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懷疑論者第一論證: 1. 我們可以直接感知的都是現象

2. 如果我們可以直接感知的都是現象, 則我們不能知道心靈以外的事物

3. 因此我們不能知道心靈以外的事物。

前提1 用了康德對物自身及物現象的分法, “現象”也可為 SENSE DATA (感官資訊)。
我們所感知的不是物體, 只是心靈中的SENSE DATA。
支持前提一的論證 < 一 >: 1. 我們所能直接感知的會隨著觀察角度不同而改變。 2. 物體並不會因觀察角度不同而改變。 3. 因此我們所見的並不是物體。 4. 如果我們直接感知的不是物體, 則我們所感知的只是SENSE DATA。 5. 因此我們所感知的只是SENSE DATA

支持前提一的論證< 二 >:

1. 我們所直接感知的東西可以具有不一致的特性。 2. 物體不可能具有不一致的特性。 3. 因此我們直接感知的並不是物體。 4. 如果我們直接感知的並不是物體, 則我們所感知的只是SENSE DATA。 5. 因此我們所感知的只是SENSE DATA。


1. 我們直接感知的都只是現象, 即是物體呈現於感官的方法。(假設) 2. 我們不能透過物體呈現於感官的方法而知道物體實際上是如何的。 3. 我們對於外在世界的了解只是基於我們所感官。 4. 因此我們不能知道心靈以外之物是如何的。 5. 如果我們可以直接感知的都是現象, 則我們不能知道心靈以外的事物。


1. 我們看見有一部電腦出現於桌子上。 2. 因此的確有有一部電腦於桌子上。
以上推論不是演繹上正確, 因為有可能前提真而結論是假 (例如發夢)

以上推論也不是歸納上正確, 但如果修改正以下推論則會正確。 1. 我們看見有一部電腦出現於桌子上。 2. 物體呈現通常物體本身是如何的可據指示。 3. 因此的確有有一部電腦於桌子上。
如何知道前提2 是真?有沒有證據?

問題: 1. ) 如果我們要知道物體本身是如何的, 則只可以透過感官。 但我們沒有辦法比較物體所呈現的及物體本身。因此我們不能知道前提 2的真 確性。
2.) 要先假設我們的感官可靠才能證明前提, 於是會 begging the question

因此 前提”我們不能透過物體呈現於感官的方法而知道物體實際上是如何的”是真的。
前提 “我們對於外在世界的了解只是基於我們所感官”也是真的
懷疑論證前提二也是真, 而懷疑論證是演繹上正確的。

筒中之腦論證 1. 如果我們不知道自己是否筒中之腦, 則不會知道我們的感觀是否可靠。 2. 我們不知道自己是否筒中之腦。 3. 因此知道我們的感觀是否可靠。

同樣地, 筒中之腦論證也是演繹上正確的。

DEACARTE對懷疑論者的回應: 1. 認同我們所見的只是SENSE DATA 2. 不同意我們不可能知道MIND以外的任何事情 (外在世界)


對人類知識的基本假設: 1. 我們的感官基本上是可靠的。 2. 歸納邏輯可以有效地令我們知道自然法則。 3. 對於以住的事情, 記憶的呈現是可靠。 4. 我們可以透過其他人的外顯行為而知道他們的精神狀態。

以懷疑為基礎, 直到某個東西去到一個不可懷疑的地步, 就可以相信
因此DEACARTE指出兩個懷疑論ARGUMENT去懷疑所有事情, 看是否有一些事情是超然這兩個懷疑論證。

夢的論證: 1. 我們不能知道自己是否在做夢 2. 如果我們不能知道自己是否在做夢, 則我們沒法知道所感知的是否真實。 3. 如果我們沒法知道所感知的是否真實, 則我們不能靠感官獲知有關外在世界的知識。 4. 我們不能靠感官獲知有關外在世界的知識。

魔鬼論證: 1. 我們不能知道自己是否在被魔鬼玩弄。 2. 如果我們不能知道自己是否在被魔鬼玩弄, 則我們沒法知道所感知的是否真實。 3. 如果我們沒法知道所感知的是否真實, 則我們不能靠感官獲知有關外在世界的知識。 4. 我們不能靠感官獲知有關外在世界的知識。


