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Responding to the Public


Submitted By jams764
Words 1294
Pages 6
Responding to the Public
University of Phoenix
HCS/539 Version 5
January 21, 2012

Recently, a case of an over the counter drug called “excedrin” and “NoDoz” was recalled on January 9th of the current year due to the possible harmful effects to the health of individuals. Labeling and mistakenly mixed up of different dosage of pain relievers and other types of over the counter drugs was reported, a case similar to previous incidents such as the recall of Motrim and Tylenol years ago. Speculations such as overdose, under dose, and other bodily drug reaction may result if the consumers unintentionally take the wrong dosage of pill. The company is now facing a distinctive challenge concerning consumers health and safety and at the same time, the reputation of the company. Further reading of the material display a company and administrations caught in a situation concerning public safety and huge profit lost of the institution. “Excedrin, NoDoz, Bufferin, and Gas-X Prevention are one of the most common drugs found inside the medicine cabinets of the consumers. The mentioned drugs were recalled last Sunday, January 12 because of the possible content of whole or partial pills of extremely strong opiate medications to treat pain. In the newspaper of USA Today, Elizabeth Weise answers all the tough questions about the recall of the specific lots of Excedrin and Nodoz on January 9th with an expiration dates of Dec. 20, 2014 or earlier, Bufferin and Gas-X Prevention products with December 20, 2013 or earlier as the expiration products. Novartis Consumer Health is the manufacturer of above mentioned drugs, advised the consumers with the recalled drugs at home to discard the pills. More information was flashed on the website of the company: (Weise, 2012). Full refunds are made available for consumers returning the product by mail plus a credit of $2 for the shipping costs. The entire processes of returning the product were also made available to the NoDoz website and hotline number: 1-888-477-2403 from 9a.m. to 8p.m., Monday to Friday. The Food and Drug Administration found problems at the manufacturing plant such as chipped and broken pills and inconsistent bottle packaging clearance practices located at Lincoln, Nebraska resulting bottles containing foreign tablets, caplets, or capsules. The temporary suspension of the production at the factory unit has been released since the incident. Since the Nebraska plant manufactures strong dozes of pain medication for Endo Pharmaceuticals of Chadds Ford, Pa, it is believed to have a possible contamination of the product. The speculation of tablets in the other product might have been kept in the packaging equipment, and may have carried over into the packaging of the other medicine resulting incorrect pill inside the bottle of the other product. Excedrin, NoDoz, Bufferin and Gas-X Prevention were recalled because of the unlikely reaction of the drug in the sense of individual may take higher or lower dosage than the intended ingredient. A patient expecting a stronger dosage of pain reliever will not happen if an actual Excedrin pill was taken. Vice versa, an individual ought to take Excedrin for minor pain mistakenly takes an actual stronger pain medication. A potential overdose, allergic reaction, or death in worst case scenario may result from taking unintended ingredient. Novartis Consumer Health (NCH) took an action in recalling its products as a precautionary measure because of the possible content of stray tablets, caplets, or capsules from other products, chipped tablets, or contain broken. The company voluntarily made a product-recall action for the safety and best of the valued consumers of the product. Since the voluntary recall was called, NCH recommended consumers with the said product to discontinue using it and return it to NCH for a full refund. In case of adverse event, NCH also encourage the consumers to contact family physician or health care provider and report to Novartis Consumer Relationship Center at 1-888-477-2403. The recalled action had been conveyed to US Food and Drug. Additional information is also made available at the FDA website itself at The following are the detailed procedure to consider in returning the recalled products. The entire process is also posted to different website and newspaper. 1. All pills in the bottle must have the same size and color. In any case of inconsistencies, consumers are encouraged to return the bottles to the pharmacy for a full refund. 2. Check the Novartis OTC product to find out if it has been one of the recalled items. 3. Along with a completed refund form found from the company website:, mail the entire remaining product in its original container. 4. Fill out the form including: a. UPC Code (10 digit number located on the product list or under the bar code) b. Expiration date and lot number (usually located together on the side panel of the bottle or on the bottom) 5. Multiple recalled product can be mail all the same time, however, consumers must consider the following: a. UPC, expiration date, lot number, and all the necessary information must be included in the form in returning multiple bottles. b. Actual products alone are eligible for refund. c. A shipping reimbursement of a one-time $2.00 will be included in the consumers refund. Actual reimbursement cost listed on the package will be reimburse if the costs exceeds to $2.00 d. Use Standard USPS Ground shipping. 6. Contact Consumer Relationship Center at 1-888-477-2403 for any questions regarding the recall. In any business, public image is extremely keen in the eye of the society. Public relation officers work strategically to shape, develop, and maintain the pleasant image of an organization, institution, or an individual in the eyes of the customer. Among entrepreneurs public relations is describes as "using the news or business press to carry positive stories about your company or your products; cultivating a good relationship with local press representatives" (Ross 2011). In today’s era of aggressive marketing, public relations face of the client. The PR personnel organize volunteer programs and community outreach. PR representatives are the developer of relationship to prospective investors. Finally, the PR executives are the one interviewed by cable television news to answer tough questions and explain tribulation of the company if any. In the case of Novartis Consumer Health Company, public safety is the priority, reason to released voluntary recall of the list of affected products. The company is currently working closely to Food and Drug Administrations and to the media to recover public trust by publicizing all the necessary information the society needs to know concerning the regular pain pills and other medications manufactured by Novartis Consumer Health. So far no lawsuit filed against the negligence of the company or adverse drug reaction caused by the recalled products has been reported, an outcome the company is shooting for from the recalled products incident. In the future, necessary extra precaution and prevention is advised to prevent an uncomfortable situation. As a whole, the company administrators particularly the public relation manager did an excellent job in protecting the consumers, the company itself, and regaining public trusts.

Weise, E. (2012). USA Today. Why Excedrin, NoDoz bottles are being recalled. Retrieved from:
FDA. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Protecting and promoting your health. Retrieved from
Novartis OTC Consumer Product Updates Website (2012) Retrieved from
Roos, D. (2011). How stuff works. How public relations works. Retrieved from

N OTC Consumer Product Updates

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