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SAT Preparation Analysis

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This week I was working with juniors on SAT preparations. Students are required to take the SAT as a graduation requirement. The workshop was to prepare students with what to expect on the SATs and give them some needed information on why SATs are very important if they want to attend college after high school. We talked about different things that were helpful to the students with preparing for their SAT. We talked about how to study for the SAT, when should they start studying, studying effectively, what to expect on the SAT, and the importance of the SAT. These particular topics are very critical for students to help them try and do their best. Preparation for exams is one of the most effective ways to do their best on their exam. Our introduction …show more content…
Conducting the workshop to inform students on what to expect and how to approach being successful in taking the SAT exam. I find it rewarding when I can help students along the way to get to their goals. Informing students about necessary steps they need to take in order to achieve success in transitioning to college is an important goal of mines as a future advisor. I enjoy seeing students that are interested and trying to understand the workshop so they can receive something out of the workshop. I had students asking questions about the SAT and learning what the benefits are when they take the exam. As an advisor, I want to be able to help students and inform them of choices they have and how they can become successful by putting their best effort into their future goals. One challenge of the week is me working with this student that has severe issues going on at home. I have been counseling this student for about four weeks and the counseling sessions have been extremely vulnerable. Even though my goal is to speak with this student about the future goals with college, we have more sessions about that student personal like because it has been affecting their school work and attitude. I realized that it is very difficult to work with a student that has something else that is more of a priority for them, than their education. I say difficult because my sessions become more intense and my approaches to the session have to be completely different than my other sessions I have had with students. I know and have learned so far through this field training process that I will be counseling students far beyond just academics and I have to be prepared as an advisor to have the right resources for students to help them speak with the right people for their

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