“我思固我在”論證: 1. 我思 2. 所以我存在

這個論證是不能懷疑的, 因而是真確。
基於“我思固我在”論證的真確性, 可以推出其他真理。

存在論證 : 1. 邏輯上有可能我可以沒有身體而存在。 2. 邏輯上沒有可能我存在而沒有心靈。 3. 因此有身體並非存在的本貿, 而有心靈為存在本質。 4. 身體並非存在本質。

即使證明自己是存在的, 但也不能推出外在世界存在。

神存在論證: 1. 神擁有所有完美。 For all x,( if x is god, then x is perfections.) 2. 存在是完美的一種。(existence is a perfection) 3. 因此神存在。 For all x, ( if x is god, then x possesses existence)

神存在論證 1. 我有神的概念。 2. 形成一個概念的原因的完美性不比概念本身低。 3. 神的概念表現出神為最高的完美。 4. 神的概念是有原因的。 5. 基於神的概念的原因是神, 所以神是存在。

DEACARTE認為前提 2是先驗的

感官可據論證: 1. 神是最高的完美 2. 因此如果神存在, 神不會玩弄我們。 3. 神存在 4. 因此神不會玩弄我們 5. 如果我們被感官有系統地玩弄, 則神在玩弄我們。 6. 因此我們的感官基本上是可信的。

因此DEACARTE認為, 基於神存在, 我們可以透過正確的方法運用我們的感官功能而獲得真理。而我們之所以會犯錯是因為意志的問題, 例如不小心, 懶於思考。
而因為我們的感官是基本上是可靠的, 它們可令人獲得有關外在世界的知識。

知識的先驗基礎: 先驗真確為知識提供第一個基礎。
知識的經驗基礎: 為知識提供另一個基礎。
對於外在世界的推理: 我們所知的皆是由以上兩個基礎推理出來的。


1. 邏輯上有可能我可以沒有身體而存在。 2. 邏輯上沒有可能我存在而沒有心靈。 3. 因此有身體並非等於我存在, 而有心靈為我存在本質。 4. 我的存在不是等於有身體。

邏輯結構為: 1. 邏輯上有可能X可以沒有Y而存在。 2. 邏輯上沒有可能X存在而沒有Z。 3. 因此有Y並非X等於存在, 而有Z為X存在本質。 4. X不是等於Y。

反例 5. 邏輯上有可能TRACTATUS的作者可以不是維根斯坦而存在。 6. 邏輯上沒有可能TRACTATUS的作者存在而沒有任何性質。 7. 因此有維根斯坦並非TRACTATUS的作者等於存在, 而有性質為TRACTATU作者存在本質。 8. TRACTATUS的作者不是等於維根斯坦。


質疑2.) 神存在論證 6. 我有神的概念。 7. 形成一個概念的原因的完美性不比概念本身低。 8. 神的概念表現出神為最高的完美。 9. 神的概念是有原因的。
10. 基於神的概念的原因是神, 所以神是存在。

因為若果超人存在, 其完美必然比形成超人概念的原因高。(形成超人概念的原因為電影等等)

邏輯實證論者的回應 (洛克及羅素)

1.) sense data是出於物體。
2.) 最少有一些sense data是如實反映物體。

洛克同意懷疑論證的前提一, 我們所感知的只是sense data
洛克反對的為懷疑論證前提二, 他認為我們可以透過感觀經驗而知道

洛克對主張一的論證: 1. 一個沒有某種感官的人永遠不會有關於該感官的sense data 2. 我們所接受的sense data是不能控制的。 3. Sense data可分為兩類 1. 不能控制(有規律, 真實的。 2. 可以控制(混亂, 不實在 (例如合上眼睛) 4.) 由不同感官所接收的sense data是可以互補的

洛克的論證: 1. 以上四個命題的最佳解釋是sense data是出於物體的假設。 2. Sense data是出於物體的假設為真。 3. 因此物體是存在的。

支持前提一的回應: 1. 我們的感官經驗一定是有原因的。 2. 人不會感官經驗的原因, 因為我們不能控制sense data。 (我不能控制”我看見一個男人站在我面前”這個經驗。) 3. 因此最佳的原因為確實有一個男人站在我面前。 4. 因此感官經驗的最佳的原因為物體確實存在及我們與世界的互動。

洛克對主張二的論證: 1. 有一些性質可以由多於一個感官所觀察。 2. 這些性質的特點不會因我們的觀察角度改變而改變。 3. 因此這些性質是物體本身的性質。 4. 這些性質與我們的sense data是類似的。 5. 因此最少有一些sense data能反映物體的性質。

