...The purpose of this assignment is to discuss how the module content and practice experience has contributed to my development as a nurse. It will involve reflecting on a particular episode of care delivery to a patient by me and my nursing mentor whilst on my 5 week placement and how I felt that the Foundation to nursing practice module helped equip me with both the knowledge and skills. In education for health-care professions it is recognised as an essential tool for helping students to make links between theory and practice and enables you to develop your knowledge and skills towards becoming a professional. Reflective practice is noted as being fundamental to development as a professional. To protect anonymity and maintain confidentiality the patient focused on this assignment will be known as patient A, furthermore consent was gained from patient A and they were provided with clear information on what would be included in this assignment and where informed that no recognisable information would be given, this is done in accordance with the Nursing & Midwifery Councils Code of Professional Conduct (2002) guidelines. Nursing assessment is considered to be the first step in the process of delivering individualised nursing care which is defined by A Dictionary of Nursing (2008) as care that is planned to meet the particular needs of one patient, as opposed to a routine applied to all patients suffering from the same disease. Every person...
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...Describe the factors that help or hinder person-centred care and interprofessional working in relation to a chosen incident. (Word Count 2,993) In this essay a consultation observed during a Primary Care placement will be described, with the aim of defining person centred care in relation to it. To protect confidentiality and in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s code of conduct (NMC, 2008), the names of persons or places are not referred to. The roles and responsibilities of the professions involved, the importance and difficulties of interprofessional collaboration and the effects of this on person centred care will also be explored. A conclusion will be drawn as to whether the event provided a person centred approach. The observed consultation (Appendix 1) took place in an elderly care clinic held in a hospital outpatient department. Outpatients Clinics are provided by the local NHS Primary Care trust on a regular basis as part of ongoing care for clients. A consultant, a nurse, the client and her carer were present. The client had an appointment to review her ongoing treatment of Parkinson’s disease. A publication to support the National Framework for older people (Department of Health, 2001) regarding the implementation of medicines endorses the monitoring of treatment to ensure the medication remains appropriate and to raise awareness of any adverse effects. The lady was in her eighties, frail and hard of hearing. A carer accompanied her from...
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...Abstract Advances in human genetic testing have led to ground-breaking discoveries. However, the field is still in its infancy leading to new discoveries daily. This paper will identify and examine the roles of the multi-disciplinary team to deal with a family’s diagnosis of Tay Sach’s disease in their unborn child. It will also include a teaching plan designed for this family and examine the ethical implications of the availability of personal genetic information. There is also a Reflection piece dealing with how I would feel about the family’s decision ad how I would advocate for their decision. It will also examine the ethical and legal considerations of continuing a pregnancy after a diagnosis of Tay Sach’s. Genetics Case Study Family Ethics and Beliefs guide the Trosack family in the initial decision making process but they will need education and support in order to effectively care for their child and cope with the diagnosis of Tay Sach’s. Many resources are needed to properly care for this family and an interdisciplinary team is required to ensure that as many needs can be met as possible. Interdisciplinary Team Members: 1. Case Manager: The Case Manager is essential to planning and coordinating other disciplines to assist the Trosack family. The Case Manager can provide information on care during pregnancy, and also care and resources available in the community after discharge home. The Case Manager can assist in finding appropriate physicians for the child...
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...Tutor Marked Assessment- Submission document 3HRC Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources 3HRC Assessment The Purpose and Goals of the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust The Core Mission of the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust is to build a better future for all within our Academies who in turn will positively impact their communities. We are a self-governing non-profit charitable trust. Harris Church of England became a sponsored academy within this trust in 2014. Is a smaller than average secondary school. Entries have fallen since the school was placed in special measures by Ofsted in March 2013 but are now recovering in January 2014. Significant changes followed to senior leadership and governance. A new chaplain was appointed in 2016 as a shared arrangement with another diocesan school. Extra pupil premium funding is received for a third of entrants, which is above average. The proportion with special education needs is slightly below other schools. The commitment is that all Academies within the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust will be recognised for their distinctive and inclusive Christian ethos and for the impact that this has on raising educational standards. Each Academy will demonstrate its Christian distinctiveness by providing an inspirational and holistic education which enables all children and staff to develop and achieve to their full potential. We currently have 12 academies in our Trust. We will...
