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Sacred Heart Research Paper

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“Our mission is to build a community free from poverty by creating hope, opportunity, and action. We provide essential services, work together to improve our lives, advocate for justice, and inspire our community to love, serve, and share”.
The above mention quote is the mission of the Agency. That means Sacred Heart is providing essential services to individuals and families in need. The organization has also evolved into a respected and innovative provider of programs that assist families with achieving lifelong economic self-sufficiency.
Louise Benson founded Sacred Heart Community Service in 1964 to feed hungry families in her neighborhood. It has grown to become one of the leading providers of services to the working poor in Santa Clara County, serving more than 50,000 unduplicated children and adults in 2009 alone. Benson, who at age 61 began distributing baskets of food from her Willow Glen home. The agency was incorporated as a 501(c)(3)charitable organization in 1972. In 2008, the agency became the Community Action Agency for Santa Clara County, a responsibility that requires providing essential help to the community of …show more content…
They help families improve their English through a nine-month intensive language education course. Also they have summer academy program. Students in grades 4-8 attend this full-day summer camp, which focuses on both short and long-term academic, social, and emotional development. Sacred Heart’s after-school program is for students in grades 1-6. Staff work closely with children, families, and schools to create individualized work plans for each participant, achieving grade-level or higher performance. These programs are having wonderful impact on the

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