...Redding is there was no punishment for parties involved in the searching of Savana Redding. Kerry Wilson, Peggy Schwallier, and Helen Romero were responsible for stripping Savana Redding down to her underwear to search her for drugs. Ms. April Redding sued these three people, but the judge granted them qualified immunity because the laws were unclear on the subject of searching students (Safford 1). A case such as this should never have happened. The court stated that the laws were unclear, but according to the first amendment, the government is required to obtain a warrant for any search. Every student deserves rights because they are citizens. There should not have been any unclear law because public school should operate as the government because the government owns and run them. If the laws written are unclear then a rewrite is in order to save students from this...
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...Informative Speech - Caffeine SaVana A. Nye 2013 SPCH-1010 Gott 12/1/2013 SaVana A. Nye 12/1/2013 Speech Outline Gott – SPCH 1010 Introduction – * What is caffeine? * The effects of caffeine intake * Tips for caffeine consumption * Within my discussion, I will weigh both the benefits and detrimental effects of how caffeine can alter the senses, as well as discuss how to assess your caffeine intake against the daily recommended amount of the drug. Body - * Caffeine is a huge part of our daily lives and our intake often reflects our health status. * The drug can often be found in many products throughout our society. * It can often be used in moderation in order to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, and even asthma. (Hensrud, 2010) * This is a major source of alertness, altering mood, and improving concentration. * While safe to use in moderation, the consumption levels of most Americans is often dangerous and can be detrimental to their health. * Insomnia, dizziness, and anxiety are often signs of over-consumption of caffeine. * Those who consume large amounts frequently become addicted and dependent on the drug. * Overdose has been reported from the drug and is a rising concern. * Monitoring and implementing a caffeine-regulating diet is essential through reading nutritional labels and knowing ingredients within the products you consume on a daily basis...
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...Accounting Cycle Description Team A Deborah Holmes, Tami Jackson, Nicole Savana, Maria Despenza ACC 340 August 7, 2014 Paul Andoh Accounting Cycle Description MARIA: Identify the five accounting cycles and explain how this organization uses the accounting cycle you have selected. DEBORAH: Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the internal controls related to this cycle. TAMI: Explain how you would integrate this part of the accounting cycle into an enterprise-wide accounting information system. NICOLE: Differentiate between the various types of information systems necessary to achieve this integration. When achieving integration Riordan Manufacturing must first consider how well the financial and accounting systems are functioning within their company. Riordan Manufacturing has three operating location, and each have their own finance and accounting system, which could be a reason they are having such a hard time maintaining the data received. The company’s headquarters in San Jose, California is currently licensed by the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system which is fully integrated and windows based. The plant in Michigan is still operating on an older system purchased some time ago, and the plant seems to be the only one extremely behind on software updates. Georgia has a system that runs off of windows, yet it is also an older model software system. According to the company’s intranet site, it is finding it difficult to complete the general...
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...The semi arid desert is an interesting biome that has a lot of traits that make it unique. It looks like a bare and lifeless place but that's not the case at all. The semi arid desert is hot and dry with little rain during the winter. During the summer it gets extremely hot days. “The heat peak to extremes during the daytime because there are little clouds to shield the desert from the sun's rays.”(“Desert Biomes.” World Biomes-Desert, Cutequote.com , Feb. 2017, www.worldbiomes.com/biomes_desert.htm) The summer temperatures are between 70° and 80°F. That Savana deserts. Semi arid deserts generally occur at low latitudes but there are multiple places that they are located. “Semi arid deserts found in North America, Asia, Europe, Greenland, and Northern Russia.”(“Desert Biomes.” World Biomes-Desert, Cutequote.com , Feb. 2017, www.worldbiomes.com/biomes_desert.htm)...
