...Self-image has become an increasingly important concept in our society and with so much mental stimuli so easily available to us; it is easy to see how one can develop low self-esteem and lack confidence when they compare themselves to others. Hopefully, individuals are raised in an environment where important concepts of self-image and confidence can be cultivated in order to give the individual the necessary attributes to be happy, positive, and productive. “Our self-concept is essentially our identity-that is, who we think we really are. We develop our self-concept based on our experiences and others’ reactions and responses to us” (Pg.15 Verderber). This is important because if one develops a healthy attitude towards their identity, it will determine how they interact in society. This also means that our idea of who we are grows with how others interact with us. Interactions in society help one determine how they view themselves when they gauge others’ responses and reactions to the messages, persona, mannerisms, etc. that one gives. “Our self-concept is also formed and maintained by how others react and respond to us” (Pg.17 Verderber). This all leads towards the development of our perception of self; our self-concept and self-esteem. The following is an analysis of my own self-perception based on certain criteria and covers various topics in how I view myself, how accurate it is, how I developed this self-perception, and how this has affected my outlook on...
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...Running Head: ADOLESCENTS IMAGE OF SELF Parental Influence of Adolescent Image of Self Liberty University David W. Appleby, PHD, PHD May 2012 Abstract: Of the many different relationships people form over the course of life, the relationship between parent and child is among the most important. The quality of the parent-child relationship is affected by the parent's age, experience, and self-confidence. It can also be affected by the stability of the parents' marriage; and the unique characteristics of the child compared with those of the parent (Lian and Yusooff, 2009.) The parent-child relationship consists of a combination of behaviors, feelings, and expectations that are unique to a particular parent and a particular child. Wounded children - those who have experienced maltreatment, loss, and disrupted attachments - are often defiant, angry, biologically disorganized, and afraid to trust and love. (Academic Press, 2000) This paper will show how the relationship between a child and a parent affects body image and self-esteem. Important words to know: Self-image, Self-esteem, Body-image, Autonomy, Puberty, and Myelination. Adolescents deal with numerous issues while going through physical and psychological changes. This paper will focus on is an adolescent’s view of self, which includes self-esteem and body-image. Adolescents are no longer looked upon as children, but cannot yet be considered adults (Feldman, 2011.) Self-image is defined by Wikipedia as,” the...
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...In your own time- consider the symbol of the bottle: What does it say about your “Self Image?” On the day the question was asked, I feel as half full because I see myself as experience with some qualification and the ability to gain more knowledge through learning and finishing the course in order to see the bottle as full. On the other hand I was scared of the fact that will I have time to study hard for this course to achieve the grade, I see the bottle as half empty because I have never done the course before even though I was optimistic, I do not know what to expect and I question myself if this bottle can at least be half full. As a mother of three girls, 2 already in high achievement and the last still in secondary school wanting to be like her sisters, with 4 grand children and 31yesayrs of marriage, I see my self image bottle as half full and not half empty because, I do believe that I have brought up my children to be able to have peace of mind and not having to think of their survival every time and if I have to die today, I know and am sure that they will not suffer nor become liability to the society. And for grandchildren, I have got the best of both I feel proud to be able to introduce them to anyone at any time , they are my pride and joy and for my marriage 31years of anyone’s life is history, I have broken history of some marriage s and this I am very proud of. I am with very little qualification but I am blessed with experience to be able to say...
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...By: Sylvia Morgado Body-shame, everyone is talking about it, but do you know all the information about it. How it can affect, not only the mind but your body as well. Fat-shaming in today's society is enough to make anyone sick. Jean M.Lamont found a link between poor self-image and diminished physical health. Body shaming is;" unlike embarrassment, which represents a lighthearted response to the evaluation of social norms that others may find amusing, body shame involves a sense of social inferiority, and self-reproaol." So in other words it can in fact make you sick. It can affect you not only physically but also mentally. When people are constantly being told that they are fat, gross or too skinny, they will start to get depressed. Being told by multiple sources that people are "too fat", "too skinny", "you need to lose weight","she probably starves herself", are just the top of the iceberg when it comes to body-shaming. The problem with body-shaming, is that people do not recognize it as an "actual" problem. More the 24 million people of all ages stuffer. Not just woman but men too in terms of eating disorders. 95% of those suffering from an eating disorder are between the ages of 12-24. There are images all telling us to "loss weight" or "gain weight". Barbie, for example blond, skinny, what society "thinks" woman should look like. What is this saying to the younger girls, that you have to look a certain way to be beautiful? However, Barbies are not all bad, they have...
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...Looking back on the topic of self-image and the media, I have come to the realization of just how controversial this topic has the potential of being. Both sides of this topic have valid reasoning and facts to back up their opinions. At one end of the spectrum, businesses and corporations are convinced that having thinner, more beautiful models to represent their product is more appealing to the eye and draws in the customer. This is working for them; beauty tends to draw attention of the consumers. Thin, tall, and flawless is what is considered the standard of beauty in today’s society; by this standard, putting these types of models on billboards is logical, since they are trying to appeal to a broad spectrum of consumers. The opposing side...
