...WHAT WILL BE A "GAME CHANGER" FOR EUROPE AND POLAND: SECURE SUPPLIES, SHALE GAS, OPEN MARKET OR RENEWABLE ENERGY (a "game changer" means- which of the mentioned options will influence strongly/determine energy developments in Europe and Poland) Zarówno w Polsce, jak i w Europie można zaobserwować wielkie zmiany zachodzące w sektorze energetyki. W ostatnich latach zintensyfikowano poszukiwania złóż gazu łupkowego, Polska przygotowuje się do wzniesienia elektrowni atomowej, ponadto wdraża się system inteligentnych sieci, a także co raz bardziej wspiera się inicjatywy dotyczące odnawialnych źródeł energii oraz gorąco debatuje się nad kwestiami ekologicznymi oraz emisji CO2. Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne oznacza – zgodnie z polskim prawem – stan gospodarki, który umożliwia porycie bieżącego, a także perspektywicznego zapotrzebowania na energię przy zachowaniu wymagań odnośnie ochrony środowiska. Oznacza to, że Polska powinna się starać stworzyć taki system prawny i ekonomiczny, który zapewniałbym pewność dostaw, wysoką konkurencję oraz powinien zapewniać ochronę środowiska. Jeśli chodzi natomiast o Unię Europejską, jej polityka energetyczna sprowadza się do trzech głównych celów: przeciwdziałania zmian klimatycznym, ograniczania podatności państw członkowskich na wpływy czynników zewnętrznych od importerów oraz na wspieraniu zatrudnienia, a także zapewnienia wzrostu gospodarczego. Polska w swoich planach określających perspektywy bezpieczeństwa energetycznego zamierza poprawić...
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...Africa’s Energy Sector Instructor Name: Allana Marie Haist Table of Contents Introduction 3 Literature of Review 3 Africa’s Energy Situation 4 Large-Scale Renewable Energy System 5 Why should Africa promote renewable energy? 6 Why Should Africa Promote Environmental Energy Efficiency? 7 Barriers to Renewable Energy Development 7 Recommendations For Boosting Renewable Energy in Africa 8 Conclusion 9 Methodology 10 Interpretation of The Results 14 Conclusion 15 Recommendations 16 Limitations 16 Works Cited 17 Appendix A 19 List Of Figure: Figure (1)- Place of living 12 Figure (2)- Term Renewable Energy 12 Figure (3) - Implementing Green Energy In Africa 13 Figure (4) – What obstructs people from investing in green energy 13 Figure (5)- Do you think Energy and economic development are related? 14 Figure (6)- After allowing the direct electricity from solar panels to the nearest grid, therefore electricity bills will be lower, are you willing to invest in solar panels 14 Introduction There is a need to meet the growing energy demand...
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...Energy Conservation SCI 275 Rochelle Troyano May 9, 2010 It would be hard to imagine a life without the use of energy. So many of the products that we use on a daily basis are powered because of electricity, which in turn is generated because of energy. American’s use a mixture of different energy sources to cool and heat our homes, offices and means of transportation. We also use energy sources to illuminate and power these same places. Oil has provided the United States with less than 50% of energy needs and supplies almost 97 percent of the energy used for transportation (Dale and Kluga, 1992). There are two sources of energy that we depend on: renewable and nonrenewable energy. Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural sources which is constantly renewed. Some examples of renewable energy is wind, water, sun, vegetation, and geothermal. Nonrenewable energy comes from natural resources that are unable to be replenished like, fossil fuels i.e. oil, gas, and coal. Also, a large percentage of electric power that is located in the United States primarily comes from nuclear power plants. Current plants that operate possess a significantly large amount of waste disposal problems which in turn mean that there are currently no plans of building any additional nuclear power plants. A mass amount of electricity is generated because of the burning of nonrenewable energy sources. Due to this massive problem, the conservation of energy is a process we need to take more seriously...
