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Reflective Writing


Submitted By KayKay95
Words 307
Pages 2
Event Description | Strengths & Weaknesses observed | Key message learnt from the visit and steps for improvement | I was given a chance to experience my first visit to a local hospital in Port Dickson on the 23rd March 2014 with many of my other colleagues. At the time of the visit many emotions were running through me. I was very excited, anxious and nervous at the same time. One of the nurses directed us into a hall and explained about the safety precautions to be taken in order to prevent ourselves from any transmissible diseases. Later we were instructed to separate into groups and observe different types of wards. | First we visited the pediatric ward, where I observed some clinical nursing skills practiced by the nurses. Most of them were very polite and gentle with the patients, who performed their roles with absolute perfection. However there were some nurses who seemed to be ignorant and didn’t respond to patients’ needs. The doctors seemed to be very busy individuals whom weren’t punctual enough. Despite this they performed good communication and interaction skills with not only the patients but also with the people who came along with them and the nurses. They also helped the patients to acknowledge about their health and the procedures that they should undergo.Subsequently as I was observing the orthopedic ward, I was surprised when the doctor showed me the patient's file without seeking consent. In addition to this I also came across patient safety issues. The ICU was undersized, with not many beds available. | It made me realize that discrepancies can exist between what is taught on course and the way in which medicine is practiced in reality. From my own perspective, as a future doctor I would seek to maintain high ethical standards, and to encourage that among staff under my supervision.

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