...College isn't for everyone - Education USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education), May, 2003 by W.J. Reeves APPROXIMATELY 15,000,000 Americans are enrolled in college, although about half of them probably shouldn't be! During the junior year of high school, students and, to a greater extent, their parents start to fret about getting the teenager into a college. Most of these students are unable to be admitted to first-rate schools like Williams College or the Ivy League institutions, but they and their parents believe that a college education, from any school, is necessary to succeed in the 21st century. However, Edward E. Gordon reports in an article entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Work Force" (The Futurist, August, 2000) that 70% of the workers in the coming decades will not need a four-year college degree, but, rather, an associate degree from a community college or some type of technical certificate. Thus, moms and dads, who foot the bill, delude themselves that going to any four-year college will make their sons and daughters literate, analytical, culturally aware, technologically advanced, and therefore employable. In America today, there exists a goal that the majority of the nation's youth should go to college and that access should be the byword for higher education. On the surface, this sounds like a great idea; in reality, it is not. Access in its most-extreme form--open admissions--was instituted at The City University of New York during the turmoil...
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...then a nearby grammar school in Abeokuta, where an uncle was principal. Though raised in a colonial, English-speaking environment, Soyinka's ethnic heritage was Yoruba, and his parents balanced Christian training with regular visits to the father's ancestral home in `Isarà, a small Yoruba community secure in its traditions. Soyinka recalls his father's world in `Isarà, A Voyage Around "Essay" (1989) and recounts his own early life in Aké: The Years of Childhood (1981), two of his several autobiographical books. Aké ends in 1945 when Soyinka is eleven, with his induction into the protest movement that during the next decade won Nigeria's freedom from British rule. The political turbulence of these years framed Soyinka's adolescence and early adulthood, which he chronicles in his most recent autobiographical work, Ibadan, The Penkelemes Years, A Memoir: 1946-1965 (1994). At twelve Soyinka left Aké for Ibadan to attend that city's elite Government College and at 18 entered its new university. But in 1954, his ambition focused on a career in theater, Soyinka traveled to England to complete a degree in drama at Leeds, under the well-known Shakespearean critic, G. Wilson Knight. After graduation in 1957, Soyinka extended his European apprenticeship by working several years as a script-reader, actor, and director at the Royal Court Theatre in London. This period also saw the composition of Soyinka's first mature plays, The Swamp Dwellers and The Lion and the Jewel, and their successful...
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...This article was downloaded by: [] On: 16 March 2015, At: 06:02 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/riij20 Contemporary Bhakti Recastings Laetitia Zecchini a a CNRS, France Published online: 03 Jun 2013. Click for updates To cite this article: Laetitia Zecchini (2014) Contemporary Bhakti Recastings, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 16:2, 257-276, DOI: 10.1080/1369801X.2013.798128 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1369801X.2013.798128 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be...
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...English 102 B43– Literature and Composition Spring 2014 Term A Jessica Jack, Student ID#25840627 APA Format Compare and Contrast Short Story Fiction Essay Jessica Jack Liberty University English 102-B43 Outline for Compare and Contrast Essay Thesis: “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence and “The Lottery”, by Shirley Jackson provide two contrasting uses of Setting in a short story which accentuate the importance of the element in a story. One author has the ability to distract the reader, while the other author creates the structure of the story. 1. Introduction a. A brief summary of the “The Lottery”, by Shirley Jackson b. A brief summary of the “ The Rocking-Horse Winner’, by D.H. Lawrence 2. Overview of the use of the Setting a. “The Lottery”, by Shirley Jackson i. Shirley uses the setting as a distraction from the theme ii. The description of the setting, such as the happy characters, the sunny and bright outdoors to set the scene b. “ The Rocking-Horse Winner”, by D.H. Lawrence i. The author uses the setting to support the story and theme ii. The author allows the setting to draw and pull the audience into the story 3. The similarities and differences between the two short stories a. After reviewing both stories, it is evident that both are convincing and true to life b. The use of the setting in “The Lottery” diverts the reader away from the theme. It draws to the surrounding and characters...
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...Richter 1 Ryan Richter English V01B 7 March 2014 An Unwelcome Lesson In nearly all tales, myths and stories, a hero is set on a journey into the unknown. The hero acquires knowledge and skill, his mettle is tested, and by success or failure he learns something about himself or the world he lives in. Often the acquisition of skill and knowledge is obtained via the work of a guide or mentor. In both “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara and “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the protagonist is visited by a maligned guide who exploits their vulnerabilities, manipulating each towards a sobering epiphany, and thereby changing their world view for better or worse. Each of the two protagonists perceives their guide as a foe. In “The Lesson” Sylvia is a willful and irreverent young girl, who is immediately distrustful of her guide in the story, Ms. Moore. Ms. Moore is an oddity in the unnamed slum of New York. She always dresses like she’s going to church, she’s college educated, and inordinately concerned with the educational welfare of the children in her neighborhood (654)1. It is this outsider status that initially puts Sylvia on guard. However, Sylvia is not impervious to the machinations of her teacher. Though Sylvia loathes Ms. Moore’s condescending questions, they are ultimately effective in their goal. Sylvia is also vulnerable due to her need of a social medium. Sylvia is at the top of the pecking order among her friends, and has a sense of responsibility ...
