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Roles and Responsibilities of a Good Teacher


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About My Subject:
My subject is to teach Arabic as second Language for adult students from different Races and ethnicities. I have students from different cultural background. Some of my students are from Pakistani Families, some are Bengali Families, Indian Families, Kenyan Families and few of them are originally from British Background. I also have two Irish students too.
It is very challenging because of different background of the students and it is very difficult because of different level of skills of Arabic Language. Some of the students are familiar with Arabic Alphabets, few words and few sentences because of their Muslim background. Many Muslims speak Urdu as their common language of communication which includes Arabic Alphabets and words. Some are learning Arabic for the first time, as beginners. Their level of learning skill is very low. Hence, it is very challenging that to teach such group and complete the aim and achieve the goal.
The aim of the course is to learn reading, writing and speaking Arabic. The students can read, write and speak basic Arabic as a mean to communicate with Arabs and to access to Arabic Literature.
I am hoping that the students will be able to read, write and speak basic level of Arabic at the completion of the course. Certainly, I cannot expect very high expectations from the students. I cannot expect perfection in any of them. Some of them will achieve excellence and some will be average in their achievement.
My main Role and Responsibility as a teacher:
“I am responsible for designing, supervising, and assessing the educational program for my students.”
I believe that it is very challenging for me to deliver myself as a role model and a responsible teacher. Certainly, I should know the most common needs of my students to apply my roles and responsibilities towards them. We as humans our needs go around 6 main categories: 1. Physiological needs,
2. Safety needs,
3. Love and belonging,
4. Esteem, 5. Self – actualization,
6. Self–transcendence. (See the footnote: 1.).

1. Physiological needs,
My role and responsibility towards my students regarding their physical needs are that I provide for them convenient and natural environmental guide notes in which a proper guideline is given regarding food clothes and shelter. It also indicates very clearly to whom to be contacted in case of any emergency needs. The centre where I deliver these classes have medical room, and toilet facilities for male, female and disables and Canteen where food can be ordered.

2. Safety needs,
I make sure that my students have perfect safety while they are studying in the classroom. According to me their safety matters the most to motivate them to study this course, to complete it to fulfill the aim and achieve the goal. As humans we need safety around personal security, financial security, and physical health security and all safety measures against unexpected accidents, or illness. I have made sure that every physical and transport supports are provided to all my students to keep them safe from any calamities. Their belongings like cash, purses, and wallets are safe to provide them financial security. The medical room is well set to provide physical health security and to overcome any emergency accidents or illness. Generally, the room has CCTV cameras fitted in the room which is recording all time every movement in the room.

3. Love and belonging,
As humans we also need loving and belonging environment within the study circles. I try my level best to create loving feelings between all my students and that they are all like one family group. I also make sure that their families are aware that they are attending these classes and also make sure that all my students love, respect and show concerned towards one another. I advice all my students to avoid all racial discrimination in the classroom and no physical or verbal abuse will be tolerated. I request them to respect everyone’s status and no one should consider others inferior or superior. Also part my teaching methods involve group study, group discussion and helping one another in learning.
4. Esteem,
I am very much concerned with regards to the self-respect and self-honour. We as humans need to be respected which includes self-esteem. I request all my students to appreciate the inputs and contributions of one another. We as humans need appreciations of our good work and our sincere contributions. We feel that our efforts should be recognised and valued.
5. Self – actualization,
I think self-actualization is the most challenging field in the role of a teacher. It is very difficult for a teacher to know the skills and capabilities of every student. It is very difficult to know what one can or cannot do. But as a teacher I try my best to assess all my students individually, to know what everyone can or cannot do. This way I help them to create self-confidence in them and with their own self-actualization method they help themselves to achieve what they want to achieve from this course.
6. Self–transcendence.
Again self-transcendence is another challenge in our life. Sometimes we as humans stop our future progress in the life if we fail to achieve what we wanted to achieve in the first time. But I always encourage my students to work out where their short coming was and then plan accordingly for future. I normally, critically evaluate myself to know where my short coming was. I try to go through all my roles as a teacher right from the very start of my preparation of the study materials to the end of the completion of the course. This way I achieve self-transcendence in myself which then I convey it to my students.