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...Renewable Energy 50 (2013) 456e463 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Renewable Energy journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/renene Overview of potential and utilization of renewable energy sources in Turkey E. Toklu* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Duzce University, Düzce, Turkey a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 22 May 2012 Accepted 20 June 2012 Available online 9 August 2012 Keywords: Energy utilization Renewable energy Sustainable development Turkey a b s t r a c t The necessity of minimizing environmental impacts of energy use, particularly those with potentially worrisome global effects, is perhaps the greatest challenge resulting from the twentieth century’s energy advances. The renewable energy technologies of wind, biofuels, solar thermal and photovoltaics are nally showing maturity and the ultimate promise of cost competitiveness. Turkey’s demand for energy and electricity is increasing rapidly and heavily dependent on expensive imported fossil energy resources that place a big burden on the economy and environmental pollution is becoming an important concern in the country. With respect to global environmental issues, Turkey’s carbon dioxide emissions have grown along with its energy consumption. States have played a leading role in protecting the environment by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. In this regard, renewable energy resources appear to be the one of the most ef cient and effective solutions...
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...Renewable Energy Sources All energy sources can be labelled as RENEWABLE or NON-RENEWABLE. Some of the renewable energy sources are… * Solar energy * Hydroelectric energy * Wind energy * Wave energy * Tidal energy These will be continually available as long as the sun sends out radiation. The non-renewable energy sources consist of the fossil fuels which are… * Coal * Oil * Natural Gas * Nuclear fuels These fossil fuels have taken millions of years to form and we are currently using this form of energy faster than it can be replaced. Wind Energy The UK is the windiest country in Europe making it very appropriate for the use of wind turbines to produce energy. Wind energy is cheap and unlike fossil fuels does not give off dangerous waste and does not contribute to global warming. If wind turbines were at sea, we could generate three times as much energy than we need. The use of wind power in the UK would be a good idea because its natural, it's harmless, we can easily get it and it is greater in the winter months when the energy demand is highest. When the wind blows over the blades of a wind turbine, the aerofoil shape makes them turn. [IMAGE] This rotational energy can be transferred to an electrical generator or to a machine, a water pump for example. At the moment, wind power is not used as much as it should be because of 25% of people in the UK who are against the idea...
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...sources and serve for long term. These renewable resources are important for our plant and our life as humans. There are different kinds of renewable resources that used to generate electric power such as solar and wind power. Recently, scientists created a new kind of renewable power which is tidal power. Tidal power is “the generation of electricity from the hydraulic energy that is produced by tidal currents of the ocean”(Culture&Morris,2006,p.449). This power depends on the gravitational tug from the moon which can produce a swift tide (Roach, 2003), and it basically works as an underwater windmills. There are many projects in different countries such as Norway, Scotland, United Kingdom, and United States. Most of these projects are under development, and still not ready for commercial uses. However, this power can be enormous, but we should think about the effects of this power in the marine environment, the costs, and the possibility to make it work. There are many projects in different countries. In United States, there are two companies which are trying to develop this power. The first one, Verdant Power, which made three experiments in New York City’s East River, found the success in providing a power enough to light a supermarket. The second company, Ocean Power, has several projects in California and Massachusetts, but the tidal power situation is still weak in United States because of a lack in government support. In Europe, things are slightly more advanced. France...
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...PV StatuS RePoRt EUR 24807 EN - 2011 The Institute for Energy provides scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of community policies related to energy. Special emphasis is given to the security of energy supply and to sustainable and safe energy production. European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy Contact information Address: Via Enrico Fermi 2749 TP 450 21027 Ispra (VA) Italy E-mail: arnulf.jaeger-waldau@ec.europa.eu Tel.: +39 0332 789119 Fax: +39 0332 789268 http://ie.jrc.ec.europa.eu www.jrc.ec.europa.eu PV Status Report 2011 Research, Solar Cell Production and Market Implementation of Photovoltaics July 2011 Arnulf Jäger-Waldau European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy, Renewable Energy Unit Via Enrico Fermi 2749; TP 450 I – 21027 Ispra (VA), Italia EUR 24807 EN Legal notice Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use, which might be made of the following information. The report does not represent any official position of the European Commission, nor do its contents prejudge any future Commission proposals in any areas of Community policy. A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server http://europa.eu/ JRC 64900 EUR 24807 EN ISBN 978-92-79-20171-4 ISSN 1831-4155 doi 10.2788/87966 The report...