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...This article was downloaded by: [University of Texas El Paso] On: 09 August 2011, At: 13:50 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Bilingual Research Journal Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ubrj20 Language Learning in the American Southwestern Borderlands: Navajo Speakers and Their Transition to Academic English Literacy Gloria Dyc a a University of New Mexico-Gallup Available online: 22 Nov 2010 To cite this article: Gloria Dyc (2002): Language Learning in the American Southwestern Borderlands: Navajo Speakers and Their Transition to Academic English Literacy, Bilingual Research Journal, 26:3, 611-630 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15235882.2002.10162581 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/termsand-conditions This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently...
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...Essay Question 1: In what ways did the character and composition of the black population and the institution of slavery in the Chesapeake change between the middle of the seventeenth century and the early decades of the eighteenth century? The early Chesapeake was characterized by a labor system heavily dependent on indentured servants, primarily young, single men from England who contracted to work for a set period of time in exchange for passage to the New World. This system, however, faced significant challenges. The mortality rate among indentured servants was high due to harsh conditions, disease, and inadequate provisions. Moreover, as the colony expanded and the demand for labor grew, the supply of indentured servants began to dwindle....
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...MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION This module provides an overview on the subject of art appreciation for those entirely new to the subject. This is a complex topic to deal with and it is impossible to have a truly comprehensive discussion on the topic in such a brief essay. The student is advised to consult more advanced texts to gain further understanding of how to appreciate art more fully. HUMANITIES: What is it? • The term Humanities comes from the Latin word, “humanitas” • It generally refers to art, literature, music, architecture, dance and the theatre—in which human subjectivity is emphasized and individual expressiveness is dramatized. HOW IMPORTANT IS HUMANITIES • The fields of knowledge and study falling under humanities are dedicated to the pursuit of discovering and understanding the nature of man. • The humanities deal with man as a being of purpose, of values, loves, hates, ideas and sometimes as seer or prophet with divine inspiration. • The humanities aim at educating. THE ARTS: What is it? • The word “art” usually refers to the so-called “fine arts” (e.g. pictorial, plastic, and building)– and to the so-called “minor arts” (everyday, useful, applied, and decorative arts) • The word “art” is derived from arti, which denotes craftsmanship, skill, mastery of form, inventiveness. • Art serves as a technical and creative record of human needs and achievements. The word 'art' is often used in our daily lives. However, when...
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...partly consists of lobbying for a share of the budget. “On every campus,” she wrote, “there is one department whose name need only be mentioned to make people laugh; you don’t want that department to be yours.”1 The provost, Carol Christ (who retains her faculty position as a literature professor), does not name the offender—but everyone knows that if you want to locate the laughingstock on your local campus these days, your best bet is to stop by the English department. The laughter, moreover, is not confined to campuses. It has become a holiday ritual for The New York Times to run a derisory article in deadpan Times style about the annual convention of the Modern Language Association, where thousands of English professors assemble just before the new year. Lately it has become impossible to say with confidence whether such topics as “Eat Me; Captain Cook and the Ingestion of the Other” or “The Semiotics of Sinatra” are parodies of what goes on there or serious presentations by credentialed scholars.2 At one recent English lecture, the speaker discussed a pornographic “performance artist” who, for a small surcharge to the price of admission to her stage show, distributes flashlights to anyone in the audience wishing to give her a speculum exam. By looking down at the mirror at just the right angle, she is able, she says, to see her own cervix reflected in the pupil of the beholder, and thereby (according to the lecturer) to fulfill the old Romantic dream of eradicating the...
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...English Essay Bridget Keehan: Sorry for the Loss (2008) Throughout human history, we have looked for answers. And we still do. Answers can be found in religion, science, philosophy, but some questions have no conclusive answers. One of these questions is ‘what is good, and what is evil’? While we have laws and rules, both as religions and society, the distinction between good and evil is never precise. Does an evil offense make the offender evil or is it only the offense itself that is evil, and not the offender? These questions are what this story revolves around. Sorry for the Loss is a short story from 2008, written by welsh writer Bridget Keenan. The story is told in the third person from the point of view of the story’s main character, the prison chaplain Evie. This makes the story very personal, as the reader gets access to Evie’s thoughts on prison life and on some of the major themes of the story. One thing to note is that almost all of Evie’s thoughts are related to the prison, which creates a sense of confinement, something that ties in well with the setting of the story. The story begins in medias res, which means that the reader has no background information about Evie or the prison, and is immediately presented to the main plot of the story. Furthermore, the story contains an open ending, which does not give the reader full closure on the main plot nor the major themes. This composition creates a sense that the actual plot is less important than the themes...
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... on authorship, so most MLA citation involves recording the author’s name in the physical text. The author’s name is also the first to appear in the “Works Cited” page at the end of an essay. The most recent MLA formatting can be found in the seventh edition of the MLA manual. APA The American Psychological Association (APA) provides a method for source documentation that is used in most social sciences courses. The social sciences place emphasis on the date a work was created, so most APA citation involves recording the date of a particular work in the physical text. The date is usually placed immediately after the author’s name in the “References” page at the end of an essay. The most recent APA formatting can be found in the sixth edition of the APA manual. 1 Reference Lists Citing Books General book format Single author Two or three authors More ...
