...of regulation in order to reduce the risk of bank failing. With the regulation, the banks would be authorised on the basis of meeting minimum standards, and will continued to be supervised to ensure that certain standards or requirements are maintained. This would instill more confidence to the economic actors.[1] The risk of the banks become poorly capitalised, fraudulently or incompetently run compared to if no system of external regulation were take place will be lower. Unfortunately, the regulation does not perform well as an alternative for the regulation by the market, nor replace the need for management to take prime responsibility for bank’s activities. As time goes by, there has been increasing recognition of both the limitation of regulation and its role. [2] Perhaps, the market discipline will play a greater role in financial and to bring benefits in future. Nevertheless, an effective system of regulation still play an important role in minimising the risk of bank failure and to maintain consumers’ confidence in the banking system. Banking Regulation: Objectives and Rationales The main objectives of banking regulation are to protect the investors and provide prevention of bank failures and depositor runs as well as minimisation of the risk of contagion that these may create.[3] The term regulation is used in a broad sense, Goodhart used it to refer to the different ways in which the activities of banks are monitored and controlled by governments and financial regulatory...
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...* Critical Analysis on Costs and Benefits of the Financial Sector Within the UK. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Introduction The international financial crisis has drawn an international attention in financial regulation and policies made by governments have become increasingly prominent. In particular, strengthening financial regulation in London as an international financial centre requires huge efforts. London has been able to an international financial centre continuously, mainly due to a large number talent are familiar with the financial industry London has a unique advantage in language and location (Re, 2005). In addition to banking sectors, insurance, trust, securities and asset management business also developed. However DeMartino (2000) highlighted the current global economic depression and international financial crisis, along with UK Treasury published paper “The reform of the financial markets” referred to as “the worst crisis in 60 years”. In contrast, Frieden (2000) described the analysis of the causes of the British government's international financial crisis, and make policy recommendations on how to strengthen financial regulation. UK Financial Regulation Authorities According to Green (2011) Britain's “2009 Banking Act” was taken effect in which compared with the previous various banking laws, this law shows characteristics such as authorizing the Bank...
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...1 Introduction Banking is an important institution in the economy and plays a very important role in the economic life and economic growth of any society. While it is of common understanding that banking is not “The Economy”, it is agreed that the health of the country’s economy is closely related to the soundness of its banking system which can be sustained through strict regulations and supervision in order to monitor and control business risks such as Capital Risks, Liquidity Risks, Credit Risks, Exchange Risks, Operational Risks, Market Risks and Legal Risks. Bank regulations and bank supervision are required to facilitate a ‘Systematic Risk Reduction’ approach thus reducing the risk of adverse trading conditions and to ensure that Financial Institutions satisfy at least the minimum ‘Prudential’ requirements in order to reduce the risk factor that creditors are exposed to. Lack in regulations and slack in supervision may lead to Financial Institutions risking bankruptcy thus exposing their clients of potentially losing their investments and financial assets while distressing the country’s economy. 2 What is the actual function of a bank within an economy? Banks' traditional role is primarily that of an intermediary for money, i.e. granting loans, processing payments, accepting deposits, carrying out investments, etc... Although banks do not create new wealth, through borrowing, lending and related activities they facilitate...
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...the well-known 2008 Global Financial Crisis swept through the world, Australian and Canadian financial institutions performed relatively well, with operating stability in financial industry, and no emerge of any banks that are on the verge of bankruptcy or need government rescue. In this paper, in order to retrospect the intrinsic reasons, I will firstly explore the common features of the banking systems in Australia and Canada. Then I will compare their banking systems in structure and regulation with United States. Finally, the different ways mortgage lending is conducted in these three countries will be emphasized. Common features The common features of the banking systems of Australia and Canada are embodied in the high concentrated banking system along with intensive supervision and sound regulation. It is the common features that contribute to the resilient performance in these two countries’ banks through the global financial crisis. Generally speaking, the whole banking sector in either Canada or Australia is monopolized by a few large-scaled national banks. In Australia, there are mainly four banks, Commonwealth Bank, Westpac Banking Corporation, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group and National Australia Bank, which dominate Australian banking market. They are individually and collectively huge compared with the size of banking system and their total assets are vast compared with GDP. These four banks occupy 75% of the total banking assets and 80% of the residential...
