...Reflecting on Practice: Using Learning Journals in Higher and Continuing Education Zaidoon Almassad Writing 7000 Argosy University Marilyn Malarz, Ph. D. January 17, 2014 The propose for writing this paper is to critique the article “reflecting on practice: using journals in higher and continuing education”. The study was presented by Columbia University's Computer Technology program in Continuing Education. The author of this article is Arthur M. Langer and it was published in 2002 in Columbian University. My critique based on the five elements which are research question and problems, literature review, methodology, results and findings, discussion. After I read entire article carefully I identified how the article was organized. What author’s thought patterns, his way of thinking, evaluated Strengths and Weaknesses, how can findings be used in practice? This article explained that students should use journals in their studies for their researches. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of learning journals as vehicles for encouraging critical reflection among non-traditional students and to compare variances with studies among traditional students. An objective of the study was to understand how students in a technical computer class reacted to the requirements for learning journals. Qualitative method focused on whether learning journals show to be an effective teaching tool in science-based, adult learning. The purpose of this article critique...
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...Writing a Research Proposal The Proposal A research proposal is the presentation of an idea that you wish to pursue. A good research proposal presumes that you have already thought about your project and have devoted some time and effort in gathering information, reading, and then organizing your thoughts. A research proposal is NOT a project to be thrown together in one night with ideas off the top of your head. Thus, one might say that the research proposal is a second step, following the selection of a broad topic. The actual proposal will indicate what analytical question you wish to address. The foundation of a good research paper is a good research question. Just a tree needs a good root system to grow to be strong, a good research paper needs a good analytical question. What does "analytical" mean? An analytical question can take different forms and no one form is necessarily better than others. What all analytical questions have in common is the fact that they are not merely descriptive. That is, an analytical question moves beyond the "what" and explores the "how," and the "why." A good analytical research paper will use "the what" as part of the answer to "the why." But it is obligatory to address a question beyond the "what." For example, a descriptive paper would ask: "What was Gorbachev's economic perestroika policies?" An analytical paper would ask: "Why did Gorbachev's economic perestroika policies fail?" As part of the paper, you would then review what the...
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...Current Paediatrics (2002) 12, 414 ^ 418 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd c doi:10.1006/cupe.2002.0319, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on Writing a research paper Malcolm Chiswick Professor of Child Health & Paediatrics, University of Manchester and Consultant Paediatrician, St Mary’s Hospital for Women and Children Whitworth Park, Manchester M13 0JH, UK KEYWORDS human, writing, science, journalism Summary The aim of this article is to help those embarking on research to communicate e¡ectively through writing, and to improve their chances of getting a paper published. The quality of a paper’s research content is judged by originality importance and , scienti¢c validity Advice should be sought on a project’s potential for high-quality re. search content before taking up the research.When readers have di⁄culties in understanding a paper, the problem more often lies with presentation and structure than with its scienti¢c content. Readers expect information to be presented in a certain way and when this does not happen they may misinterpret whatthe writer intended. 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd c PRACTICE POINTS Preparing the ¢rst draft K agree early on who are the contributors to the paper K choose a lead writer K choose a working title before commencing the ¢rst draft K follow precisely the journal’s ‘instructions for authors’ K aim to complete the ¢rst draft in one sitting Getting the message across emphasize information by placing it at the end of the...
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...The Process of Research Paper Writing Ramell Miles COMM 102 July 30, 2012 Carol Amato Introduction Ramell Miles wrote a paper on “Personal Responsibility” for a class she had recently taken. In this paper the first discussion is how the topic selected, including research sources, organization, composition, and approach. The next discussion will be about selecting appropriate topics for the audience, analyzing the audience, and source credibility for a particular audience. Finally, conferring with the book Research Matters will examine various strategies, such as organizing drafting and revision and how to use them in other writings. Previous Paper Written The subject for the aforementioned research paper was already decided by the professor. The process of locating good sources began with an Internet search for the topic of “Personal Responsibility’, including a definition of the title, the correlation between it and college success and one’s process to attain achievement in college and through life. The paper was organized by writing an outline based on the criteria given from the professor. The composition of the paper began by answering the questions in short answer form. Next, each answer was expounded upon by supporting documentation...
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...English II Discussion Board Unit 5 Writing and Editing a Research Paper Lisa R Brown Writing a paper is a process and it takes time and great effort. It was very hard getting started due to the fact that you have so many ideas or important things you can right about. Choosing the right topic was very hard because you have to make sure the topic of your choice will hold the reader’s attention. Once you have chosen your topic, the fun begins. The first step in the writing process is rereading. In this stage you would gather information from various sources that pertain to your topic. Make sure you document all sources in case you need to cite them. Then there is the pre writing stage were you writing down all of your ideas. While taking notes, you are creating ideas and writing an outline that will help put your essay together. Now it is time to start drafting. All of the notes that you have taken can now be turned into paragraphs to form your document. Once you have completed writing your paragraphs, it is time to evaluate your drafts. In this process you can determine what needs to be revised. Make sure that there aren’t any gaps and all of the information is pertaining to your topic. This way, you can be certain that the information makes sense on a reader’s point of view. At this point you can add or delete information that will make you essay come together. In the revising process, you have to carefully evaluate what you have written and you may have to change or reorganize...
