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Rhetorical Essay


Submitted By kapplegate
Words 717
Pages 3
Katherine Applegate
Professor Rich Rees

The number one weight loss supplement advertised for thirteen years now is Hydroxycut. When you look at the website to try and figure out which one will be best for you the Pro Clinical Hydroxycut draws you near. In the success stories they always show really skinny people and fit people who did not need the supplement. While looking on their website it shows two different studies that were performed. Both of the people studied did not lose a lot of weight. I have to say that from trying this with light workouts and healthy eating that it did not work for me. Hydroxycut first came out on the market in 2002. Then in 2009 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to consumers to stop taking it because there were more than twenty-three harmful cases reported and one death. Then in 2010 Hydroxycut came back out on the market to be sold again. On September 1, 2010 Hydroxycut became an official trademark. Hydroxycut did not stay in the United States of America but also branched out worldwide to other countries to target anybody who wants to lose weight and give it a try. Muscle Tech Research and Development out of Toronto Canada developed Hydroxycut. In 2004 Muscle Tech sold all the companies they were working with to the same person who founded them and Muscle Tech went bankrupt. When you look at the box of Pro Clinical Hydroxycut in the store or online it is very eye catching. The box is red and white with BIG wording at the top that says “Americas #1 Selling Weight Loss Supplemental Brand”. There is also a gold shiny seal that says significally researched and over ninety-five MILLION sold worldwide. When you look at the box it really makes you want to buy this product because you sit there and look and think wow this company has sold a lot and has been around for a long time. Maybe just maybe they have a product that will work for you. When you look at the side label you see all the necessary vitamins and minerals that you are drawed to. Then according to the label on the box you need to take two of the pills for days one, two, and three and each one contains 200MG of caffeine. Then starting on day four and beyond you take two pills in the morning and then two pills at night and they still contain 200MG of caffeine. This draws concern to some people because there are people that cannot have very much caffeine or it can really hurt them and put them in the hospital in very critical condition. When you look for something that will help you lose weight you want real life success stories and even though this product has most everything on the box that draws everyone in the pictures might turn you away because they look photo shopped or it could be two totally different people. The enthusiasm that the people have is hyped up and crazy it also seems overly rehearsed. Hydroxycut may work for some people. But if there is anyone out there that has any sort of hormone imbalance or something else that is medically wrong then they will not lose weight like the ad is saying people will. These customers will actually end up gaining weight. Looking at the studies that have been done it shows only three to ten pounds were lost in an eight week trial study time. Personally if people would cut down their portion sizes, added more whole grains and decided to eat healthier along with some moderate exercise they would lose so much more than taking these pills that will give you energy from so much caffeine.
For more information check out their website and do some research before you actually decide to try something just going off what others says works wonders. You need to talk to your doctor about it and also look at your health. We don’t want to see someone die from this or get really sick because people didn’t do their part. So to check it out for yourself go to their website:

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