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...Banking Research & Writing Table of content Introduction 3 Structure and functioning of UK banking system: 3 Performance measurement system 5 Trading revenues and Value-at-Risk 7 Evaluation of Regulatory Challenges of UK Universal Banking Model 9 Micro and macro prudential regulation 9 Basel II, III regulation 10 Global Financial Crises in UK 12 Conclusion 13 References 14 Introduction The UK managing an account has experienced considerable change in the course of the most recent 20 years, essentially determined by local deregulation and different strengths that have changed supply and interest qualities of the money related administrations industry. Elaboration of structure and functioning of the UK banking industry, Evaluation of Regulatory Challenges of UK Universal Banking Model and Global Financial Crises in UK is discussed further in this paper. Structure and functioning of UK banking system: The UK banking system is regularly said to be very focused and subsequently deficiently aggressive. The UK banking sector contains one market and not many markets. The UK banking system is indeed a mix of numerous separate product markets with rivalry originating from distinctive regions and diverse contenders. The High Street banks are all sizeable members in each of the business sector fragments and giving administrations to the overall population, the leading bank in each one fragment has a tendency to appear as something else. Business banking...
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...of supervision clearly articulating what constitutes supervision and regulation for the financial system as well as the rationale for regulating the financial system. __________________________________________________________________________ What constitutes supervision and regulation for the financial system? Banking supervision and regulation provides a forum for regular cooperation on banking supervisory matters; its objective is to enhance understanding of key supervisory issues and improve the quality of banking supervision The core principle for effective banking supervision addresses supervisory requirements relating to banking licensing. The licensing authority must have the power to set criteria and reject applications establishment that do not meet the standards set. The licensing process should consist of an assessment of the ownership structure, governance of the bank and that includes: fitness and propriet of board members and senior management, its strategic and operating plan, its internal controls, risk management, projected financial condition and its capital base The purpose of obtaining this information is to review: major shareholders' past banking and non-banking business ventures, their integrity and standing in the business community, their financial strength, their ability to provide further financial support should it be needed, their other interests and the financial condition of these related entities Directors and Senior Management:...
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...cultural, and demographical factors. This essay will explain various markets structures which are monopoly, oligopoly, perfect competition and monopolistic competition. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impacts of different environmental factors on the business operations of Barclays. The discussion has been made in the light of international accepted microeconomics concepts and practices. Market structures Monopoly is a market structure, where only a single seller producing a product having no close substitutes. This single seller may be in the form of an individual owner or a single partnership or a Joint Stock Company. Such a single firm in market is called monopolist. Monopolist is price maker and has a control over the market supply of goods. On the other hand, Perfect competition a market structure characterized by a large number of firms so small relative to the overall size of the market, such that no single firm can affect the market price or quantity exchanged. Perfectly competitive firms are price takers. Moving on, in an oligopoly, there are only a few firms that make up an industry. This select group of firms has control over the price and, like a monopoly, an oligopoly has high barriers to entry. The products that the oligopolistic firms produce are often nearly identical and, therefore, the companies, which are competing for market share, are interdependent as a result of market forces. In addition, Monopolistic...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Banking reached colonial Africa through the activities of colonial merchants, and the first bank in West Africa was established in 1894, that is the British Bank for West Africa (BBWA), which extended its operations to Ghana soon after in 1896. In Ghana, the Bank of Ghana is responsible for the banking sector. The Bank of Ghana was established in 1957 to oversee the health of the nation’s financial sector. Presently the Bank of Ghana is empowered by the banking act of 2004, Act 673 (amended in 2007) and the Bank of Ghana Act 2002, Act 612 to regulate banks in Ghana. The mission of the central bank is “to pursue sound monetary and financial policies aimed at price stability and create an enabling environment for sustainable economic growth.” In maintaining a stable banking industry, the Bank of Ghana ensures that banks playing a part in the pursuit of its goals are well leveraged to withstand any unforeseen circumstances. One way the central bank does this is to ensure that banks have capital adequacy to a certain level through the regulation of the minimum capital requirement. The issue of the minimum capital requirement, its increases and implications has always been an issue of hot debates amongst economists, and even politicians. The minimum capital requirement is the minimum level of security below which the amount of financial resources should not fall (European Parliament legislative resolution of 22 April...