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...Goal: Little Known Ways to Make Ghost Writing Work for You Word count in this document:1447 Title: Little Known Ways to Make Ghost Writing Work for You When we hear the term "ghost writing" many of us think of novel writing for some reason. We think about novelists putting a fake name, or no name at all, on their books so that people don't know who they actually are. Now, that is true and it does happen, but that's not the only kind of ghost writing out there. There are many forms of ghost writing that people aren't aware of. Ghost writing can be done through articles for blogs and companies. Copywriters are assigned topics and then write and submit the articles. Their names usually aren't put with the articles, though--and that's ghost...
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...ABSTRACT Research assignments give you an opportunity to demonstrate practically the skills and knowledge learnt so far in class within the end of a particular study. This article highlighted some common mistakes made by students in research paper writing. Textbooks, internet, and correction given during class seminar presentation constituted the sources of information gathered. It was realized that in the effort to give the best in writing research papers, students unconsciously make mistakes in topic selection, objectives of research, writing format hypothesis or thesis statement, literature review, research methodology, paragraphing, use of tense in sentence construction, referencing and quoting to mention but a few. This writing also incorporated some tips in avoiding these mistakes mentioned and therefore concluded and recommended that The mistakes stated above should be avoided at all cost when writing research papers. They can contribute to low grades or disqualification of your project. Therefore, it is advisable that students seek for guidance from their instructors or professionals in research papers writing. INRODUCTION Research assignments give you an opportunity to demonstrate practically the skills and knowledge learnt in class. In the effort to give...
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...Gathering Information and Writing a Research Paper Writing a research paper for the first time can be a difficult task if not given the proper instruction to complete such an assignment. Breaking a research paper down into separate tasks and sections might ease frustrations for the researcher and give them some fundamental tools for future research projects. A good question to ask your self is “Where do I begin my research?” Some students that are tasked with writing a research paper for the first time might struggle with the topic that they will choose depending on the writing assignment given to them by the instructor. Generally, one main topic can be concentrated on is based off of a research question the student must be able to answer or expound upon described in the course syllabus. Within the syllabus the instructor should have provided several topics to begin the research. Also the instructor should point out what format he or she is requiring, according to a rubric within the syllabus, to be turned in such as APA, MLA or Chicago. Once an individual has selected a topic that he or she would like to discuss, it’s time to begin looking for the facts. There are numerous resources at your disposal when you conduct your research such as the library, The Internet, and. You have to decide which source is likely to be most useful to you. For example, if you are searching for information on a historical event the library is an reliable place to find a book that...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix F Research Plan As part of your Research Plan, you must draft a research question for your research paper. A research question, which is more specific and focused than a general topic, is the question that you will answer in your paper. For example, if your general area of interest is Social Security, a potential research question might ask, “How might low-income families save more money under a reformed Social Security plan that includes personal retirement accounts?” As you develop a research question, keep in mind that you will research sources with both supporting and differing viewpoints. Do not select a narrow or one-sided issue that will limit your research; instead, develop a research question that lends itself to further exploration and debate. |What is your topic or area of interest? |My topic of interest is Drugs. | | | | | | | | | | |In what ways is this topic appropriate for a persuasive essay? |The way in which this topic is appropriate for a persuasive | | ...
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...wrtg101 Writing Assignment 3 Writing Assignment #3: Research-Supported Essay Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwaid.com/shop/wrtg101-writing-assignment-3/ Writing Assignment #3 will be a research-supported essay. Courses that fulfill the General Education Requirements (GERs) at UMUC all have a common theme—technological transformations. In following this theme throughout this semester in WRTG 101, we have read the analyses of various authors on innovations and technological transformations in education and in other fields. In this essay, you will continue this theme of technological transformations. You have two choices for your essay topic. Please choose one of the two choices. Please note that both choices are identical to the choices you had for writing assignment #2, the cause-effect essay. You may write on the same topic that you wrote on for writing assignment #2; however, you may be asked to adjust the topic in some direction in order to write a more successful research paper. In addition, of course, you will expand on the number of sources you use to defend your argument. 1. TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION Analyze the impact of a particular trend in technology on education. Our discussions in the class up to this point might be helpful for you as you consider ideas for this topic. You might analyze any one of the following. These are just examples. Many approaches are possible for this topic. a. The potential effects of Massive Open...