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...Assessment Brief Qualification Higher National Diploma in Business Module code and title B403: Organisations and Behaviour Level and credit value Level 4, 15 credits Issue date 14/10/2014 Hand in deadline Midday, 6th January 2016 Presentation/Viva Date (if applicable) n/a Examiner name Ritchie Mehta Assessment overview As part of this assignment students are required to produce a 4,000 – 5,000 word report for the board, specifically focussing on the following four sections Section 1: Culture at FacileAvion Section 2: Management and leadership at FacileAvion Section 3: Motivation at FacileAvion Section 4: Effective teamwork Scenario/Vocational Context The assignment for the Organisation Behaviour module is project based on the following scenario: You work for FacileAvion the largest low cost airline operating in Europe. There has recently been a change of management at the board level and they are looking at how they can improve employee engagement over the next few years. The new Board have noticed that employee satisfaction feedback scores have consistently been decreasing over the last year and would like you to carry out an analysis as to the reasons and provide recommendations. Task 1 (this task provides evidence for LO 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) Section 1: Culture at FacileAvion Discuss the role of culture by focussing on the following areas: Compare and contrast different organizational cultures and structures (1.1) Explain how the relationship between organisation...
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...assessment, intervention, review, endings and an evaluation of my work. Within this, multi- disciplinary work will also be explored identifying its strengths and limitations. The assignment will outline legislation and policy that determine social work roles and responsibilities to service users such as The Human Rights Act (1998) and Transforming Your Care (2011). Furthermore the assignment will consider how knowledge, skills, values, anti-oppressive practice and professional codes of conduct such as the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC) influenced my practice. My (PLO) is a community eldercare team, which provides a service for elderly people over the age of 65. The eldercare team works with service users, their families and professionals within a framework of anti-discriminatory practice to promote each person’s individual value. The aim of the team is to develop personal, social, health and greater independence for service users to enhance their strengths. Referrals are made by a range of professionals, including Gp’s, Hospital Social Workers and Self/Family referral. The eldercare team is situated in large town with a population of 59,607 according to NINIS (2011). Almost 17% (10,133) of this population is aged over 65, which is termed older people. My role within the team involves receiving cases as allocated by the Senior Practitioner, tuning in to the service users, making contact to arrange visits to carry out assessments, using the NISAT proforma. My...
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...Professional Studies Assignment Introduction For this essay I will be reflecting on an incident from practice, by drawing on developing knowledge, understanding and the application of professional studies. Reflection offers an opportunity to learn through an experience. This allows us to develop or sustain effective practice (Johns, 2000). I will be using the Gibbs (1988) reflective framework to structure my reflection (see appendix A). I find this framework very easy to follow, and as Clodagn (2003), explains it allows a person to implement alternative actions to an event, if followed. The incident will be described and the influence of key issues relating to ethical theories and decision-making, illness journeys and lay and professional perspectives will be explored. Principles of nursing models will be looked at and their contribution to individual patient care. I will also look at resource management, quality assurance and the role of evidence-based practice. For the purpose of this essay, to maintain confidentiality, the patient will be referred to as Mr Charlie Wood, (NMC code of professional conduct 2002; 5.1). Incident The incident occurred when I was a student on a medical ward. Mr. Wood, age 80 had been admitted to hospital following a stroke. From this he had lost the ability to mobilise and speak effectively. He was a very dependent gentleman and counted on the nurses to undertake all aspects of his care. His wife, whose name has also...
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...Assessment Brief Distribution date: w/c 20/05/2013 Submission deadline: 29/07/2013 Result and feedback date: 4 weeks from the deadline Assessment Brief Unit Details: Unit Code: Organisations and Behaviour (Unit 3) Programme Name: BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Awarding body: Edexcel Unit Level (QCF): QCF-4 Academic term: May - July 2013 Course Details | Course Name | BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business | Unit number | 3 | Unit Name | Organisations and Behaviour | Credit Value | 15 | Lecturer | Antonios/Hillary/Ousman/Raazia/Sunday/Victor | Hand Out/Issue Date | w/c 20.05.2013 | Submission Deadline | 29 July 2013 | Introduction Students are expected to write a report covering the points listed under each of the learning outcomes. To achieve a pass in this unit, you must successfully address all of the assessment criteria listed (P1-P12). We expect all students to achieve their potentials and would encourage you to address all pass criteria, merit and distinction descriptors. For certain tasks students are encouraged to use real life examples and/or the scenario provided below. There is not set format for this report. However, like all business report you should have an introduction and a conclusion. Scenarios A Coca-Cola Great Britain People often assume that The Coca-Cola Company bottles and distributes its own beverages. For the most part, it does not. The Company's primary...