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...American history there has always been a conflict between the federal government intervening in the banking business vs. the Federal government staying out of the banking business * In 1830 when Andrew Jackson (the founder of the Democrat Party) was elected president. He terminated the fed government sponsored US Bank, and resolved the conflict. * The fed government basically stayed out of the banking business until the ’30s, when FDR took office, and the fed government intervened deeply into the ‘banking business,’ which was defined by the IRS, FDIC, Comptroller of the Currency, SEC (if public-owned), and State Bank Supervisors etc. * By defining what the ‘business of banking’s was the statutes, regulations, and enforcement personnel administering these laws, bankers were boxed into doing business as defined by state and federal governments. * Still In present day Banks are financial institutions that hold too much control over the economy and if they fail there are enormous consequences hence the need for government bailouts, in which government financial assistance is provided to banks or other financial institutions who appear to be on the brink of collapse. WHY THE NEED FOR REGULATORS * Bank regulations are a form of government regulation which subject banks to certain requirements, restrictions and guidelines. * To create transparency between banking institutions and the individuals and corporations with whom they conduct business. * To reduce...
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...England in Financial Market Regulation The Bank of England plays a vital role in financial market regulation. It achieves financial market stability by undertaking the following roles: Deciding the interest rates In order to maintain financial stability, keeping the interest rate at minimum variation is vital. The Bank undertakes monetary analysis in order to achieve financial stability. It also buys and sales securities in the money markets to control interest rates and thus the rates of inflation. Managing of the foreign reserves In order to ensure settlement of international debts, the bank of England actively manages the foreign exchange reserves of the UK. High international debts can negatively impact on the financial market of England. Implementation of domestic monetary policy The bank of England actively regulates the supply of money in the financial market through the use of financial policies to ensure optimum money circulation in the economy. This is achieved by the Monetary Policy Committee that meets every month to assess the economic condition and take appropriate action. (Capie,1994). Issue of coins and notes The bank of England is responsible for issuing new coins and notes to the economy. The Bank monitors the economic condition to assess if it’s prudent to issue the notes and coins. Regulating the UK banking system The Bank of England in partnership with Financial Service Authority and the UK Treasury plays a role in regulation of the banking system...
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...June 2014, Available at: www.paperpublications.org An Analysis of Indian Banking Industry with Special Reference to ICICI Bank Sana Samreen Abstract: The last decade has seen many positive developments in the Indian banking sector. The policy makers, which comprise the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Ministry of Finance and related government and financial sector regulatory entities, have made several notable efforts to improve regulation in the sector. The sector now compares favorably with banking sectors in the region on metrics like growth, profitability and non-performing assets (NPAs). However, improved regulations, innovation, growth and value creation in the sector remains limited to a small part of it. The cost of banking intermediation in India is higher and bank penetration is far lower than in other markets. India’s banking industry needs to strengthen itself significantly In this paper, I have mainly focused on the overall analysis of the banking industry through framework like Porter’s five forces model. I have also concentrated upon the various developments being done in the industry along with recognizing the upcoming challenges as well as the opportunities to reap the profits even in troubled waters. Keywords: Indian banking industry, Porters five force model, market regulation. I. Introduction The Indian banking industry, which is governed by the Banking Regulation Act of India, 1949 can be broadly classified into two major categories, non-scheduled...