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...Effects of Contra st Abstract 2 50495 ation but Begin with the most import ant inform Include only information that appear do not repeat the paper title. or five s in the paper itself. State only four s, and/or fi ndings. Cite previous of the most import ant points, theorie research ISBN 1-4114-0234-0 9 781411 402348 relevant to your study. Defi ne all units abbrev iations and special terms, except for words. of measu rement. Do not exceed 120 Effects of Contra st EFFECTS OF CONT RAST ON REACTION TIME 1 Effects of Contra st on Reaction Time in a Semantic Categorization Task or John Q. Author and Susan G. Coauth Univer sity of the West Sara P. Thirdauthor Univer sity of the East Effects of Contra st Effects of Contra Categorization Task st on Reaction Time in a Semantic in an indented (0.5” or five to seven d paragr aph that provides an introdu 3 The text of the paper starts here, -space spaces), left-justified, and double tion to the subject of the paper. The c- introdu ction should begin one double space uction” label is necessary. below the paper’s title. No “Introd The introduction continues here ... APA-MLA 3.0.indd 1 t Eins In 19 Zu Zu Ei .. .. Effects of Contrast Method Participa nts total number Describe the selection process for subjects, the chosen, and the number in each subgroup or sample Materials ... of subjects 4 .. .. 19 s of Contra st 2 Describe specialized...
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...ENG/102- Research Writing 3-30-2014 Sarah Ghoshal The Reality of AIDS The reality of the AIDS virus comes with bias opinions, fallacies and stereotypes of all kinds. To understand and know the truth about this virus, is to acknowledge facts and become educated. The speech "A Whisper of AIDS" by Mary Fisher addressed arguments and presented the growing concern of ignoring the severity of the disease. The speech by Mary Fisher addressed bias opinions and fallacies. As stated by Mary Fisher, "Because I was not gay, I was not at risk. Because I did not inject drugs, I was not at risk." (American Rhetoric, 2001). These fallacies and biased opinions were based on what people heard or believed, not what they knew. Mary Fisher also addressed the argument of AIDS to be recognized as a virus and not a political creature (American Rhetoric, 2001). Fisher's counter argument said, "Worldwide, forty million, sixty million, or a hundred million infections will be counted in the coming few years." (American Rhetoric, 2001). Her statements showed how ignorant society had been. People believing that they could not get infected, if they were not a drug user or not gay. The effects of her speech were global. As her speech was being broadcasted over numerous networks, 27 million people listened (Shaw, 2012). As stated by Normal Mailer, who was a guy covering the convention, "When Mary Fisher spoke like an angel that night, the floor was in tears, and conceivably the nation as well" (Shaw...
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...funds available for salting the roads. There were a few school busses, that upon early release, skidded and had accidents, and a number of children were injured as a result. Other than these bitter cold temps, which have also kept dad and I both pretty much bedridden with pain, we’re doing well overall. Darlys is a distance runner on the varsity team, as a freshman, Desirey, with her new IEP in place is doing much better in school, although she is still being bullied and pushed down the stairs and gym bleachers daily. I look forward to hearing how each of you are doing! Love always, Jody Ann Dear sir or madam, Address this letter to a city department, like the street department, or public works. It is with great concern that I am writing to you. With the recent changes to our state budget cutting or at the very least reducing our funds for salting the roads during times we have ice/snow our children’s safety in particular, is at risk. It has come to my attention numerous school busses have been involved in accidents, which resulted in children being injured. Considering that our children will be affected by these same cuts to their education, truly need to reconsider all the budget cuts, and put our kid’s safety and education as top...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Microfinance industry is now affected by strong competition : “ commercial banks have begun to target MFIs’ traditional customers , new MFIs have continued to be created in microfinance industry, the microfinance clientele is becoming more sophisticated concerning the quality of service they require or expect”( Daubert 2002) . These factors may negatively affect the MFIs. In fact, the microfinance industry is losing customers because of both the aggressive competition and MFIs’ weakness to satisfy their clients (Urguizo 2006). This simple description shows why MFIs are concerned about customer satisfaction and retention. It justifies also why they must “pay attention to understand their customers’ preferences and priorities” (IFAD 2007) to survive in a competitive environment. The microfinance industry is quite slowly in becoming more “market oriented” and it seems that customer satisfaction is one of the important tools to run a business and to achieve the mission statement (on sustainability and outreach) in this sector. Customer satisfaction is an evaluative process, it is defined as “… a judgment that a product of service feature, or the product or service itself, provided (or is providing) a pleasurable level of consumption related fulfillment, including levels of under or over fulfillment” (Oliver 1997, 13) cited by ( Swaid 2007; Hom 2002). Customer satisfaction is “captured as positive feeling (satisfaction)...
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...Stacia Kamp Professor Alison Timmons Writing 122 May 12, 2015 Research Argument Outline Attention Grabber- little story or startling fact/statistic Over one million infants and young children die each year from pneumococcal disease and rotavirus diarrhoea (World Health Organization). ------------------------------------------------- Introduction and thesis (claim with ‘should/should not,” “because,” reasons 1,2,3) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- The main purpose of a vaccine is to prevent children from getting an infectious disease that can lead to death. With the correct information provided to families, the vaccination rate of children can be raised by providing the reasons why vaccines were created to benefit children of the world, and it is important for children to receive all their vaccines. ------------------------------------------------- Background of the Problem (history and context, or misconceptions) Vaccines have been deemed as a negative and unnecessary step in order to protect children of the world. Parents have associated children vaccines with chronic illnesses, syndromes, and negative side effects. It has also been said that the infectious disease rates are extremely low that there is no real reason to vaccinate your children. (www.publichealth.org) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Body:...
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