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...Brief: Clean Energy Markets: Jobs and Opportunities April 2010 Update [Type text] In Brief: Clean Energy Markets: Jobs and Opportunities Executive Summary This brief discusses how investment in clean energy technologies will generate economic growth and create new jobs in the United States and around the globe. The United States stands to benefit from the expansion of global clean energy markets, but only if it moves quickly to support domestic demand for and production of clean energy technologies through well-designed policy that enhances the competitiveness of U.S. firms. Clean energy markets are already substantial in scope and growing fast. Between 2004 and 2007, global investments in renewable energy more than doubled. Forecasts of investment totals over the next few decades vary according to assumptions made regarding the nature of future global climate agreements. Annual investments in global renewable energy markets could reach $106-$230 billion a year in 2020 and as much as $424 billion a year in 2030 (in year 2000 dollars). Over the next decade, assuming strong global action on climate change, cumulative global investment totals for clean power generation technologies could reach nearly $2.2 trillion. Recognizing the potential of these markets, China, Europe, and other nations are moving to cultivate their own clean energy industries and position them to gain large market shares in the decades ahead. In 2009, China invested more money in clean energy technologies...
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...the chimneys of Ferrybridge coal-fired power station, in Ferrybridge, UK. Photograph: Chris Ratcliffe/Getty Images On climate change, Britain is leading in Europe. Wednesday's proposal by the European commission for a binding 40% greenhouse gas reduction target by 2030 is a significant step forward. The commission has accepted our core argument that the EU's domestic emissions reduction target must be ambitious so we can influence countries like the US and China, ahead of 2015's critical global climate talks. By leading on a strong emissions reduction target, the UK is persuading others on the need for member states to have the freedom and flexibility to develop their own energy mix to achieve these ambitious reductions. Rigid technology specific targets set for each country would not be cost effective – and EU members should be free to decarbonise in a way that is right for them, including renewables, nuclear, carbon capture and storage and energy efficiency. Energy policy's central conundrum today is how to go green at the lowest possible cost. The commission's analysis confirms that British households pay some of the lowest prices for gas and electricity in Europe, but that is little comfort to people struggling to pay rising energy bills. So we have to achieve a fine balance. We need to invest in home-grown clean energy that will bring cheaper prices in the long run, shielding consumers from volatile international fossil fuel markets. But we also need to take people with us...
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... Company profile REinVEnTinG A GREAT coMPAnY The year 2008 saw the definitive reinvention of a great company. Less than a decade ago, ACCIONA was one of Spain’s leading construction companies and was actively diversifying and seeking business opportunities worldwide. In the last year, and after divesting Endesa in 2009, ACCIONA has culminated the transformation into a company that is a pioneer in development and sustainability, and a global leader in the development, production and management of renewable energy, water and infrastructure with the minimum environmental impact. This achievement would not have been possible without ACCIONA’s pioneering background. It was created by the first merger in Spain’s construction industry and, in the 1990s, it was the first non-utility to move into renewable energy. ACCIONA is the construction company that has most successfully diversified followed by a process of concentration. Sustainability is a core axis of its strategy, and energy, infrastructure and water are the vectors of future growth. In 2004, José Manuel Entrecanales was appointed Chairman, and he spearheads the Company’s transition towards these three pillars of growth. In 2005, ACCIONA strengthened its position using an innovative strategy based on orienting those businesses towards sustainable development, with a strong international approach. This sweeping transformation was also possible thanks to the enormous investment effort and social commitment as a creator of quality...
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...global trends in sUstainable energy investment 2010 Analysis of Trends and Issues in the Financing of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency United nations environment Programme Endorsed by Copyright © United Nations Environment Programme and New Energy Finance, 2010 This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. UNEP would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a source. No use of this publication may be made for resale or for any other commercial purpose whatsoever without prior permission in writing from the United Nations Environment Programme. Disclaimer United Nations Environment Programme: The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations Environment Programme concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Moreover, the views expressed do not necessarily represent the decision or the stated policy of the United Nations Environment Programme, nor does citing of trade names or commercial processes constitute endorsement. Bloomberg New Energy Finance: The information contained in this publication is derived from carefully selected public...