My role as a teacher who prepares and plans the course to achieve the goal:
As a teacher to achieve my goal I have followed two main methods: [See the footnote: 2.]
Specific Course Plan for Non-Arabic Speaking Students:
I have planned and structured this course specifically for Non-Arab Students. This course is specifically who cannot read, write or speak anything of Arabic as a Language. The goal for this course is that after the completion of this course the students will be able to read, write and speak basic Arabic and will have the excess to Arabic Literature.
I have studied and measured the time limit to deliver this course. The course is measured to be delivered in total 36 classes for Male students and 36 classes for Female students. The course will be taught at 3 different Levels; namely: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. There will be 12 classes for each level which will be taught in 12 hours.
I have structured this course to achieve the goal which will be easily attainable. I have studied carefully regarding the time scheduled for the students to attend this course. Generally, People are available or are free on Fridays after 6 pm. I keeping this in my study, I decided to run this course on Fridays from 7pm to 9pm. It did work so well that none of my students ever missed any class because it was very easy for all of them to attend it. It was attainable for my students not only based on timing but also based on its location. My centre is rightly located in the residential area which is very safe for my female students.
My course is really goal achieving because timing was very convenient for all my students. It was very convenient for them to attend between 7 pm and 9 pm. It was not very early nor too late. Also the duration of every class was not boring at all. It was 60 minutes for female class and 60 minutes for male class. This 1 hour was divided into very organized system. I divided the first 10 minutes for introduction and recap of the previous lesson and also discussion of what will be covered in this class; 30 minutes were used to deliver the lesson and 15 minutes were used to discuss between myself and students in the way questions and answers; also group discussions between students in the group of three each. The last 5 minutes were used to recap of what was covered in this class and what will be taught in the next class. It is very live and very interactive between all of us through the lesson. It was very motivating and interesting for all beginners as well as average students.
Lastly, when the students complete Level 1, I carry out a brief exam for all the students. I ask questions verbally. I also give out some paper sheets with questions in them to be answered by the students. Finally, I test all my students in reading, writing and speaking.

Certainly, I have to prepare lists deciding the grades of the attempt made by the students during this exam. The excellent is A*, Very Good is A, Good is B, average is C. The grade A* means that the student has achieved 90% to 100% in the exam. The grade A means that the student has achieved 75% to 90%, and grade B means the student has achieved 50% to 75% and finally grade C means that the student has achieved 40% to 50%.