第一屬性: 物體本身的性質 例如重量,長度。
而第一屬性是sense data的原因
第二屬性: 於我們腦中反映的影像 例如顏色, 聲音等等


1. 為什麼要相信 ”以上四個命題的最佳解釋是sense data是出於物體的假設” 2. 最佳解釋的條件是什麼? 3. 即使以上假設的確是最佳解釋 為什麼就會該假設為真?
若果不能明確地證明物體的存在 則同樣也沒辦法相信物體的”第一屬性”


最佳解釋論證 1. 我們沒有理由相信懷疑主義的可能為真。 2. 沒有證據指出關於外在世界的假設是錯的。 3. 外在世界存在的假設具有高度的解釋能力。 4. 外在世界存在的假設為最簡單解釋。(遇到的難題較少) 5. 外在世界存在的假設有高度的預測能力。 6. 因此外在世界存在的假設為我們感官經驗的最佳解釋。 7. 外在世界存在的假設為真。


1. 相信外在世界存在為基本本能信念。 2. 本能信念是連貫一致的。 3. 沒有證據指出本能信念為假 4. 知識皆建立於本能信念。 5. 因此關於外在世界的本能信念為真
因此1-4推不出 5 (例如牛津物理學以及相對論)
羅素假設這樣的情況為真 Q:即一個理論如果是最佳解釋, 則該理論為真的機會會很高
唯心論 柏克萊

但不同意前提二 他認為世上存在的只有心靈及心靈內容。
柏克萊認為我們是可以知道外在世界是不存在 因此懷疑論是錯的。

對於柏克萊的論證有兩種解釋: 1. 主張 ”There is a physical world” 這句是沒有意思的。 2. ”There is a physical world” 是有意思的但自相矛盾。

解釋一的主張 1. 言語的意義是由經驗給予的 要解釋清楚一個字只需透過以往經驗。 2. 言語是描述生活事物。 3. 如果一個字並非經驗世界中的東西 則其沒有意思。 4. “物體”等字並非經驗世界中的東西。 5. 因此“物體”等字是沒有意思。
所謂”There is a physical world”中的”physical world”一字是沒有意思的。
例如當我對於”電腦”一字沒有任何感覺經驗 則我不會知道”電腦” 的意思。
“現象”指的是人心中的感官內容, 因此存在的只有現象界 而我們所能觀察的只是 sense data。
Sense data只存在於心中 當觀察就會存在 而不觀察就不存在


1. 想像中的東西都是心靈之內出現。 2. 因此不在心靈之內的東西不能設想。 3. 邏輯上不可能設想不能設想的。 4. 因此邏輯上不可能設想不在心靈之內的東西。 5. 因此不在心靈之內東西是不能設想的。 6. 不能設想的東西是不存在。 7. 因此不在心靈之內的東西是不存在。 8. 物體(外在世界)是不存在於心靈中。 9. 物體是不存在的。
由於物體不存在 因此存在的只有心靈 觀念以及sense data

對柏克萊論證的批評: 1. 如果唯心論為真 則難以區分真實及幻象 2. 引起唯我論 3. 與科學理論有衝突 4. 混淆了 concept及object 例如concept是”Vincent”這個名字 而object是Vincent本人。 “Vincent”這個concept是存於心中 不等於本人也在心靈中出現。 5. “不在心靈之內的東西不能設想。 邏輯上不可能設想不能設想的。 因此邏輯上不可能設想不在心靈之內的東西。”

以上論證具有這個形式 1. X是y 2. 不能設想y 3. 不能設想x 反例: 1. 昨晚所談及的是自相矛盾的東西 2. 不能設想自相矛盾的東西 3. 不能設想昨晚所談及的 因此柏克萊解釋二中的推論是有問題的。 6. 解釋一先假設經驗內容不是緣於外物而是sense data


要解釋一個字的意思可用以下兩個方法 1. 定義—以文字明確描述一個字的意思 (例如王老五即未婚的成年漢) 2. 例子—提出該字的一些典型例子及非典型例子

Meaning as use
一個字的意思在於一個字的日常用法 而懂得如何使用一個字即掌握其意思

哲學問題只是言語的誤用 要重新說明一些字的用法。
“So philosophical problems are not solved; They can only be dissolved.”


