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Rodney King Key Concept

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Considering the key concept we discussed in the class the answer to Rodney King’s question: “Can’t we all just get along?” is we can’t just get along because there are factors that separate us and those factors play a great role on how we perceive ourselves, others, and our situation, and our interaction with others.
Last week I did an initial assessment of a client who is homeless and currently living in the transitional house. The client had a set of twins about a year ago. The twins were premature and needed to remain in the hospital for care. When they were one month old, one of them died. Since the client did not have money to arrange the funeral for her son immediately, the funeral home left the body of her son to rot. The client believes …show more content…
Yet sister A did not mean to offend her. The point is that for Sr. B, African sisters, is offensive name that reminds her, the oppression that she suffered from colonization. In Zimbabwe during the colonial time, there was history of segregation between white and black. So being called African entails more than just being from the African continent. However, for Sr A who had not been oppressed due to her race and ethnicity, did not see why the other sister was offended.
Even though these two sisters were not in a therapeutic setting, they may portray a counselor and a client. What if Sr. A was a counselor and Sr. B a client or vice versa? The essential point is that we as counselors have to know that these concepts exist, influence our personal value and belief and those of the client. Both the client and the counselor have their personal identity such as race, gender, social class and belong to a minority or dominant group. This identity shape on the client and the counselor see themselves, how they believe other perceive them and how they perceive …show more content…
Zizina’s parents have been married for 23 years and together they have four children. The client is the first born of the family. She has a younger sister who is 18 years old and twin brothers who are 15 years old. After finishing high school the client received a scholarship to attend college far away from home. The client admitted that the college is a predominately white institution and everything feels unfamiliar to her. She misses her family and friends back in Newark. The client lost interest and motivation of

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