Critically Evaluation:
Finally, it was very challenging for me to evaluate the different levels amongst the students because some of them were very good and some of them were very slow and low in their levels. Certainly, majority of them were average, who were not very bright as equal to the excellent students nor very dull, slow and low like other; instead they were in between both the levels. I requested the students of each of these levels to give detailed feedback of the evaluations. I have improved my method of teaching to a very great level because of a very good and a balanced feedback. My excellent students gave very positive feedback and also expressed their opinions saying, ‘the course was very easy and interesting’. My students who were in the average group expressed their opinions saying; ‘the course was good but little challenging but interesting.’ The hard and serious feedback was given by the students who are from the low level. They suggested: 1. The course was hard and difficult to grasp all of it. 2. The teacher was very fast in delivering it as if he was more concerned in completing the lesson instead of realizing that the beginners may find difficult to understand. 3. The lesson could be taught with slow pace. 4. More time must be given to the beginners.
My persona Improvement:
These feedbacks have helped me to prepare my future lesson plans. These feedbacks made me reflect on my own study plans, my method of delivering the lessons and my external educational support to the students.
Reflection on my teaching experience:
It reflected on my experience of teaching. My experience of teaching in the past was different than this time. I have to improve my teaching method.
Reflection on my teaching method:
It also reflected on delivering of the lesson. I have to improve my method of delivering the lesson. I should deliver the lesson considering the level of the average student. It should not be very high which can only be good for excellent students only, nor it should very low that only low level student can benefit and others would suffer the delay because of such students. My teaching method should be according to the level of the average student, so that excellent student and low level student both can benefit. In other words my teaching should be more descriptive to the students.
Reflection on my teaching skills, my research skills, my lesson planning and better understanding to the needs of the students:
These feedbacks have helped me in analysis of my own skills of teaching, my research on the subject. It also helped me in better planning, and better understanding of the needs of the students. It also helped to work out on how the aim can set up and how the goal can be achieved.
I learned the real role and responsibility of a teacher only after these feedbacks. 1. I learned that it is time and circumstance that evolve to become a role model and a responsible teacher. There are some common roles and responsibilities to all teachers in the education system. 2. I learnt one very important responsibility that ability to teach is not enough for someone to become a good teacher rather I must be prepared to adapt every changing circumstance. I wanted to adapt good qualities and characteristics with basic responsibilities to become a good teacher. 3. I learned that of the roles of a teacher is to have a sound knowledge of the subject, its specific matters as well general matters related to the subject. I should have the knowledge of the subject which could relate to the facts of the theories and the theories of the facts. 4. Good teacher empowers his students and get them to think beyond themselves with the goal that they will serve others in a positive manner in their own lives today and as adults. 5. He inspires students that they can make an impact in the classroom, in their school, in their town, and even in the world.

I am certain that to be a good teacher, it should be my responsibility to put the subject at the center of the classroom. This will make me and my students teammates searching to learn greater truths about the subject at the middle. In this sense, teachers and students are united in a "community of truth," as Palmer calls it, all seeking to explore the "great things" of each subject. To do this, the teacher must be the facilitator ("guide on the side") rather than the entire show ("sage on the stage"). In the following clip from "Dead Poet's Society," the teacher demonstrates how active a role a facilitator can play while still placing the subject clearly at the center. Through the activity he devised and guided, the students come to a deep understanding of how conformity can take hold, and thus become more aware of how to differentiate them. In this, the students come into the grace of the great thing of conformity and the individual. The teacher, too, learns in this, as one student decides to operate his free will to do nothing, which was how he came into his own understanding of the concept.

MY METHOD OF COMMUNICATING, COUNSELING AND GUIDING THE STUDENTS: 1. I believe that ‘Communication between a teacher and students’ is key to achieve the goal. 2. The teacher should have clear ideas, focused manner, which is easy for all to understand. 3. The Teacher must be active participant in the school community and must be able to work collaboratively with their colleagues. 4. A good teacher must like being around students. 5. The teacher must respect his students just as he himself wants respect. 6. The teacher must reflect, recognize when methods fail, and be willing to continually learn and change so that he can have as positive impact on his students as possible.. 7. The teacher must pass on knowledge and convey it with very clear method teaching. 8. His speech should be very clear. 9. His presentation should be very visual and easy to follow. 10. He should use a very common method in the class room and kept it very alive by questions and answers between him and all students together. 11. This method of questions and answers the lessons very clear in the classroom. 12. He will be able to understand that how much the students have understood and where they are confused. 13. He must give an opportunity to every student to ask one another, respect one another’s views and opinions. This way it will be very clear to him the needs of every student. 14. He should develop all the qualities required to communicate effectively with them. 15. He should show patience, sense of humour, diplomacy and a respect for cultural diversity. 16. He should try to provide proper counseling and guidance to all students and remained totally non judgmental.