1. 前提一指我們可見的只是sense data—但這個前提是有問題的 要先分析”物體”及”sense data”的意思。

日常用法下的”物體” a. 物體是指一些佔空間的東西 例如有長, 寬等等。 b. 物體的典型例子有桌子, 筆等等。 c. 物體的非典型例子有快樂 ,夢等等。 日常用法下的”筆” a. 用來書寫 有其獨有形象 不會說”看到筆的現象” b. 不會說椅子等是筆 日常用法下”心靈以外”及”心靈以外” a. 我們可以直接看到身體,物體存在於心靈以外 b. 所謂於”心靈以內”的東西為感覺,腦中的影像等。

根據懷疑論的說法,我們手中所持的只是一組sense data,而不是”筆” 這個說法是什麼意思? 懷疑論者只是用了一些新用法,例如我們所稱”筆”,他們稱”筆的sense data” 我們稱”心靈以外”為”心靈以內”, 因此只是和我們用了不同但有相同意思的語言。 懷疑論者只是引用一些與日常用法相同意思的字詞,因此不足以證明日常用法為 錯,難以指出”我們可以直接觀察世界”是錯。
如果我們觀察到的只是一堆sense data,而不是筆,椅等等。
則什麼才算是筆? 因此是有問題的。


在其新用法下我們所知道的只是sense data
如果意思不明,則無法指出與common sense有什麼衝突以及如何證明懷疑論者的宣稱是真的。

如果懷疑論者不跟從日常語言而又不能解釋其給予的新意思,則其宣稱是沒有意思而且不能威脅common sense。
因此如果懷疑論者跟從日常語言, 則其宣稱是語言上的誤用。


1. 如果我們所感知的是物體,則即使我們不觀察其也會存在。 2. 我們不能知道當我們不觀察時物體是否存在。 3. 我們不能知道觀察的是否物體。

我們如何知道日常語言是正確? 答: 語言並非命題,不會有真假,而只是一套規則系統。 用錯的意思為,即不能跟隨慣常用法。例如說一個男人是女人 而日常語言就是一個標準去量度有冇”用錯”。 所以說一個量度準則是錯的似乎有問題。

對懷疑論的反駁 first argument from illusion 1. 我們所能直接感知的會隨著觀察角度不同而改變。 2. 物體並不會因觀察角度不同而改變。 3. 因此我們所見的並不是物體。

J. L. Austin’s example
“If [a] church were cunningly camouflaged so that it looked like a barn, how could any serious question be raised about what we see when we look at it? We see, of course, a church that now looks like a barn. We do not see an immaterial barn, an immaterial church, or an immaterial anything else.”

因此物體不會因我們觀察而改變,即使物體似乎因不同觀察角度而改變,物體也不會真的因為觀察角度不同而改變。(例如一支筆在不同角度下有不同色, 但不會因觀察角度不同而令筆的本質改變。)

對first argument from illusion的可能辯護: 1. 我們所見的物體不停出現變化,是基於觀察角度的不同。 2. 物體,如果有的話並不會因觀察角度的不同而不停變化。 3. 因此我們所見的並非物體。

The second argument from illusion 1. 我們所直接感知的東西可以具有不一致的特性。 2. 物體不可能具有不一致的特性。 3. 因此我們直接感知的並不是物體。
前提一是假的, 由不同角度觀察可以有不同的色彩, 但由同一角度看不會出現不同的色彩,因此物體不具有不一致的特性。

first skeptical argument 1. 我們可以直接感知的都是現象

2. 如果我們可以直接感知的都是現象, 則我們不能知道心靈以外的事物

3. 因此我們不能知道心靈以外的事物。

前提一是可疑的,由兩個argument from illusion皆失敗,無法支持前提一

second skeptical argument 1. 如果我們不知道自己是否筒中之腦, 則不會知道我們的感觀是否可靠。 2. 我們不知道自己是否筒中之腦。 3. 因此知道我們的感觀是否可靠。


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...Baden Powell’s ideology of 5Ps, Prior, Planning, Prevent, Poor and Performance has given a lot of positive outcome towards our current issues in life. As when we try to figure out where we will end up in the future years, this ideology goes to work. Knowingly, before we can set out a plan, we need to know where we want to end up. What position do we want to be in later in life? Do we have a 5 year, 10 year, and 20 year plan? What position do we want to be in when we retire? For that matter, when do we want to retire? Having a financial plan also helps us manage our money better and actually helps us make it stretch to achieve all the things we want in life. Financial planning helps us know where our money goes and how to keep money in our pocket or account for longer. We know what we want our money to do for us because we have taken the time to work it out in advance. Prior planning means that we avoid unnecessary and reckless spending on things we don’t really need. (Haven’t we all done that at some time?) We will know how much we can spend at any time and what our credit limits as to prevent shortage of money before we get to the end of the month. In conjunction with financial planning, there a few steps need to be taken in awareness. The first step is to work out what we want, what is important to us and what we want our financial future to look like. Investigate our personal values – those beliefs that we have about what is right and good. Most people make their decisions...