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...Nursing Role in Helping Burn Patient’s Coping Abilities with Body image and Self-esteem Abida Sultana NU201: Family Focused Nursing November 16, 2012 Part I: Clinical Narrative and Clinical Question: It was my 2nd pediatric clinical weekend; I was still trying to cope with my first clinical experiences at Shriners. I couldn’t sleep the night before, checked on my daughter several times (more than usual) to make sure she was safe. It was an overcast, dark, very quiet Saturday morning as I made my way into Shriner’s Hospital. All the way to the hospital from my home, the only thing on my mind was “who is waiting for me today”? Is the patient going to be a toddler, infant, or adolescent? Can he or she speak English? If not how am I going to communicate with him or her? My heart started beating even faster, while I was waiting for my instructor to come and take us to the patient floor. At 6:30, we went up to the 3rd floor and our instructor assigned each of us a patient. My patient Flora, is a thirteen year old adolescent female from Guatemala. She has sustained 70% body surface area flame burn including face, chest, and back, upper and lower extremities in November of 2001. It was a total mystery what had happened, how she was burned. The person who saved her stated that the patient’s legs were tied together by her sister. Some others stated that she was burned from the flames of the fire crackers. After going to the 7th floor...
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...Spieler Kristen Hughes ENG 105 October 23, 2012 Women in the Media According to Dove Research, The Real Truth about Beauty, only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful (“Surprising Self Esteem Statistics”). Women in the media are shown as having a body type that is unrealistic and impractical. Although mass media has many negative effects on today’s women, including low self-esteem, an increase in eating disorders and an inaccurate definition of beauty, advertisements and thin models can also serve as role-model and as inspiration. From dolls to Victoria’s Secret models, women are exposed to all types of media images that portray “the thin ideal” from a very early age. Media pressure to be thin can cause individuals to have negative thoughts about their appearance. According to psychologist Tiffanie Domil, “Body image is the way people perceive themselves, and the way they believe others perceive them” (“The Influence of Media Images”). Therefore body image is all about what we see about ourselves, and our opinions of our bodies, even though they opinions may not be exactly true. For example, one woman might think she is overweight when in reality she is perfectly healthy. There have been multiple studies done to connect media to women’s low self-esteem. One example of the effects of media is in Fiji in 1995, when televisions were introduced. Statistics show that after 38 months of being exposed to media, females started to be more conscious about their...
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...live your most authentic given life. In having said that, when we live our lives by our own choices, we also experience our own trials and tribulations which in effect become our compass that puts us on the course we choose to take based on how we choose to learn, or ignore the lessons that life bestows on us. On our life journey, hurt and pain will be experience at some stages in our lives. When you are the cause of that pain, whether it is by deceit, betrayal or physical, as humans, there will be impact on your own life. When we are the cause of that pain we have the unique ability to punish ourselves, mind, body and soul. The truth is we allow ourselves to be punished. We make the choice to burden ourselves with guilt. We be-little our self worth and deem ourselves not worthy to be called upstanding human beings. The flip-side is we also have the choice to forgive ourselves, acknowledge our mistakes, take responsibility and then give ourselves a break. The failure with us is we tend to look outside of us to seek redemption. We look for other means or person to give us the OK and that all is forgiven and alright so we can let go of the past. Unfortunately there are no redemption tickets out there! Even if your victim or entity has expressed forgiveness, the road to your own peace and recovery is up to you and only you to make that choice. As humans there are times when we don’t mean to hurt someone, but we do. When we look back and realize we acted out of character, regretting...
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...The input interactions are creative directors or art directors toiling on particular publicity electioneers. Event photography proposes chances to photographers who relish sprouting images of populaces. The main marketplaces are weddings, anniversaries, graduations, celebrations and business proceedings such as symposiums or award ceremonies. The contacts for this kind of toil may be the specialties themselves or event organizers, such as conference coordinators, hotel managers or wedding planners. Sports photographers shoot live action at games and vend their images to newspaper and magazine publishers, or to the social establishment compering the games. Sports photographers may work on obligation from a sports editor on a separable publication, or they may find an event and proffer the images to an amount of publications. The main contacts are sports editors or art directors at newspapers and magazines, or marketing and municipal dealings managers of sports clubs. The word "photography" was coined from the Greek pedigrees “phōtos”, genitive of “phōs”, "light", and “graphé”, which is "representation by means of lines" or "drawing", mutually meaning "drawing with...
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...problem under discussion. * Photo Editors Photo Editors are those software that are used to manipulate, enhance, and transform images on a computer. With the advancement in technology, now a huge number of photo editors are available online i.e. there is no need to download photo editing software. There are hundreds of such software available and they all provide almost same functionality. Some basic features of such software are crop, resize, merge, and liquefy, adding texture, changing color and so on. * Adverse Use of Photo Editors * Photo editing can be used to destroy company’s reputation. Edited pictures, with fake results/effects of the product can be used to displease their consumers. * Edited pictures such as attaching someone’s face to someone else’s body can be used to give threats. The victim can be forced that way to provide money to the editor or obey his orders. * Companies can use it for fraud. They might show fake pictures to the customers and convince them to use their products. * Sometimes people use editors to display fake story. That story might get viral over the internet and bring fame/satisfaction to the person who created it. * Photo editors can be used to easily remove the water mark from pictures, documents etc. and steal someone’s work. * Effects of Edited Images on Society * Such images change the mind set of people. Extreme use of editing in fashion industry to show models slim and flawless is making millions of...