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...Anthony and Govindarajan (2007) explained that “resource deployment helps senior management make decisions regarding the use of the cash generated from some business units to finance growth in other business units” (p. 62). The BCG Growth-Share Matrix will provide a portfolio planning model for General Motors. The four categories will allow General Motors to review their vehicle types based on a combination of market growth and market share. Using Figure 1: The BSG Model, we will be able to identify General Motors recent performance in terms of market growth and market share, and determine which models should be held, built upon, harvested in the short-term, and divested. Figure 1: The BSG Model At the year-to-date mark of 2012, “General Motors holds an 18.1% share of the total automotive market, putting total cars at 7.6%, total light trucks at 10.5%” (Wall Street Journal, 2012). Figure 2: General Motors: BSG Model will display General Motors market growth and market share in terms of vehicle type. Figure 2: General Motors: BSG Model Stars (Hold) 1. Sports Cars and Convertibles – The Chevy Camaro and Corvette account for one out of every three sports cars sold in the United States in 2011. Chevrolet accounted for 37 percent of the sports-car segment last year with the Chevy Camero. Chevrolet accounted for 28 percent of the luxury-sports-car segment in 2011 with the Chevy Corvette. 2. Pick-up Trucks - Chevrolet Silverado: 28%...
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...Îmbunătăţirea continuă a sistemului de management al calităţii la S.C. Fabryo Corporation S.R.L. C U P R I N S INTRODUCERE pag. 03 Capitolul 1: Aspecte teoretice privind calitatea produselor şi serviciilor pag. 05 1.1. Aspecte generale privind noţiunea de calitate pag. 05 1.1.1. Definiţii ale conceptului de calitate pag. 05 1.1.2. Caracteristicile calităţii produselor şi serviciilor pag. 07 1.1.3. Caracterul complex şi dinamic al calităţii pag. 08 1.1.4. Ipostazele calităţii pag. 09 1.1.5. Funcţiile calităţii pag. 12 Capitolul 2: Sistemul de management al calităţii. Aspecte teoretice pag. 14 2.1. Principiile sistemului de management al calităţii conform standardului ISO 9001:2001 pag. 14 2.2. Etapele necesare proiectării şi implementării unui sistem de management al calităţii ISO 9001:2001 pag. 17 Capitolul 3: Analiza calităţii la S.C. Fabryo Corporation S.R.L. pag. 20 3.1. Piaţa lacurilor şi vopselelor. Generalităţi pag. 20 3.2. Fabryo - profil de companie pag. 21 3.2.1. Scurt istoric pag. 21 3.2.2. Acţionariatul Fabryo Corporation S.R.L. pag. 23 3.2.3. Obiectul de activitate pag. 23 3.2.4. Portofoliul de produse pag. 23 3.2.5. Principalii furnizori şi clienţi ai companiei pag. 24 3.3. Evoluţia economico-financiară...
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...What's A Centerfold? It's ten o'clock, humid and too dark for anything on this free Saturday night I've earned. My stomach uncomfortably queasy for what new experiences this night will hold. In my room all I can hear is the bothersome cliché clicking from the handcrafted cracked oak alarm clock I had received as a graduation present this year, "the calm before the storm" I think, then from out of the awkward silence like a near gunshot in dark woods the phone rings and makes my ears echo in surprise. My ride is here, I double check my wallet and get one last spray of cologne before I leave my house a young inexperienced clubber for the last time. I make it to the faded black Range Rover with sweaty palms and a killer stomachache due to the party of nerves I've been building up since the prior morning When I step in the car, my nose immediately gets a nostalgic smell that makes me reminisce back to the golden days of freshmen year of high school. The driver and my partner in crime, Kasandra, sits in the Rover her head nodding in tempo to Blink 182's "What's My Age Again." I hadn't seen her since her banishment to catholic School in 2012. Her personality looked unscathed by the school, her hair still that scene style,that edgy sense of humor, still gorgeous and I could tell she wore the same type of clothes as before because she had a brand new dark colored System Of The Down shirt. "Classic kasandra! oh my buddha, I missed you". I announced. She smiled and joked, "same...