Words: 818 - Pages: 4

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...International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Clusters and supply chain management: the Amish experience Tom DeWitt Larry C. Giunipero Horace L. Melton Article information: To cite this document: Tom DeWitt Larry C. Giunipero Horace L. Melton, (2006),"Clusters and supply chain management: the Amish experience", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 36 Iss 4 pp. 289 - 308 Permanent link to this document: Downloaded by University of Akron At 11:41 23 March 2015 (PT) Downloaded on: 23 March 2015, At: 11:41 (PT) References: this document contains references to 26 other documents. To copy this document: The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 2473 times since 2006* Users who downloaded this article also downloaded: Anthony L. Patti, (2006),"Economic clusters and the supply chain: a case study", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 11 Iss 3 pp. 266-270 http:// Vichuda Nui Polatoglu, (2007),"Strategies that work – the case of an e-retailer in an emerging market", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 2 Iss 4 pp. 395-405 http:// Amit Sachan, Subhash Datta, (2005),"Review of supply chain management and logistics research", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 35 Iss 9 pp. 664-705 http://...

Words: 10445 - Pages: 42

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...INCEPTION Chen,Jialang -Story outline -Dream and unconscious -Personality analysis 18, April, 2015 Story outline Inception is a 2010 science iction film. A thief who steals corporate secrets through use of dream-sharing technology is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a CEO. Dream and unconscious Dom Cobb is a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable. Cobb's rare ability has made him a coveted player in this treacherous new world of corporate espionage, but it has also made him an international fugitive and cost him everything he has ever loved. After that Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible-inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime. But no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. In this movie, we can find one of techniques in psychoanalysis, which is dream analysis. According to theory, dream direct avenue to the unconscious. When people fall in asleep, it’s the most vulnerable. In this time, people are out of consciousness but unconsciousness was...

Words: 534 - Pages: 3

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...sdsdsdsdsaaaaaaaaaaaaaTen principles of finance are listed and explained in this ahort lecture. Principle 1. The risk-return trade-off Principle 2. The time value of money Principle 3. Cash—Not Profits—is King Principle 4. Incremental cash flows Principle 5. The curse of competitive markets Principle 6. Efficient Markets Principle 7. The Agency Problem Principle 8. Taxes bias business decisions Principle 9. All risk is not equal Principle 10. Ethical dilemmas persistTen principles of finance are listed and explained in this ahort lecture. Principle 1. The risk-return trade-off Principle 2. The time value of money Principle 3. Cash—Not Profits—is King Principle 4. Incremental cash flows Principle 5. The curse of competitive markets Principle 6. Efficient Markets Principle 7. The Agency Problem Principle 8. Taxes bias business decisions Principle 9. All risk is not equal Principle 10. Ethical dilemmas persistTen principles of finance are listed and explained in this ahort lecture. Principle 1. The risk-return trade-off Principle 2. The time value of money Principle 3. Cash—Not Profits—is King Principle 4. Incremental cash flows Principle 5. The curse of competitive markets Principle 6. Efficient Markets Principle 7. The Agency Problem Principle 8. Taxes bias business decisions Principle 9. All risk is not equal Principle 10. Ethical dilemmas persistTen principles of finance are listed and explained in this ahort lecture. Principle 1. The risk-return...

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...Essential Parts of an Argument Waled Albugalal Chapter 4 page 114 EN1420 Instructor Washington 4/22/2013 Week 4 Several different factors may be involved in the development of sleepwalking. These may include genetics (traits that run in families), environmental, and medical conditions. Sleepwalking is not associated with other sleep problems, sleeping alone in a room or with others, fear of the dark, or anger outbursts. Sleepwalking occurs more frequently in identical twins, and is 10 times more likely to occur if a first-degree relative has a history of sleepwalking. Therefore, it is thought the condition can be inherited. Environmental Factors Certain factors may cause a person to sleepwalk, such as: * Sleep deprivation * Chaotic sleep schedules * Stress * Alcohol intoxication * Drugs such as sedative/hypnotics (drugs that promote relaxation or sleep), neuroleptics (drugs used to treat psychosis), stimulants (drugs that increase activity), and antihistamines (drugs used to treat symptoms of allergy). Medical conditions that have been linked to sleepwalking include: * Arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms) * Fever * Gastro esophageal reflux...