My Role and Responsibility as ‘MANAGEMENT’: 1. As a teacher it is my responsibility to manage everything from the beginning of the course, enrolment, registration, communication with the students through emails, course materials, handouts and study plan. 2. It is my responsibility that I should arrange safe and with good facilities the venue centres for classes to be conducted. 3. It is my duty to inform about course updates and information of the future courses and classes to all my students. 4. As a responsible teacher, I should act as a director and administrator for this course. 5. As a teacher it is my responsibility to know about the needs of the normal students and students with special needs. 6. As a responsible teacher, I should make sure those students who are in special needs that they should not fail to study or remain backward any aspects. 7. It is my duty that I attend them equally the same as I attend normal students. 8. As a teacher I should always be aware of students with special needs and advocate conditions for their success.

My Responsibilities towards health and safety of the students:
A positive learning environment allows students to learn to their full potential. Students must feel safe, secure, and supported before they can be receptive to new learning. Moreover, students' attitudes toward an overall learning situation have a powerful influence on their attitudes toward the learning episode. Meaning, if students feel positive about their learning environment, they are more likely to regard the learning episode as something important, worthwhile, and rewarding.
As a responsible teacher, I should prepare handouts with the study materials indicating complete guidelines on fire regulations and the pointing out of fire exits, and assembly points.
I as a teacher consider myself individually and collectively responsible for the safety of everyone whilst at the place of learning. I deliver 5 minutes speech in every class regarding Health and Safety Measurements before the starting lesson in the class. I indicate fire exits, electrical sockets where laptops can be plugged in and mobile charges can be plugged in. Locations of the male and female toilets, café and library, all are properly informed before every class.

I deeply condemn age, gender and cultural discriminations. I promote equality of all. I consider every student equal regardless of age, gender and culture. I do not tolerate racism, human discrimination and political discussions not related to the topic. I make sure that no student is criticized based race, cast and culture. No student is abused or insulted in any manner whatsoever.

I as a teacher always consider myself responsible for designing, implementing and evaluating the educational program (planning, delivery and evaluation). I used only those Arabic Words to teach reading Arabic which were commonly used by the students in their day to day life. I related it to some scientific theories to those words. I tried my best to make it very interesting, very creative and very inter-reacting between me and students. I prepared a very comprehensive course which was scheduled to be taught in total 36 classes for male students and 36 classes for female students. I prepared weekly lesson plan which is used to teach for an hour for each group. I have used projector, smart board, power points and hard copies of the notes as handouts for each student. E-learning was introduced to assess the understanding of every student. I had used for E-Learning.

FOOTNOTES: 1.'s_hierarchy_of_needs#/media/File:MaslowsHierarchyOfNeeds.svg 2. Principles of SMART: Principles of EDAR: --------------------------------------------
Principal Robert Glenn wrote the book ‘Teaching for Excellence. This website details the key qualities teachers should possess when entering the profession. [ 5 ]. REFERENCE:
Jaimie Escalante, who was featured in the film Stand and Deliver eloquently states these things in this clip [ 6 ]. REFERENCE:

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Education Paper

...Final Project Section 1: What is the purpose of education? What goals do you want your students to achieve? The purpose of education is to prepare someone to meet the demands of the real world. Education teaches an individual about a particular subject or it develops the problem solving skills that I feel everyone is born with. I feel that everyone is born with the ability to solve problems. Education challenges those skills and forces children and adults alike, to create or enhance their own problem solving skills. Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, “The aim [of education] must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals who, however, see in the service to the community their highest life problem” (Einstein, 2012). I think this statement holds true today. I feel that education must prepare people to take on the world. Each individual will develop into their own identity and discover what is important in their life and what is worth fighting for. Ryan and Cooper (2013) “say that education is a process of human growth by which one gains greater understanding and control over oneself and one’s world” (p.28). Education is a process and we all take steps in education. That is why there are grade levels and there are curriculums based off of those steps that we take. Each individual develops a little differently than the next, but education presents someone with a problem and allows a person to develop an answer. There are parts of education...

Words: 2867 - Pages: 12