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...INSTITUTO FEDERAL DO ESPÍRITO SANTO KEVIN KÜHL SAVANA CARVALHO WAGNER POLICARPO POLÍMEROS ARTIFICIAIS E NATURAIS VITÓRIA 2014 KEVIN KÜHL SAVANA CARVALHO WAGNER POLICARPO POLÍMEROS ARTIFICIAIS E NATURAIS Trabalho apresentado para avaliação do rendimento escolar na disciplina de Química III, oferecida pelo Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo para o Curso Técnico em Eletrotécnica Integrado ao Ensino Médio. Professor: Breno Rodriguez. Turma: M03 VITÓRIA 2014 PRINCIPAIS POLÍMEROS NATURAIS E ARTIFICIAIS E FORMAS DE OBTENÇÃO (REAÇÕES QUÍMICAS) Os polímeros são divididos em duas classes, os naturais (já existentes normalmente na natureza) e os artificiais (fabricados pelo homem, partindo de moléculas simples). Em nosso estudo sobre os principais polímeros iremos abordar primeiro os polímeros naturais, sendo os principais os carboidratos (celulose, amido, glicogênio, por exemplo), as proteínas e os ácidos nucleicos. Dentro da classe dos polímeros naturais podemos destacar os polímeros de condensação e os polímeros de adição, dos quais trabalharemos, primeiramente, os de condensação. Tais polímeros (polímeros de condensação) são os polissacarídeos e as proteínas, que são obtidos a partir de monossacarídeos e aminoácidos, respectivamente. Os polissacarídeos (celulose, o amido e o glicogênio) são obtidos através da polimerização dos monossacarídeos, portanto possuem sempre a fórmula C6H12O6. A reação de formação dos polissacarídeos consiste na junção...
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...UPFRONT Domestic Bliss > A LOOK AT WHAT’S “MADE IN AMERICA.” C by T O N Y Q U I R O G A ontrary to popular belief, America still builds cars—a lot of them. Nearly 8 million cars and trucks came out of U.S. plants last year. Step back and look at the entire North American continent, and production adds up to more than 12 million units. But even if a vehicle is made by an American company by American workers, it’s not necessarily an American car, at least according to our government. By Uncle Sam’s reckoning, if 75 percent (by value) or more of a car’s parts come from the U.S. or Canada, it’s considered a domestic product; less than that, and it’s not. The maps here tell you not only where your North American–made car is built, but just how American it really is. 12 13 14 2010 North American Automobile Production 115 Annual Production Less than 10,000 vehicles 10,000 - 50,000 50,001 - 100,000 100,001 - 150,000 150,001 - 200,000 200,001 - 250,000 250,001 - 300,000 More than 300,000 99 100 101 12,210,869 LAFAYETTE 31 32 33 34 PRINCETON CANADA MEXICO 2,084,911 2,319,564 7,806,394 Part Content U.S./Canada over 75% U.S./Canada under 75% SUBARU LEGACY SUBARU OUTBACK SUBARU TRIBECA TOYOTA CAMRY TOYOTA HIGHLANDER TOYOTA SEQUOIA TOYOTA SIENNA N/A N/A 40% 80% 70% 80% 75% 43,791 108,686 5543 87,731 86,527 24,685 132,780 35 36 37 K A N SAS KANSAS CITY 38 39 2010 PRODUCTION 2011 U.S./CANADA PART CONTENT VEHICLE A L A BAMA LINCOLN...