Words: 287 - Pages: 2

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...International Economics, 9e (Krugman et al.) Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 What Is International Economics About? 1) Historians of economic thought often describe ________ written by ________ and published in ________ as the first real exposition of an economic model. A) "Of the Balance of Trade," David Hume, 1776 B) "Wealth of Nations," David Hume, 1758 C) "Wealth of Nations," Adam Smith, 1758 D) "Wealth of Nations," Adam Smith, 1776 E) "Of the Balance of Trade," David Hume, 1758 Answer: E Page Ref: 1 Difficulty: Easy Question Status: New 2) From 1960 to 2009, A) the U.S. economy roughly tripled in size. B) U.S. imports roughly tripled in size. C) the share of US Trade in the economy roughly tripled in size. D) U.S. Imports roughly tripled as compared to U.S. exports. E) U.S. exports roughly tripled in size. Answer: C Page Ref: 1 Difficulty: Easy Question Status: New AACSB Codes: Dynamics of the Global Economy 3) The United States is less dependent on trade than most other countries because A) the United States is a relatively large country with diverse resources. B) the United States is a "Superpower." C) the military power of the United States makes it less dependent on anything. D) the United States invests in many other countries. E) many countries invest in the United States. Answer: A Page Ref: 2 Difficulty: Easy Question Status: New AACSB Codes: Dynamics of the Global Economy 4) Ancient theories of international...

Words: 2790 - Pages: 12

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...INFT6300- Computer Game Design Learning Journal A learning journal is designed to support the activities of the course. It is a vehicle for reflecting upon the material the student is studying and is also a progressive record of learning throughout the duration of the course. It is used by the Coordinator as a means of assessing the student’s abilities in analysing, critiquing, questioning and problem solving. For this course your learning journal must be organised around the 6 course modules and furthered structured using the readings, activities and assessment items in each module. The Learning journal must be started in Week One and maintained throughout the reading and discussion activities. It should be added to during the course as new material is found and readings are reflected upon. The learning journal should build up into a valuable source of references and ideas for use both during and after the course. Material under a given topic should be gathered and cited for use as a reference base. Lists of references in the learning journal must also be accompanied by notes from the student’s reading, the main points you consider the author to be making and the relevance of the information. The learning journal will be submitted for marking at completion of the course. Note that it is allocated a large percentage of the marks in your overall assessment. Your learning journal should be computer-based or paper-based (i.e. a folder of work). Please obtain proof of posting...

Words: 421 - Pages: 2

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...Dfdfdfdf dfdf dfd dfd dfd sds dfdk wsdjd djfndk dlsn sldls qhuhq sldnmld shshs dkjhdh shshs ls dhdh slsls dhdhhs slsls dhdssls d d hshslsl dhdhdhdhl shssh dldldhs s sldldhb a ws fklfsd shnsl;f nsdksls fldsjssofkid slf ndlsjbf dow v;s vo9092 cvls fp;d slv wpjn f;ldns alf selwjf ;lswk flduw2 flsjh foseiurf fw;ldhf woenf asl;f wqgwshfoe wlf fvgu3 fgpgjhe gpw g2oeg; slfg svfv jieefbkef e fe Ddfbfkd flj wehj fejwe fldj sks sheue8u84 lf fe fljsa alnfideif ls fdne fldh fdl slfsbhfls fhdhd sl fhdhdlw fhei38f lsf shf dl uf ls fhsv dgdg dgfdg dff Coach Scott Brooks said Fisher hasn't offered any deep insight into his former team because "there's no secrets" when it comes to what's needed to beat the Lakers: steady defense, transition baskets and an edge in rebounding. What Fisher has brought to the Thunder, Brooks said, is toughness, a winning mentality and a desire to improve at age 37. "He's been in the league 16 years and he looks at himself as he's just starting in the league and he wants to keep getting better," Brooks said. "I don't think he realizes he's not going to get much better. He is what he is. But he still comes out every day to improve and it's refreshing "Definitely, it's shocking," guard Russell Westbrook said. "Usually I have four by myself." Brooks credited his team's ball movement, floor spacing and the extra week of practice it had after sweeping Dallas in the first round. Dfdhh dhdhdf hd dhf dh hd hd d h dfldd; hh dh dfh h dfsips fh...