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...CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN POLICY STUDIES REGULATING E-COMMERCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT OF A JOINT CEPS/ECRI WORKING PARTY C H A I R M A N: TI M J O N E S C H I E F E X E C U T I V E, P U R S E U S R A P P O R T E U R: NURIA DI E Z GU A R D I A FORMER R ESEARCH FE L L O W , CEPS OCTOBER 2001 This report contains the conclusions and policy recommendations that follow from the discussion and analytical presentations that took place at the meetings of the joint CEPS/ECRI Working Party. The members of the Working Party participated in extensive debate and submitted comments on earlier drafts of the report. Its contents contain the general tone and direction of the discussion, but its recommendations do not necessarily reflect a full common position reached among all members of the Working Party, nor do they necessarily represent the views of the institutions to which the members belong. A list of participants and invited guests and speakers appears at the end of the report. This Working Party was chaired by Tim Jones, Chief Executive at Purseus and former Chief Executive of Retail Banking at NatWest, London. Nuria Diez Guardia served as Rapporteur for the Working Party while a Research Fellow at CEPS. Amparo San José and Alfredo Sousa greatly contributed to the drafting of Parts I and II of the final report, respectively. ISBN 92-9079-349-X © Copyright 2001, Centre for European Policy Studies. All rights reserved. No part of this publication...
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...S w 910N29 BASEL III: AN EVALUATION OF NEW BANKING REGULATIONS1 David Blaylock wrote this case under the supervision of David Conklin solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality. Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmission without its written permission. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorization by any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail cases@ivey.uwo.ca. Copyright © 2010, Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation Version: 2013-03-11 INTRODUCTION The world’s biggest banks have a combined 1,730 (US$2,287 billion) gap in liquid investments that they must fill within four years, according to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the international banking watchdog. Under the Basel III rule book, finalized by the committee on Thursday, December 16, 2010, 91 of the world’s biggest banks — tested in an impact assessment...
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...DFI 503 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND MARKETS COURSE FACILI TATION MATERIAL COMPILED BY ANGELA M. KITHINJI UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI SCHOOL OF BUSINESS DFI 503: FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS & MARKETS COURSE OUTLINE COURSE FACILITATOR MRS KITHINJI [Financial Markets, Financial Institutions, the Power of Information, and Financial Policies] WEEK 1. An Overview of Financial Institutions and Markets • The Financial System of an Economy • The Structure of a Financial System • The Stock Market 2. Emerging Markets, African Markets and Capital Market Development • Financial Markets and the Organized Exchange • Characteristics of Emerging Capital Markets • Indicators of Capital Market Development 3. Financial Regulation, Intermediation, Capital Market Structures and Development • The Players in a Typical Capital Market: - Capital Market Intermediaries - The Regulator: The Capital Market Authority - The Stock Exchange [NSE] - Investors - Government • The Institutional, Regulatory and Legal Framework in Financial Markets - Types of Regulations in Financial Markets - Market Based Banking Regulations - Crisis in Banking Regulation. 4. Securities and Their Characteristics • Shares, Fixed Income Securities, Derivatives • Challenges of Trading of securities in the Stock Market • Why Derivatives Trading is Absent in Most Emerging Markets 5. Financial...
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...Submitted By : Santhosh Kumar Submitted to : Dr YogeshMaheshwari CCBMDO-09 Financial Management I Assignment I 31 Oct 2012 CORPORATE FINANCING ENVIRONMENT IN INDIA: A CRITICAL REVIEW S No | Topic | Page No | 1. | Executive Summary | 2 | 2. | Financial Instruments | 3 | 3. | Financial Markets | 4 | 4. | Financial Intermediaries | 5 | 5. | The Regulatory Environment | 6 | 6. | The Way Forward | 9 | Executive Summary 1. Corporate finance is used to collectively identify the various financial dealings undertaken by a corporation. Ideally, corporate finance is the division of the company that is mostly concerned with the financial operations of the company. In some businesses, corporate finance primarily focuses on raising money for ventures and projects. For other corporations and investment banks, corporate finance concentrates on analysis of corporate buyouts and other decisions. The core functions of corporate finance are making wise use of the financial resources available to the company. Corporate finance may also take on many different aspects of the overall management of the finances of the company. The functions may also include managing of investments like acquisition and selling stocks, bonds, and other investment ventures pertaining to other companies. It may also involve creating and managing the process for issuing shares of stock or offering corporate bonds to generate resources for expansion projects. 2. The pattern...
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