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...The Emancipation Wars Overview Above all of the acts of resistance towards slavery, non – violent and violent, there were three rebellions in the British West Indies that stood out. Those three were the Bussa Rebellion in Barbados, Easter 1816, the Demerara Revolt in Guyana, August 1823, and the Sam Sharpe Rebellion in Jamaica which took place in December 1831. The order in which the three rebellions occurred was similar; it was influential as well as extensive. Among all three rebellions there was one common factor. It was a time in which ameliorative proposals (gradual improvement in the slave’s way of life) were being made in Britain. This gave way to widespread rumours that there were measures taking place in metropolitan Britain to grant slaves their freedom but planters were withholding them (Emancipation Rumours). In all three cases this rumour aided in the agitation for freedom and precipitated rebellion. While some historians use these rebellions to make the case that slaves emancipated themselves, others are less liberal. None, however, deny that these later rebellions were pivotal to the passing of the Emancipation Act August 1, 1833. Bussa/Barbados Rebellion 1816 Unexpected The Bussa rebellion of 1816 was not that expected as it is believed that slaves began to plan the rebellion soon after the House of Assembly discussed and rejected the imperial Registry Bill in November 1815 (Beckles 90). This Bill called for the registration of colonial slaves...
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...Strategia di marketing di Faber-Castell - 8 dic 2010 Faber-Castell è uno dei maggiori produttori al mondo di penne, matite, altre forniture per ufficio (ad esempio, cucitrici, regoli calcolatori, gomme, righelli) [1] e artistici, [2], nonché strumenti di scrittura di alta gamma e lusso articoli in pelle. Essa gestisce 14 stabilimenti e 20 unità di vendita (sei in Europa, quattro in Asia, tre in America del Nord, cinque in Sud America, e uno ciascuno in Australia e Nuova Zelanda). La Faber-Castell Gruppo si avvale di un organico di circa 7.000 e opera in più di 100 paesi. [3] Anche se la sua produzione è iniziata in Germania, solo alcune delle sue penne di alta qualità sono ancora lì fabbricati. La maggior parte dei prodotti di consumo della società sono realizzati in Brasile. Faber-Castell USA ha sede a Cleveland, Ohio, e fa parte della rete globale di società di Faber-Castell che operano in paesi come l'Australia, il Brasile e Malesia [4]. Statistiche: Privato Azienda Incorporated: 1784 come AW Faber Dipendenti: 5.550 Vendite: 369 milioni di euro (278 milioni dollari) (2001) NAIC: 339.942 piombo matita e Arte Good Manufacturing; 339941 Penna e matita meccanica di produzione; 339.943 Marcatura dispositivo Manufacturing Società Prospettive: La matita di piombo continua a scrivere la storia nel 21 ° secolo. Profilo inconfondibile della matita continua ad evolversi e integra ogni moderno mezzo di comunicazione, sia esso un cellulare, computer portatile o PC. Semplice, robusto, non...
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...© Kamla-Raj 2010 J Hum Ecol, 30(1): 55-62 (2010) Determinants of Attitudes and Perceptions on Resource Use and Management of Marsabit National Reserve, Kenya Mohamed G. Shibia Department of Natural Resources Management, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute National Arid lands Research Centre, P.O. Box 147, Marsabit, Kenya Telephone: 254 69 2040, 254 722916149, Fax: 254 69 2220 E-mail: schibier@yahoo.com, mohamedshibia@gmail.com KEYWORDS Attitude. Perceptions. Wildlife Damages. Benefits ABSTRACT The establishment of protected areas had negative consequences on local communities. The shift in conservation resulted in restriction of access to resources, disruption of local culture and economies by tourists, increased predation on crops and livestock and displacement of inhabitants. A survey was undertaken to determine relationship between respondent’s socio-economic characteristics and their attitudes and perceptions towards protected area conservation, determine the effect of wildlife benefits and their associated cost on attitudes and perceptions and determine if respondent attitudes and perceptions was affected by proximity of their residence to Marsabit National Reserve. One hundred eighty-seven households were selected through stratified random sampling and surveyed using questionnaire composed of both open and closed ended questions. Information acquired was triangulated through informal interviews, field observations and focused group discussions. Cross-tabulation using...