Words: 270 - Pages: 2

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...Name: Jacob Hogan Date:3/3/16 Graded Assignment Section 1 Study Questions Instructions Save the file in your Finance folder, and name it with Study, the section number, and your first initial and last name. For example, Jessie Robinson's study questions for Section 1 would be named Study1JRobinson. Answer the questions for each lesson on the same day that you read the lesson. Save the file before closing it each day. Then turn in your answers to the study questions at the end of the section. Review Lesson 4 of the Course Overview for instructions about turning in your study questions. Assignment Total score: ____ of 9.0 points Answer each question fully. Complete sentences are not necessary. Lesson 1 (Score for Question 1: ___ of 0.5 points) Name at least two things financial planning could help you do. Answer: It acts as a guideline for your business. By observing the present, we can be able to predict the future (Score for Question 2: ___ of 0.5 points) What is trade? Answer: The action of buying and selling goods or services (Score for Question 3: ___ of 0.5 points) What is a service? Answer: The action of helping someone or doing work for someone (Score for Question 4: ___ of 0.5 points) Name one of the three functions of money. Answer: Provides an object to trade with backed by gold Medium of exchange Store of value (Score for Question 5: ___ of 0.5 points) The real estate market is categorized in which way? Answer: Markets are often...

Words: 622 - Pages: 3

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...The chemical composition of the human brain has always been fragile, being put in a state of battle can produce chemicals that have a massive effect on the body and mental state of being. Further factors include outside aggressors such as foreign chemicals and one’s own self. (PTSD) or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can only be developed if one has been exposed to a very traumatic event evolving an actual threat or serious injury, or a threat to a physical integrity of oneself or others. Most importantly a clinical experience with PTSD diagnosis has shown that most people who have been exposed to a horrific event do not necessarily acquire PTSD although that is the main cause of it; there was a vast amount of individual differences regarding the capacity or threshold to take a traumatic event. Very many illnesses have an effect on American literature, and this is because of how Agent Orange, Gulf War Syndrome, and PTSD came about. They affect literature by the way the media novels and authors portray them. Different people react to events differently; no one person is the same as one another. Like pain the traumatic experience is filtered through a cognitive and emotional process called appraisal. PTSD can take a very psychological and emotional toll on ones personal life, such as resentment and possibly force one to act out in odd ways. There are three different categories: pre-traumatic, traumatic and post traumatic factors. Pre traumatic could be anything from familiar...

Words: 1771 - Pages: 8

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...Ayudantía N°4: Molienda Ayudante: Javier Muñoz Fecha: 5 de mayo, 2011 Conceptos Generales Ley de Bond: Densidad Aparente: Modelo de H&F: Ejercicio 1 La operación de un molino de bolas convencional en una planta de concentración de Cu presenta los siguientes parámetros operacionales: Tasa de Producción Horas Operacionales Consumo Promedio de Energía Tamaño Alimentación (F80) Tamaño Producto (P80) 150.000 660 2.000.000 13.000 180 Ton/mes Hrs/mes KWh/mes µm µm Se espera que en el siguiente período, el tamaño de la alimentación sea más grueso alcanzando un tamaño de 26.000 µm. Para no afectar la recuperación del proceso de flotación, se debe mantener el tamaño objetivo del producto de la molienda. a. Asumiendo que el molino trabaja siempre a su máxima potencia y que el índice de molienda de Bond se mantiene constante, ¿Cuál es la variación porcentual en la tasa de producción de mineral producto del cambio en la granulometría de alimentación? b. ¿Cuál es el impacto económico en términos de ingreso bruto? Asuma un precio de venta de 4 US$/lb de Cu, una recuperación de 90% y una ley de cabeza de 1% de Cu. Solución: a. Para el caso 1, en que el tamaño de la alimentación es 13.000 µm, usamos la ley de bond: De aquí podemos obtener el índice de molienda de bond: Por enunciado nos dicen que el índice de molienda se mantiene constante, por lo tanto, será el mismo para el caso 2, en que el tamaño de la alimentación es de 26.000 µm. Podemos entonces obtener el nuevo...

