounts to a third of their day, and as much as half of their waking hours. During that time, pressures that are placed on those people can lead to stress. Exploring specific factors which can lead to stress at work is necessary for us to better understand the topic. • Lack of Control: People are unable to influence the demands or restrictions placed on them. • Ambiguous Expectations: Employees are unclear on their job functions, or experience conflict between their roles and assignments. • Pressure: Employees feel their work is “piling up” or there is not enough time to accomplish tasks. • Communication: Employees feel left in the dark in regards to the organization’s goals, or their futures within the organization. • Support: Employees are not given...
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...influence of stress factors in the workplace. Nevertheless, even today, managers and leaders seem to ignore how this psychological aspect affects the workplace. In organisational settings, stress can generate very significant consequences on a number of different aspects, including employee motivation. For this reason managers and leaders must consider stress factors and provide effective stress management initiatives in the workplace (Nikkos et al., 2010). This paper will outline the main aspects of stress in the workplace and how it affect employers in organisational settings. The effect of stress in the workplace can have dramatic consequences within the workplace. Stress can affect the employee’s behaviour with other employees, Stress can significantly reduce employee concentration and even affect mood swings. Stress also reduces the likeliness of the success of any motivation techniques implemented by managers and leaders. Motivation plays a very important role in all organisations. Generally, high levels of employee motivation can have a positive effect for business entities, helping them to achieve success and organisational aims. Different experts have investigated the subject. The examination of the notion of motivation within work settings has become the focus of the work of several theories of management science. Employees must be motivated to work effectively and efficiently. Stress can lower...
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...Workplace Accident in Malaysia: Most Common Causes and Solutions Voon Mei Hui Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Gong Badak Campus, Terengganu, Malaysia Abstract There are various reasons for an accident to happen in a workplace. It could results to either minimal accident or tragic accidents, causing minor injury, damage to equipment or even in some cases, major injury or death. Employees need to be alert and aware at all times to avoid accidents, while managers need to master and understand the most common causes for workplace accidents and be able to identify the risk factors early to prevent it. To achieve a goal successfully, a conducive and competitive working environment may help the organization to run their daily operation smoothly. Considering on the importance of safety at workplace, the Malaysian government has introduce efforts on executing safety and health policies through the enforcement of guidelines as well as conducting site safety seminars and certifications. According to the existing record indicated that the present Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) situation in the workplace is still adverse and below expectation. This paper discussed on the issue about the most common causes of workplace accidents among workers at workplace. This paper aims to propose a conceptual framework to study the relationship between individual factors that contribute to the workplace accidents and suggested solutions on those issues. The study will utilize qualitative method...
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... Stress is the result of emotional, physical, social, economic, or other factors that require a change in one’s behavior, thought process, environment, or response. Robbins & Judge, (2008), defines stress as, “a dynamic condition in which one is confronted with an opportunity, constraint or demand related to what he wishes and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important”. This definition can be broken down into three dimensions, as followed: 1) Environmental (stressors), 2) adaptive responses, and 3) individual differences Robbins et al. (2008). In essence, stress can be looked at from three different viewpoints; 1) Medical, 2) clinical, and 3) organization. Stress in the workplace has been recognized throughout the world in the workplace as a major challenge. Stress in the workplace has been noted to adversely impact on the employees’ psychological and physical health, as well as the effectiveness within organizations. Purpose Statement The purpose of this study is to determine is stress among the employee’s existed. If so, the nature, the causes, and related aspects. Stress causes health concerns both physically and emotionally. This is to reduce and/or eliminate stress in the workplace. The study will focus on two primary objectives: 1. To determine what management and employers can do to reduce stress while at work 2. To establish a program which will provide training for employees, management, and employers in reducing stress...
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...Stress Management Essay Abstract This paper will consider some company-sponsored stress management programs. It will provide a list of the most commonly implemented programs and discuss them in order from most beneficial to least beneficial. I will provide the reasoning for the order that I chose in each paragraph. Stress Management While stress can be a great motivator, it is not so great for your health. One of the leading sources of stress is the workplace. Workplace stress is not so great for a company’s bottom line, which results in absenteeism, lowered productivity, turnover and health claims. According to Safani’s article, In order to combat the costs associated with these issues, many employers have implemented one or more of the following strategies. This list includes the percentage of companies that are using these strategies. * Work/life balance support programs (46%) * Leadership training on worker stress (45%) * Online healthy lifestyle programs (45%) * Onsite fitness centers (43%) * Physical activity programs (38%) * Stress awareness campaigns (35%) * Financial management classes (30%) * Personal health/lifestyle management coaching (29%) From this list, the most beneficial strategies are Stress awareness campaigns and Leadership training on worker stress. A company first needs to build a general awareness about job stress, such as the causes, costs, and how to control job stress. Afterwards, it is necessary to...
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...compensation injuries and claims under the Americans with disability Act). For example, you can usually ask whether an applicant has the ability to perform a job. * Safety training: instruct your employees (especially for new employees) in safe practices and procedures, warn them of potential hazards and work on developing a safety conscious attitude. For example, in Cai Mep International Terminal, employees are trained to observe acts and identify unsafe conditions. They know how to intervene when colleagues have unsafe acts. Employees can also repair or report when they detect anything that could harm the equipment, people and the environment. * Safety posters: increase safe behavior. For example, hanging Safety posters in the workplace. * Incentive programs. For example, at the Golden Eagle refinery in California, Employees earn WINGS points of engaging in one or more of 28 safety activities, such as conducting safety meetings, and taking emergency response training. Employees can earn up to $20 per month per...
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