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...Martha Rosler likewise stands for the considerate and gentle creative reaction from photographers. Lucy Soutter in her Documentary Dilemmas essay brings up Martha Rosler’s argument on documentary Photography and her critique of the social-documentary agenda, which Rosler considers to be intensely defective and severely faulty. (Soutter, 2013). The motive behind this statement appears to be Rosler’s belief in the need to help the victims of the documented pictures rather than achieving goals of taking them. Goals that are normally involved around supporting personal objectives of the photographer while producing stereotypical war imagery and forgetting the victim’s needs in front of the lens “She argues that rather than helping its depicted...
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...collectively. They both worked on these painting equally. The efforts of both artists are in each painting which is rare to find but it makes these images unique. Even though they work collectively on each painting they took turns and work on it separately at different times. Working this way subtracts each other’s work so an idea that DiMambro had when painting may be different than Rushing’s when he came in to paint. The ideas each artist has for the painting may change but it came out good in the end as if just one artist painted the picture. In most of DiMambro’s and Rushing’s paintings the objects and characters are outlined which emphasize each part. It makes the characters bold so that they stick out. This collection of art is also very colorful and has a common, bold, color of red in most of the paintings with a shiny finish. Circus images always seem to be bright with an exciting atmosphere. The way the paint was brushed on was not perfectly smeared. You can notice the lines and brush strokes. It is not one solid coat like a painted wall. Most of the circus project paintings are close up, there is not much distance especially compared to Robert Morgan’s watercolor paintings. We as the viewer are able to see the character and objects close up. It is interesting to see these paintings have images of clowns. Clowns is not an image that you see very often, which makes the work that much more extraordinary. Clowns are the most iconic figures in the circus. They...
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...When comparing photography and a painting as an aura, the photograph is an image of an image while the painting remains entirely original, “that which withers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of the work of art" (219). The painting is a sensory experience of distance between the reader and the work of art. “For the first time in world history, mechanical reproduction emancipates the work of art from its parasitical dependence on ritual” (p. 224). The value of the work has been changed and no longer retains its religious or secularized beauty.” Instead of being based on ritual,” Benjamin notes that the function of art “begins to be based on another practice—politics” (p. 224). Art and media begin to merge, when the mystification between art and society begins to diminish social roles of artist and educators...
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...To me, photography is a way to capture a moment in time. Fancy equipment is not necessary to take wonderful images. Learning to see like the camera sees and knowing your internal vision are much more important than expensive equipment to photography. Most important is that you have the desire to take great images and be willing to learn. My name is Mahmood. I’m Bahraini and I was born in 1992. I started my first photography experience when I was twelve or thirteen years old using my friend’s camera and my first photo was my nephew’s portrait. My first camera that I bought with the own money was Nikon D40. Somehow photography became the joy of my life. Photography is fantasy that I can never have enough of it. I am so touched by photography that I started learning it using you tube and internet site. In other words, I am self-taught. Photography is my calling and hopefully one day would be my profession, and the thing that will undoubtedly drive me insane someday. I don’t photograph subjects. I photograph the way they make me feel. Admittedly, it’s a bit of a strange concept. But it’s honest – and it’s the best way to describe my approach to the craft. I wrestle with every image I shoot. I assume perfection is possible and I want to squeeze it out of every picture. If that’s all you ever know about me, it’s enough to say you know me very, very well. Though, currently I am studying interior design, I am always thinking about photography. As I grow older, my personal taste is...
Words: 354 - Pages: 2
...Van Gogh’s impulsive application of paint and symbolic laden colours are skillfully combined to express subjective emotions that are at a constant war internally. Frozen features, hard and emaciated with deep sea green eyes appear perturbed and obstinate as they hold the onlooker in a transfixed state, while his facial expression remains calm his eyes are rimmed with a look of precarious insecurity, their focus is not on what is occurring outside but rather inside his mind. A tranquil mixture of absinth green and faded turquoise dominate the painting as they are held in a striking antithesis with the explosive, vivid orange of the beard and hair, these clashing colours illustrate the clashing of his thoughts, emotions and even his idea of “self”. The jeopardy and turmoil is straining to be able to keep its agitation and trembling under control. Van Gogh challenges the calm connotations of cool greens and blues, as he jarringly contrasts them with the fiery red hair and beard, the unease created perfectly reflects the psychological state of the portrait. The dissolving colours and tempestuous patterns strike a cord within the viewer, which signals the feeling of distention and pressure. This symbolizes the...
Words: 1506 - Pages: 7