Words: 2707 - Pages: 11
...Asignment Brief Orgin Assessment Brief Distribution date: w/c 20/05/2013 Submission deadline: 29/07/2013 Result and feedback date: 4 weeks from the deadline Assessment Brief Unit Details: Unit Code: Organisations and Behaviour (Unit 3) Programme Name: BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Awarding body: Edexcel Unit Level (QCF): QCF-4 Academic term: May - July 2013 Course Details | Course Name | BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business | Unit number | 3 | Unit Name | Organisations and Behaviour | Credit Value | 15 | Lecturer | Antonios/Hillary/Ousman/Raazia/Sunday/Victor | Hand Out/Issue Date | w/c 20.05.2013 | Submission Deadline | 29 July 2013 | Introduction Students are expected to write a report covering the points listed under each of the learning outcomes. To achieve a pass in this unit, you must successfully address all of the assessment criteria listed (P1-P12). We expect all students to achieve their potentials and would encourage you to address all pass criteria, merit and distinction descriptors. For certain tasks students are encouraged to use real life examples and/or the scenario provided below. There is not set format for this report. However, like all business report you should have an introduction and a conclusion. Scenarios A Coca-Cola Great Britain People often assume that The Coca-Cola Company bottles and distributes its own beverages. For the most part, it does not. The Company's primary business consists of manufacturing...
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...Sheffield Hallam University Faculty of Health and Wellbeing Advanced Diploma in Adult Nursing. Summative Assessment Submission. Collaboration in Professional Practice – January ’08 Intake Date of Submission: 20th April 2009 Assignment Title: "Effective Inter-professional Collaboration is key to providing good quality *patient/client/service user centred care"...Discuss. Student details: Name Student Number Word Count: 2,976 Module Tutor: The aim of this assignment is to discuss the importance of working inter-professionally within a multidisciplinary team to achieve the best patient-centred care. It will demonstrate developments achieved, and the knowledge gained around this area throughout my training and practice to date. The assignment will focus on the inter-professional care for adults within a hospital environment, as ‘Advanced Diploma in Adult Nursing’ is my course area. Interprofessional collaboration looks at teamwork, communication, professionalism and modern issues which influence practice at present. Various health care professionals have a range of expertise and skills different to others, their experiences and insights into situations capture dissimilar care needs, therefore enabling the patient to receive the best care. Through working in a multidisciplinary team, different professionals can collaborate with each other in order to benefit the patient and deliver person-centred care. The Royal College of Nursing (RCN 2007) describes...
Words: 4533 - Pages: 19
...if in excess seem to have a negative effect on a person’s behaviour. The characteristics of the person indulging in these traits are analysed through this research and also the effects of their presence in excess to . Machiavellianism and narcissism can be called to be some of the most important and governing constituents of one’s personality and thus governs the behaviour of people at their workplace or in their decision making to a great extent. Consequences of very high or very low Machiavellianism and narcissism can be grave and therefore effects of both these conditions are evaluated. Also methodologies to determine the level of Narcissism and Machiavellianism in an individual are discussed through this paper. Hopefully this research will provide insights to the positive and negative effects of Narcissism and Machiavellianism and assist the reader in avoiding or minimising the negative effects of these. Narcissism The term was coined by Freud after Narcissus who in Greek myth was a pathologically self-absorbed young man who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool. It refers to the personality trait of egoism, conceit, or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others. Freud saw narcissism as an essential part of every individual right from their birth. In his paper “On narcissism: An...