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...the potential to adversely affect our environment, our communities and our economy unless we take action now to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts. Climate change will alter global and local climates. In Victoria, this means a warmer and drier future, with an increasing likelihood of more extreme events such as heatwaves, bushfires and storm surges. Climate change is the greatest threat facing our planet today. A warming planet alters weather patterns, water supplies, seasonal growth for plants and a sustainable way of life for us and the world’s wildlife. Climate change has already started, but it’s not too late to take action. There’s still time for us all to be part of the solution. A continuous flow of energy from the sun heats the Earth. Naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere, known as greenhouse gases – this includes carbon dioxide (CO2) - , trap this heat like a blanket, keeping the Earth at an average of 15 degrees Celsius – warm enough to sustain life. The overuse of fossil fuels is increasing CO2 in the atmosphere, trapping more and more heat and warming the Earth. As a result, we’re seeing more dramatic weather patterns across the globe resulting in devastating natural disasters and shrinking the world’s ice shelves and glaciers due to warming sea water. Because ice acts as a solar reflector, the less ice there is, the less heat the Earth reflects. WWF provides more detail on the impacts of climate change on our polar regions...
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...| | |NAME : RAUNAK ZATAKIA | | | |COURSE : ( BBA / TP / ) | | | |SUPERVISOR : Prof. Tapobrata Ray | | | |TITLE : Telecom Industry Marketing | |DATE : 06.12.2013 | Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment Of the requirements of the Graduate Degree BACHELOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION J.D.BIRLA INSTITUE At the JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY KOLKATA The Controller of Examination, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Respected sir, This research work has been conducted by me and is an...
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...Renewable Energy hotmail2008 Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 3 Wind Energy Data 5 Analysis 6 Conclusion 8 Bibliography 9 Executive Summary The majority of our nation’s energy is highly dependent on finite fossil energy sources, like coal and oil. Using fossil fuels to create electricity creates emissions that are both harmful to the environment and our health. Renewable energy sources provide a clean and viable long term alternative to fossil fuels. Renewable energy is energy generated by natural resources in the form of solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and tidal waves. Among the diversity of renewable energy, wind energy is the fastest growing power technology in the world. According to the U.S. government Energy Information Administration, the production of wind energy will be at least 20% by the year 2030. This report will prove the validity of this statement by using hypothesis analysis. Hypothesis analysis will reject the null hypothesis that wind energy production will be less then 20% in favor of the alternate hypothesis that states wind energy production will be at least 20% or greater. Introduction The majority of our nation’s energy is produced from the burning of fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and natural gas. Life as we know it and our economy revolves around these finite resources. Unfortunately, with our great demand for energy, especially gasoline, world production of oil has already reached its maximum...
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...The renewable energy sector in Bulgaria One of the conditions for Bulgaria to join the European Union was that by 2010, the country should be able to produce at least 10 per cent of its energy through renewable sources, wind, biomass, hydro, geothermic or solar energy, while by 2020 it has to reach 16 per cent. In this paper we will look at some of the conditions and companies which contribute to reach this percentage. 1. First of all we will point out some of the prerequisites for successful development. It seems out that Bulgaria is really suitable country for the development of renewable energy. First of all, we have lower cost of labor compared to other countries. What is more, Bulgaria has very appropriate geographical location in combination with comparatively low cost of land to buy up or in concession. One of the biggest advantages of our country, which is attractive for investors, is the tax of only 10%. On the other hand, there were some disadvantages which had hindered the development of renewable energy in Bulgaria. One of it was the cost of electricity which has been far lower than many other parts of Europe and this has been a high barrier to entry for many consumers as there was no reason for them to make an investment in the solar installation.This has now changed because the utility prices in this country are now on a par with the rest of Europe and the Government has introduced incentives to encourage solar use. According to reports on biodiesel consumption...
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