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...SECTION I: Introduction/Executive Summary Tesla Motors, Inc. is an American company that designs, manufactures and sells electric cars and electric vehicle powertrain components. Named after the scientist Nikola Tesla, Tesla Motors ($TSLA) was founded in 2003. Exactly who founded Tesla Motors can be discussed, but it was probably by a group of intrepid Silicon Valley engineers Martin Eberhard, Marc Tarpenning, and Ian Wright. Their goal was to build an electric vehicle with the same performance as a Porsche and more environmental friendly than a Toyota Prius. The problem was that the founders didn't have the money needed to realize their idea, so they contacted Elon Musk, who decided to invest in the company. Elon Musk had earlier founded the companies Zip2, PayPal, and SpaceX. The difference between Elon Musk and the founders was that Elon Musk wanted Tesla Motors to become an improved General Motors with several car models, while the original founders wanted to design only a sports car. Elon Musk became interested in electric cars because he is well aware of peak oil. The idea behind peak oil is that oil is a finite resource we will run out of. Elon Musk believes the production of oil will begin to decrease after year 2020. As the production of oil decreases, the price of oil will increase and more people will buy electric cars SECTION II: Current Situation Tesla Motors headquarters is in Palo Alto, California. Its goal is to speed up this transition from gasoline cars to...
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...Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar "Father Of Indian Constitution" India’s first Law Minister Architect of the Constitution of India ii http://www.ambedkar.org Born April 14, 1891, Mhow, India Died Dec. 6, 1956, New Delhi Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, was the first Minister of Law soon after the Independence of India in 1947 and was the Chairman of the drafting committee for the Constitution of India As such he was chiefly responsible for drafting of The Constitution of India. Ambedkar was born on the 14th April, 1891. After graduating from Elphinstone College, Bombay in 1912, he joined Columbia University, USA where he was awarded Ph.D. Later he joined the London School of Economics & obtained a degree of D.Sc. ( Economics) and was called to the Bar from Gray's Inn. He returned to India in 1923 and started the 'Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha' for the education and economic improvement of the lower classes from where he came. One of the greatest contributions of Dr. Ambedkar was in respect of Fundamental Rights & Directive Principles of State Policy enshrined in the Constitution of India. The Fundamental Rights provide for freedom, equality, and abolition of Untouchability & remedies to ensure the enforcement of rights. The Directive Principles enshrine the broad guiding principles for securing fair distribution of wealth & better living conditions. On the 14th October, 1956, Babasaheb Ambedkar a scholar in Hinduism embraced Buddhism. He continued the crusade for...
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...April 18, 2013 Consumer Goods Tesla Motors, Inc. Ticker: TSLA Recommendation: Buy Current Price: $43.75 Implied Price: $50.88 Investment Thesis Tesla offers a competitive product that takes advantage of the current global “green” trend in an industry of heavy concern Tesla is expanding in the United States and overseas while simultaneously offering new products that are already in high demand Management has a proven history of success and is passionate about making Tesla a respected brand in the automobile industry Tesla is beginning to become profitable and expand margins while growing at the same time Tesla’s strategic partnerships with Daimler AG and Toyota position the firm for future success Key Statistics 52 Week Price Range 25.52-46.68 50-Day Moving Average 38.29 200-Day Moving Average 34.35 Beta Market Capitalization 3-Year Revenue CAGR 1.49 5,010.16M 52.40% Trading Statistics Diluted Shares Outstanding 107.35M Three-Year Stock Chart Average Volume (3-Month) 2,212,250 9.96X Margins and Ratios Gross Margin (LTM) Cash Ratio (LTM) Current Ratio (LTM) Debt to Enterprise Value 7.28% 14,000,000 $30.00 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 $15.00 6,000,000 4,000,000 $5.00 EV/Revenue (LTM) $35.00 $10.00 38.46% 16,000,000 $20.00 Insider Ownership 18,000,000 $25.00 69.60% 20,000,000 $45.00 $40.00 Institutional...
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