Words: 2460 - Pages: 10
...thinking. Introduction: Business education and learning has become challenging over the last few years. The knowledge gained in university education is met until they write and pass their examinations (Gill &Lashine, 2003). Transferring knowledge from the classroom to the workplace has become one of the most important goals of business education. Basic skill development along with sound knowledge of workplace environment has become crucial in the education scenario. Whilst the most important skills needed for the business graduate in this era of globalization are technical skills, analytical skills, communication skills, multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary skills (Gill & Lashine, 2003) and whereby universities are educating and training students for the labour market to be professionals and business specialists, academicians still face a great challenge in making students comprehend business concepts and theories at the initial levels. I. Only a small number of College of Business Administration teachers favour to use the learning-by-doing/constructivist approach way of teaching. Some are still at ease using the traditional way of teaching. A. Teachers believe that the conventional way is the...
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...The aim of this assignment is to explore a needs orientated approach to care planning. Establishing the needs and support required by patients, this is then to be delivered by members of the multi-disciplinary team (MDT), on a holistic level. The relationship between the nursing process in conjunction with the nursing model of Roper, Logan and Tierney (RLT) Activities of living (AL’s) will be looked at in detail, exploring what a problem solving approach and nursing models are with discussions of the strengths and limitations of this relationship. Using the needs orientated approach, I have formulated a care plan for fictitious individual, Annie Laine to support my discussions. (See appendix 1). The nursing process is defined as a problem solving approach which was introduced by Yura and Walsh in 1967, their initial idea was to attempt to guide nursing practice away from intuition and therefore provide care towards a structured systematic patient-centred approach, which is individualised and evidence based. The nursing process comprises of four stages which are, Assessment, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation, often referred to as APIE. (Yura & Walsh 1978). When using this process it is important to remember these stages are interrelated and are dependent on each other offering the information that will lead to and direct to the next stage establishing holistic care. (Barrett, Wilson & Woollands 2009). Laxade & Hale (1995) suggests that the nursing process was initially misunderstood...
Words: 4051 - Pages: 17
...student feedback and leadership a report on the 2006 leadership for excellence in learning and teaching project (le67) developing Multi-level leadership in the use of student feedback to enhance student learning and teaching practice http://emedia.rmit.edu.au/altclgp/ 2009 Project Leader Professor James Barber – Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Project Manager Associate Professor Sandra Jones – Director Learning & Teaching Unit Project Officer Brenda Novak ISBN 978-1-921426-36-0 Student Feedback and Leadership A Report on the 2006 Leadership for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Project (LE67): Developing Multi-Level Leadership in the Use of Student Feedback to Enhance Student Learning and Teaching Practice 2009 Project Leader Professor James Barber - Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Project Manager Associate Professor Sandra Jones – Director Learning & Teaching Unit Project Officer Brenda Novak Report written by: Associate Professor Sandra Jones and Brenda Novak. Case studies written by: Dr Mali Abdollahian, Ian McBean, Geoff Outhred, Dr Kate Westberg. Photographs - Copyright © 2009 RMIT University Photographers Margund Sallowsky and Kate Ebbot unless otherwise stated. ISBN 978-1-921426-36-0 Support for this project has been provided by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council, an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect...
Words: 49217 - Pages: 197
...Ethics and Healthcare go hand in hand. Many ethical decisions are pondered over and made every day regarding patients, the appropriate treatment plans, and end of life care. The public expects that healthcare organizations always make the “right” choices in reference to challenging decisions. However there are times where patient’s families make ethical decision making by the healthcare team virtually impossible. Hospital ethical committees and even the legal system in certain situations must oversee such cases. There have been many cases where patients’ lives have been sustained by artificial measures and the issue of right to die has been debated. These individuals are in hospitals and long term facilities where everyone from family to the healthcare providers have an opinion. One particular instance would be the Terri Schiavo case where a young woman’s life had been sustained by artificial means for 15 years. A public battle was waged between her family and her husband and the decision to end her life. The case lingered on and ultimately the US congress had to intervene. As Terri Quill (2005) stated in relation to the case, “how can it be that medicine, ethics, law, and family could work so poorly together in meeting the needs of this woman who was left in a persistent vegetative state?” Cases like Terry Schiavo are not encountered everyday in a healthcare organization but to a lesser extent there are ethical situations that are. Healthcare organizations must also...
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