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Rifle Scope Terminology

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Rifle Scope Terminology.

There is a lot of strange terminology when it comes to rifle scopes, sometimes it's not always obvious as to what it means. To help you to under stand what's going on, and what people mean when they talk about how this particular objective at 12x leaves too small a pupil, creating a low resolution image, or how Parallax wasn't just a bad guy for the Green lantern. You'll be able to decipher these mysteries and gain a deeper understanding of scopes in general by the end of this article, so keep reading.

A scope can be used to more accurately shoot at targets far outside normal human vision range. A reticle is often included to make acquisition easier.

Coated Optics
Some lenses receive special treatments to …show more content…
To calculate the size of your pupil, simply divide the diameter of the objective lens by the magnification power of the scope. So a 7x42mm scope would have an exit pupil of 6mm.

Eye Relief
The eye relief is how far away from the scope you can be, while still retaining full view of the target.

Field of View
The area visible at 100 meters, from one side to the other. A wide FoV makes finding your target, and following them if they move, easier. As a general rule, higher magnifications will have a lower FoV.

Magnification is how many times closer the target appears to be, so for example a 7x scope makes the target 7 times closer than it is. This is also referred to as the “power”. This will be the first number in calculating the size of the exit pupil (above) and the first digit on scope classification.

Objective Lens Size
The size of the objective lens, the number given after the power on scope classification (7x42mm) is the diameter of the objective lens, it is also the second part of the exit pupil calculation. The larger this is, the more light can be obtained. Bigger sizes are better for medium to long range

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