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Renaissance Dbq

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How did the Renaissance Change Man's View of the World?
In the 1400's the Middle Ages had ended and the began Renaissance. The word "Renaissance", means rebirth or revival". During the Renaissance, people of all cultural groups started to use their unique skills to better perform their trait and as a way of understanding innovative forms of politics, social reforms, and thinking. A movement called humanism developed, which praised the beauty and intelligence of the individual. Man had stated to see a new type of art, literature, and science. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the Renaissance changed the views of the world.
The Renaissance is well known for its achievements in art, literature and music. The artists of this time …show more content…
The play examines the concept of sin, portraying the dark cynical aspects of life. Document B’s second source, an excerpt of Hamlet written by William Shakespeare in 1601, addressess more friendly subjects, "What a piece of work is a man!" Shakespeare writes, praising the quality of mankind. However, Everyman focuses on how we walk thoughtlessly and powerlessly into our eternal graves. This Document further proves how the Renaissance changed our view of ourselves and gives us a solid understanding as to who we are and what we are like.(Doc …show more content…
In the year 1512, a German Astronomer named, Johann Regiomontanus created a woodcut called “Zodiac Man” (Doc D). This woodcut depicted a man seemingly cut open to reveal various internal organs hanging in a string-like structure. Each organ represents a different creature from the zodiac. Regiomontanus believed that every muscle in our body was controlled by a creature of the zodiac. In 1543, a Belgian physician by the name of, Andreas Vesalius began to dissect human corpses to gain more knowledge of the human body. After dissecting the corpses, Vesalius would then illustrate it hoping as to get a better understanding of the human

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