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Service User Perspectives Essay

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Service user perspectives are often excluded from traditional approaches to risk assessment, which focus on professional views of risks and challenging behaviour. At XXXX we believe that our emphasis on service user inclusion, which forms such an essential part of a human rights based approach to healthcare, also fits well with government policy for service user involvement,
The risk assessment looks at four areas of risk;
- risks to self,
- risks to others
- risks from others
- risks to property.
Within each area of risk, common risk issues and difficulties (for example personal safety, self harm, and physical aggression) are itemised (see risk assessment file)
The need for involving service users is made explicit within the assessment …show more content…
- Traffic light scoring sheet: to record the service user’s assessment of their risk.

A service user inclusion based approach to risk, means ensuring service users are as involved as they can possibly be in their own risk assessment process. Whether the service user participates fully or contributes to a small aspect of their risk assessment, some involvement has almost always been possible. However, we recognise that when someone with a learning disability is initially involved, they might not be able to take part in every aspect of their risk assessment process. Their ability to engage might be affected in different ways.
Speaking to each service user to find out how they would like to be involved in their risk assessment is essential. They may want to complete the assessment with their key worker. They may also want, or indeed choose not to have, input from family members, advocacy services or chosen support staff. Local Authority and other agencies may also need to contribute.
A number of elements have been helpful in considered how best to involve the service user in their risk assessment. These may include thinking about the

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