Words: 563 - Pages: 3

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...Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is caused by groups of cancer cells that may spread to surrounding tissues or distant areas of the body that originate in cells in the breast. As of right now there are four standard ways of treating breast cancer: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. There are several different surgeries that can be preformed to remove the cancerous cells. Lumpectomy is surgery in which the tumor and a small amount of tissue around it is removed. Partial mastectomy is surgery to remove an entire part of the breast that has cancer and some tissues around it, this surgery is also referred to as a segmental mastectomy. Total mastectomy is surgery to remove the whole breast that has cancer. Modified radical mastectomy is surgery to remove the whole breast that has cancer and many of the lymph nodes under the arm. This surgery also removes the lining over the chest muscles and sometimes part of the chest wall muscles. Radical mastectomy is the same surgery but removes all lymph nodes under the arm. Patients who are treated may have lymph nodes under the arm removed for biopsy. This procedure is called lymph node dissection. It is preformed through a separate incision. Radiation therapy is the second type of treatment. This procedure uses high-energy x-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells or to keep them from growing. There is external radiation therapy that uses a machine outside the body to send radiation inside...

Words: 519 - Pages: 3

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...A PROJECT REPORT ON Target Submitted to PUNJABI UNIVERSITY, PATIALA Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the Degree requirement towards the MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION(MBA) Submitted By: Submitted To: Navjot Kaur Rana Mr.Jitender Kashap Roll no. 1801 Director of TCG 2nd semister SESSION (2010-2011) THE CORPORATE GURUS ACKNOWLEDAGEMENT I feel overwhelmed and express, beyond words, my heart gives thanks to the people who have helped me to complete my project. The employee of the factory and the member of the senior management of the Lotus Bawa were guiding factors without whose help it would have been impossible for me to do this project in detail. I express my sentiments of gratitude and indebtedness to honorable Mr.Jitender Kashyap, Assistant Marketing Manager, Lotus Bawa, Jalandhar, who gave me an opportunity to get training in their organization.I am also thankful to the other marketing department employees, who spread their precious for giving their vast knowledge. I am also my sincere gratitude to Dr Anupama Bains (Director) of THE CORPORATE GURUS,BANUR, for their guidance and inspiration, which served to be the sheet anchor in preparing this report. Last but not the...

Words: 7791 - Pages: 32

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...farmacevtuli kompania GE Pharma dResdReobiT saqarTvelo ekonomikuri zrdis procesSia da yvela dargi ganicdis ganviTarebas da maT Soris farmacevtuli kompaniebi, Sesabamisad ufro da ufro meti adamiani zrunavs sakuTar janmrTelobaze da amas didi adgili ukavia yvela adamianis cxovrebaSi, miTumetes 21 saukuneSi uamravi virusi da daavadebebi aris aRmoCenili ganviTarebuli teqnologiis meSveobiT, aman gamoiwvia farmacevtul medikamentebze mzardi moTxovna, Sesabamisad farmacevtuli kompaniebis saqmianoba mimarTulia ara marto sazogadoebis gamojansaRebasa da maTi keTildReobisaTvis, aramed fulis Sovnis da biznesis erT erTi saxeobaa. Cven gadavwyviteT qarTuli farmacevtuli kompaniis Seqmna, romelic ara marto Rirseul konkurencias gauwevs adgilobriv bazarze moqmed kompaniebs, aramed moipovebs bazris did wils da amasTan erTad adgils daimkvidrebs mezobeli qyveynis bazrebze. es kompania iqneba rogorc mwarmoebeli aseve mimwodebeli. Cven gTavazobT bevrad dabal fasebsa da umaRles faseulobas, romelic xelmisawvdomi iqneba mosaxleobis umravlesobisaTvis. farmacevtuli kompaniis gaxsnisaTvis saWiroa licenzia, romlisTvisac saWiroa 1 Tve Tanxmobis misaRebad gancxadebis Setanidan jandacvis saministroSi. kompaniis analizi saqmianobis aRweriloba: Cvens mier gadadgmuli yoveli nabiji mosaxleobis janmrTelobaze zrunviT aris nakarnaxevi. Cven vapirebT gavxsnaT ori qarxana, sadac vawarmoebT medikamentebs rasac arcerTi farmacevtuli kompania ar akeTebs saqarveloSi...

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