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...within the common flow of conversation in sentences and paragraphs, while poetry refers to those expressions in verse, with measure and rhyme, line and stanza and has a more melodious tone. I. Prose There are many types of prose. These include novels, biographies, short stories, contemporary dramas, legends, fables, essays, anecdotes, news and speeches. 1. Novel. This is a long narrative divided into chapters. The events are taken from true-to-life stories and spans a long period of time. There are many characters involved. 2. Short Story. This is a narrative involving one or more characters, one plot, and one single impression. 3. Plays. This is presented in a stage. It is divided into acts and each act has many scenes. 4. Legends. These are fictitious narratives, usually about origins. 5. Fables. These are fictitious and they deal with animals and inanimate things who speak and act like people and their purpose is to enlighten the minds of children to events that can mold their ways and attitudes. 6. Anecdotes. These are merely products of the writer’s imagination and the main aim is to bring out lessons to the reader. 7. Essay. This expresses the viewpoint or opinion of the writer about a particular problem or event. 8. Biography. This deals with the life of a person which may be about himself, his autobiography or that of others. 9. News. This is a report of everyday events in society, government, science and industry, and accidents,...
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...published Poverty and Un-British Rule in India which is a systematic critique of British colonial rule. R.C. Dutt in his Economic History of India under Early British Rule and Economic History of India in the Victorian Age made similar arguments about the exploitative character of British rule in India. M.G. Ranade published Essays on Indian Economics in 1898. Economic critique of colonialism laid foundation for nationalist movement in India. 2) Political, Administrative and Economic Unification of the Country: British rule introduced modern bureaucracy, professional civil service, unified judiciary and a uniform civil and criminal laws in India which resulted in the political unification of the country. British colonial state also introduced modern means of transport and communication such as railways, roads, electricity and telegraph which resulted in the unification of the country. Political, administrative and economic unification of the country gave a sense of unified ‘nation’ for the people of India. 3) Western Thought and Education: The spread of western ideas and English education in the nineteenth century resulted in the formation of country wide English educated Indian middle class intellectuals. They were exposed to western ideas of nationalism and nationalist movements and political systems. 4) Role of Press and Literature: The technology of printing press started to spread during the nineteenth century in...
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...A voice cannot carry the tongue and the lips that gave it wing. Alone it must seek the ether. -Kahalil Gibran Preface December 16th, 2025 This is a book about Babu Bangladesh. This is about a man popularly known to many of us, as simply Babu. Chances are that many of you across the world encountered his name in media reports about a decade ago. International spotlights turned toward him sometime around 2005, resting on him awhile before his disappearance in 2017. Babu gained repute as a dashing environmentalist, and as an advocate of sustainable development practices in poverty stricken economies. While he is now overlooked by mainstream and gulfstream eyes, collegiate programs, left-leaning organizations, and ecological societies scattered over every continent note his initiatives. Vigilant followers might catch a glimpse of Babu’s likeness flash across the massive LED screens at U2 concerts. Thich Nhat Hanh, Arundhati Roy, and Cornel West have publicly quoted him. It is even believed that when Hillary Clinton visited Bangladesh in late 2017, she voiced strong concerns over the troubling details of Babu’s vanishing act. Female rock-star, Gwen Stefani is said to sport a tattoo on her left buttock that closely resembles Babu, but due to the artist’s weight gain between 2019 and 2022, it is difficult to confirm the likeness. In Bangladesh, Babu is remembered as a writer, politician, and as somewhat of a mystic. Depending on the nature of their interactions...
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...Philippine literature is the literature associated with the Philippines and includes the legends of prehistory, and the colonial legacy of the Philippines. Most of the notable literature of the Philippines was written during the Spanish period and the first half of the 20th century in Spanish language. Philippine literature is written in Spanish, English,Tagalog, and/or other native Philippine languages. Contents [hide] * 1 Early works * 2 Classical literature in Spanish (19th Century) * 2.1 Poetry and metrical romances * 2.2 Prose * 2.3 Dramas * 2.4 Religious drama * 2.5 Secular dramas * 3 Modern literature (20th and 21st century) * 4 Notable Philippine literary authors * 5 See also * 6 References * 7 External links | ------------------------------------------------- [edit]Early works Doctrina Christiana, Manila, 1593, is the first book printed in the Philippines. Tomas Pinpin wrote and printed in 1610 Librong Pagaaralan nang mga Tagalog nang Uicang Castilla, 119 pages designed to help fellow Filipinos to learn the Spanish language in a simple way. He is also credited with the first news publication made in the Philippines, "Successos Felices", ------------------------------------------------- [edit]Classical literature in Spanish (19th Century) On December 1, 1846, La Esperanza, the first daily newspaper, was published in the country. Other early newspapers were La Estrella (1847), Diario de Manila (1848) and Boletin Oficial de Filipinas...
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